Hay love anime and games and to RP have a dream to make the most epic anime ever with a series of RPs then this is perfect for you you won't be discriminated for spelling and only the good guys and certain creatures known as lochellens is OP all I ask is that you don't mind the parings I wanna do no hentai aloud otherwise have fun fallow the link link
Posted over a year ago
Its Sad that this place is dead..like..RIP Random Roleplaying. I will remember the good old days when all you had to do was refresh the page and see 3 responses waiting for you.
Posted over a year ago
Wow, this place has changed since I was last here... If anyone is still around, let me know if you'd be interested in a pirate or circus rp - I've had an idea for both, and it's been a significant amount of years since I was active here, and I recently stumbled over a handful of my old forums from the account I deleted. So, if you ever rped with BlackPetals, tis I! Probably not going to start back up with any of those, because it's been so long, but I'm down for new adventures! Let me know :3
Posted over a year ago
You know its sad when you used to be up at the crack of dawn to roleplay, and now you can sleep until noon and have nothing to reply to...
Posted over a year ago
True, I remember when the first page of updates wouldn't go farther back than a day or two. Now you can see forums from several months agoover a year ago
Hi guys! I know I haven't been on here in a while due to some form of shit but I'm back now and everything is settled. I hope you guys aren't thinking I'm a total asshole or something like that. (Psst: It's totally ok if you do)
Posted over a year ago
Hello! Uh, my other account gonxgon...I lost the password to. It's also hard to be on and roleplay when school is driving you insane. Welp, I'll try to be on as often as I can.
Posted over a year ago
Hello! I haven't been here in a long time! I was just hoping someone could gimme a re-cap on stuff that's happened and maybe do an RP together! I was kinda in the mood for a steampunk/dieselpunk RP if anyone's interested.
Posted over a year ago
I'm part of a Disney RP group that's still looking for members to join and bring our favorite stories and characters to life. Come check it out! Plenty of open roles available! link
Posted over a year ago
Sure. So far Belle, Beast, Anna, Kristoff, Hans, Hercules, Snow White, Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, Pinocchio, and Charlotte La Bouff are takenover a year ago
I really SUCK at writing but i have so many ideas and i absolutely love to roleplay! Any advise? Everyone here is so much more organized and well versed on the topics they roleplay with and I have absolutely no energy to even attempt to achieve that level of immersion and depth any more. :(
Posted over a year ago
I used to suck at writing, and what I would do and still do is have someone review my works beforehand. Doing so it has improved my RP skill.over a year ago
It's not the quality of.the words themselves it's the content. I feel like I have no content any more. It's funny you should say that , because I used to be the opposite despite some glaring errors in reading some of my older stuff i was pretty good for my age back then. Now it's bleghover a year ago
@Hades_Shadow that is an awesome idea. And you're right, Grey, it's just a matter of taking a leap. It's just you are all so much better at this then me and there's a competitiveness in me that wants to impress people.over a year ago
trust me, you're probably better than me and better than you think!! Just try it out and you'll get better with each role play!!!! i cant wait to see what you do!!! Remember to have fun with this elephant!!!!over a year ago
I just need a forum (sci-fi, cyberpunk, steampunk, etc) where I can develop a character I recently created. An automaton turned bitter after years of being modified and advanced to the point of gaining a sense of self with morals alien to that of a human. I haven't created that much of a world for it but it does have an extensive back story. It's been a really long time since I've rp'd and I just want to practice.
Posted over a year ago
Besides the awesome RP E.D.E.N(#Shameless Plug), i made a second RP called Dreamcast for those who wanna try something different!
Posted over a year ago
alright ive had very little experience in role play but i wouldnt mind giving it a shot if you dont mind im a creative thinker... sort of to be honest i dont know what i am
Posted over a year ago
Alright, well, hey, I guess I'm the newbie now. Well, I've never role played before, but this page was suggested to me by Firebird06721 so here I am to try it out. It sounds pretty interesting and I can't wait to try it out!!
Posted over a year ago
Welcome Kevin!! I'm so glad you're joining our club, and I look forward to hopefully roleplaying with you soon. Also, I'm excited not to be the newbie anymore lol
Posted over a year ago
Welp...hello? I am sorta new to Fanpop. I'm gonxgon but you can call me by my real name which is Kevin. Um, I'm glad to be apart of this club and I can't wait to roleplay with you guys.
Posted over a year ago
I dunno. I honestly left like a year or two ago cause of the massive amount of smut and lack of time I had and only came back today cause I really miss making characters and all. I dunno if Ill join again, particularly since there dont seem to be stories that interest me and I dont have any stories in mind. That plus Im even busier than before and dont even know if I could keep up with an RP XDover a year ago
massive. MASSIVE amounts of smut and mellodrama HOLY mother of god like it was a soap opera. oh and the smut was like the most distasteful and offensive form of smut i had ever seen.over a year ago
When you read the old roleplay forums and are ashamed of how terrible your execution on smut writing was haha. As a 14-year-old I just really had no clue of how to write properly DXover a year ago
For the first time...I am actually bored. Like legitimately bored. So I went back and scrolled through some of the older rps on the forum, and I was astounded by some of the ideas and plots that I saw.
Conclusion: I think I should have found this site a lot sooner xD
Posted over a year ago
Ever wonder what it would be like to see the future? To be a part of something much bigger than it seemed? Well the Foreshadowing For Fun RP is up and ready to get on the move!
Ilvermorny: the American Wizarding School RP is now up! Please join so we can start off on a good leg, it's like hogwarts, but American!
Posted over a year ago
I have a Pokemon RP on Fanpop, its not a club but it is a pretty cool RP, we use the X,Y, OR, AS Games to regulate what happens in the battle, and then we would comment what happened.over a year ago
Okay, so what is this club about 'cause I want to join! My friends and I do role playing sometimes (but only when we're EXTREMELY bored).
Posted over a year ago
Hey guys! Rusafa is here! I'm a new member of the club! I just loove Rp... Hope I'll be able to see and share many different ideas and also to make some cool friends'
Posted over a year ago
Hey everyone, deathding here with a little update. Now, for once in my life I'm taking a bit of a break from article-making and making a new RP on this very club! Here's the link if you're interested: link
Story will be explained there. Have a nice day!
Posted over a year ago
Hello everyone, i'm new to this club, however, i'm no stranger to Role Playing. I hope to meet some cool people and join, or even start my own cool Rp's here as well.
Posted over a year ago
Everyone, if you could read the Game Central Station article, it's a RP club I made and am trying to revive with good solid fun RPers! (Aka you guys)
Posted over a year ago
Hi everyone! Newbie here, but not at Rping! I came across this club and saw some really interesting ideas, and hope that I can contribute as well.
Posted over a year ago
Have you ever wanted to have superpowers? Come and join this RP as you navigate through a school filled with people who are almost like you.
Posted over a year ago
Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has kept this club alive while I have been away. It means a lot to me that you all have stayed here and kept on making new roleplays. So thank you everyone who has stayed and comes back everyday to roleplay. :D
Posted over a year ago
Hey I am a new member of this club, and I want to let you all know that I have made 2 RP's on this club, Pottermore: the RP, and Darkened Existence: the World Beyond
Posted over a year ago
Posted over a year ago
Hello m'dears. I'm back from the grave, somewhat, and I was curious if anyone would be interested in a roleplay about nekos and owners, and all that wonderful slave/master stuff. If so, I'd love to create one, since I'm trying to become more active here and on Fanpop in general. If you'd like to help me plan/work out details, great! Inbox me or something, I'd love having help with it. X3
Posted over a year ago