Setting:My house
Cast:Jasmine,Jasmine's mother,and Prodigy
J.M.- now I won't be back until 1:30am so don't leave this house.
J.- OK,mom I want.
J.M.- OK then I will be calling to check on u.
J.- bye mother.
J.M.- bye.
*J.M. leaves*
Prod- hey baby she gone?
J.- yea.
Prod- OK I will be over there in 10 min.
J.- OK.
*10 minutes later*
*prodigy knocks*
*J. answers it*
Prod- hey baby.
J.- hey babe
Prod- u want to get started?
J.- I've been ready.
Prod- let's go.
*prod carries jasmine up the stairs to her room*
In her room
Prod- I'm a give it to u good tonight.
*prod gets on top of jasmine and kisses her*
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