Queen of the Damned Club
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added by Greeneiris
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Source: www.gifer.com
added by XXXplicit
Source: www.wall.alphacoders.com
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
added by XXXplicit
Source: www.v3wall.com
added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
added by XXXplicit
Source: www.gifer.com
added by XXXplicit
Source: www.kinopoisk.ru
posted by Greeneiris

I'm Jorge Saralegui, the producer of QUEEN OF THE DAMNED. I've been involved with the project since early 1998 — shortly after Warner Bros. hired Michael Rymer to direct, which is before we even hired a writer to adapt Anne Rice's work. Since then I've been involved with all of the decisions that have been made in the making of this motion picture, and was on the set every day (and night!) of our Melbourne shoot. As a result, I hope to be able to answer most of your questions regarding QUEEN OF THE DAMNED: its genesis, the script's development, its casting, the shoot, the music,...
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added by Greeneiris
added by XXXplicit
Source: www.v3wall.com