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Has anyone been getting this message?

I've gotten this for some recent uploads, all saying the same thing. not a single one of them was breaking the rules and definitely not "broken", whatever that means here.
Has anyone been getting this message?
Broken means the link no longer works.. When I get that it's fair enough, when not, it's not worth paying attention to cause some Karen didn't like it and pressed report
Canada24 posted 1 month ago
^^ makes sense. But there seems to be no commonalities among the content being reported! It seems like they are just reporting everything!
Etincelle posted 1 month ago
 Etincelle posted 1 month ago
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NectariaKiritsi said:
Unfortunately yes, I got this message a few times, but it only happens when I uploaded images to this club and I consider it to be annoying and I don't understand why this keep happening and like what other people say, it's nothing but "false flagging".
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posted 1 month ago 
Canada24 said:
just ignore it
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posted 1 month ago 
FaithRise posted 1 month ago
Thank you 🙏🏻😊
Etincelle posted 1 month ago
FaithRise said:
A few weeks ago yes.
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posted 1 month ago 
zanhar1 said:
It just means that the youtube video got taken down. Nothing you can really do about it.
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posted 1 month ago 
But none of these are YouTube videos, that's why I'm asking. They're completely harmless images.
Etincelle posted 1 month ago
PopPixie---- said:
Yes and I hate this!
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posted 1 month ago 
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