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Source: hqdiesel, corel, ipiccy
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added by karlyluvsam
buffy the vampire slayer
added by karlyluvsam
When Cas and Zoey finally came downstairs more guests had arrived. And among the guests there was a four year old girl. She had blonde, wavy hair, green eyes, chubby cheeks and thin lips. She ran towards Zoey and Zoey lifted her in her arms.
“There you are, Poppy” Zoey said.
“Mommy” the girl squeaked, squeezing her chubby arms tightly around Zoey’s neck, suffocating her.
“Is that Alexia?” Cas asked. Zoey nodded and put her daughter on her own feet. “Say hi to Emmanuel, sweetie”
Alexia reached out her hand and smiled. “Hello, Emmanuel”
Cas accepted the tiny hand and Alexia...
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Cas and Zoey carried the luggage upstairs to the spare room, which was across Daphne’s room. Zoey put down the luggage and threw herself on the bed. Cas stared at her, unsure whether he should stay or leave.
“Come here” Zoey said and she tapped on the bed.
Cas slowly walked to the bed and sat down, looking as if he was sitting on needles.
“You really need to stop looking like that” Zoey said. “I won’t bite. And besides, you’re the one with the super strength and the magic fingers” She looked at him. “Daphne told me what you did. You saved her life and mine. I owe you an...
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Two weeks later

Daphne was in the shower, Zoey was out and Cas was sitting at the breakfast table when the bell rang. Still in his dressing-gown and bare feet he opened the door and stared at two older people. The man had grey hair, a big nose, brown eyes and chubby cheeks. The woman had chestnut hair, but that wasn’t her natural color. She had green eyes, a sharp face and thin lips.
“Are you going to let us in?” the man said. His wife was a little too shocked by the fact that Cas wasn’t dressed yet.
“I can’t let strangers in” Cas said.
“Those are my parents, moron” Zoey said....
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“Where’s Zoey?” was the first thing Daphne asked.
“She’s at the hospital” a nurse said. “She’ll be alright, but you need to go too, for a checkup”
Daphne shook her head. “I feel fine” she mumbled. She looked down and realized she was naked under the sheet. She looked helpless at Cas. He wrapped the sheet around Daphne’s body like a dress and lifted her in his arms.
The crowd parted when he came their way and walked past them.
Twelve seconds later they were home. The door was still open and Cas carried Daphne over the doorstep. He carried her upstairs to the third room...
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For the third time that day someone was ringing the bell. Cas walked in the hallway and stared at the door. “Daphne and Zoey are not here. Maybe you should come back at a more appropriate time”
“Emmanuel, open the door”
It was Meg and she sounded scared to death. Cas quickly opened the door and looked at a terrified Meg. Before he could ask what was going on she threw herself in his arms and started crying. Cas, not knowing what else to do, tapped her on her back.
“This feels rather uncomfortable” Cas said difficult. “Perhaps you could let go of me?”
Meg let go and took a step...
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Zoey was driving on Front Street. They were almost home. Daphne hadn’t said a word during the entire ride. Not because she was still angry, but her migraine had gotten worse.
“Can you give me one of those muffins? I’m hungry” Zoey said.
“How, for the love of God, can you be thinking of food right now?” Daphne mumbled and with her eyes closed she searched for the box.
“You’re going to have to take a peek, I put it on the backseat” Zoey said.
Daphne groaned and opened her eyes. She turned around on her seat and lifted the box from the backseat. She opened it and lay it on Zoey’s...
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Daphne and Zoey were drinking coffee in Starbucks, at 62 Founders Parkway. Daphne had ordered some donuts with it. Taking your own snacks was against the rules of the house, so they had left the box in the car.
“You’re going to eat those?” Zoey asked, nodding at the donuts.
“No, I’m going to take them to Mrs. Fueller and shove them up her big, fat butt” Daphne said angry.
“Well, that would be a waste” Zoey said.
Daphne rubbed her eyes. “I’m not feeling very well. I think I’m getting a migraine” she said.
“You want to go home?” Zoey asked.
Daphne nodded. “Yeah,...
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Someone knocked the door and Cas jumped up. He wasn’t supposed to let strangers in. But the person outside kept knocking and ringing, so Cas shuffled the hallway in.
“Who’s there?” he asked.
“It’s me, Meg” the person outside said. “From across the street? I brought you a plate with muffins earlier”
The door opened.
“I know you” Cas said. “You’re not a stranger, you can come in”
“Thank you” Meg said sweet and she smiled as he let her pass. She entered the sitting room and turned around. “Okay, confession, I waited until your girlfriend left before I came up...
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Daphne parked her car at 309 Jerry Street Suite 202. She and Zoey, who was carrying the box, stepped out of the car and walked towards a building with the name ‘Hope’s Promise’ on it. As they were walking an older woman came their way.
“Daphne, how lovely it is to see you again. The children have missed you” she said and she lay her hand on Daphne’s cheek.
“Not as much as I missed them” Daphne smiled.
“Zoey, how are you, my dear?” the woman asked, taking Zoey’s hands in hers.
“Oh, well you know, trying to save my soul from eternal doom” Zoey replied sarcastic.
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Two hours later Daphne was baking cookies, while Cas was staring at the screen of Daphne’s laptop.
“How do I turn it on?” he asked careful; Zoey was in the room. She walked towards him and pointed at the start button. “This button” she said polite. She was still shaking from Cas’ last move. She’d had no idea he could be that strong.
“Thank you” Cas said. He looked up with puppy eyes. “Is your shoulder still hurting?”
“I’ll live” Zoey said soft.
“It was not my intention to cause you pain. My first priority was protecting Daphne” Cas explained.
Zoey raised her...
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Cas and Daphne were sitting on the couch, when Zoey came in. Cas quickly looked up, but Daphne kept her eyes on the photo album, lying on her lap.
“I see you two are talking again” Zoey said and she sounded a little disappointed.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” Daphne mumbled. She lifted her head and gave Cas a kiss on the cheek.
“I saw Shannen in the bakery today” Zoey said. “She’s my daughter’s babysitter, FYI” she said to Cas.
“Okay” Cas said. He always felt uncomfortable in Zoey’s presence.
“You’ll get to see her soon” Daphne smiled. “You’re...
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One week later.

Cas, Daphne and Zoey were sitting in the kitchen having breakfast. Cas still hadn’t learn how to use a fork and a knife and so again he was eating with his fingers. Zoey sighed irritated and pulled Cas’ plate to her. She grabbed her own fork and knife and cut his egg into pieces. She then aggressively shoved his plate back.
“See how it’s done?” she asked disdainful. Cas looked down at his plate.
“Can’t you try and be nice?” Daphne said. Zoey looked at Daphne. “What? The guy’s a total idiot. It’s annoying”
Daphne rotated her head to Cas and smiled. “How’s...
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Daphne was cooking dinner and Cas was putting the table. He was doing it with so much caution it made Daphne giggle. He looked at her and frowned. “What? Am I doing it wrong?” he asked concerned.
“No, honey, but it’s called putting the table. You don’t have to put so much effort to it”
The door opened and Zoey walked down. She raised her hand. “Wait…Just hear me out” she said. “I’m sorry. I totally overreacted. I didn’t mean to be such a bitch. It’s just that I’m worried. I’m trying to look out for my little sister”
Daphne smirked. “And I love you so much for...
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“He’s a cop, Zoey!” Daphne exclaimed. “What else do you need?”
“I’m sorry, D, I wasn’t thinking” Zoey said.
Cas was sitting at the kitchen table watching Daphne and Zoey arguing.
“Perhaps it might be better if I would find another place to stay” he suggested. Zoey rotated her head to him.
“Finally something smart coming out of your mouth” she said. “You know what? Get up, I’ll drive you myself”
Cas stood up, but Daphne walked to him and pushed him on the chair again.
“You’re not going anywhere” she said sharp.
Zoey took a deep breath. “Maybe we should...
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Zoey was walking down the food department in the supermarket when she collided to someone.
“I’m sorry” the man apologized. He squeezed his eyes. “Zoey? Zoey Allen, is that you?”
Zoey rolled her eyes. “That has got to be the worst pick up line ever” she said disdainful.
“You don’t recognize me?” the man asked.
“Of course I recognize you” Zoey said contemptuously, while she threw some food cans in her cart. “I’d recognize your dumbass face even if it were covered in…well, I’m sure you can think of something” She pushed her cart forward, hoping this would be the...
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added by brileyforever77
Source: Not Mine
“Sir, can you hear me?”
Cas slowly opened his eyes and blinked. He lifted his hand to shut the sharp light out. Someone was pointing a really small flash light at his eyes.
“Sir, I need to check your eyes. Could you hold your hands down, please?”
It was a man and he was wearing a white coat. Cas vaguely remembered these people were called doctors.
“Looks all good” the doctor said. He looked up at Cas. “You are one very lucky man, Mister…?”
Cas shook his head. “I don’t know what my name is. I don’t know anything…about anything” He said it as if he was talking about...
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Hilarious video i just came across! Hopefully this one again will make u even more excited about watching One Tree Hill:) This shows that funny side of the show <3 but also mixed with serious moments ;) enjoy! <3