Red Dwarf Movie

ebathory posted on Aug 11, 2008 at 07:43AM
I know there has been talk for years now (nearly a decade) about a Red Dwarf movie - but I have been doing a lot of reading on the net to see if I could glean any new info. I found a lot of rumours and unsourced quotes, but was unable to find anything solid past about 2004-5. I was just wondering if anyone knew anything? Much appreciated.

Red Dwarf 10 replies

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over a year ago jeremyandreani said…
I'll second that, it would be great to know if there were any solid plans.
over a year ago djpolofish said…
The movie isn't happening just yet, but yesterday a friend recived payment at Pinewood Studios for the filming of a four part Red Dwarf. and yes this is true.
over a year ago ebathory said…
Really? That is so cool, so it's a four-part tv special or something?
over a year ago orlabobs said…
i heard, fm a video on youtube with robert (ive put it on da page) dat theres gonna be a one hr eppy that they hope will allow them to make a film.....
over a year ago ebathory said…
I know thank you so much for adding that I watched it last night! Can't wait, and hope it gets a good reception so they make a film afterwards.
over a year ago Mel_52 said…
big smile
Well now we know that there is going to be 3 new episodes!
I cant wait!!!
over a year ago oblix said…
yeh they're doing hour long specials.. i don't know too much about it but i know one was released on the 10th this month, i've put it onto the links.
over a year ago oblix said…
big smile
ok, i've sorted myself out and now i understand more fully.

Yes this easter there were 3 NEW episode released, back to earth they're named the story is split into 3 parts. I've added all 3 onto fanpop now.
over a year ago ebathory said…
Wow! I didn't know they had been released already! Thanks oblix, I'll watch them tonight. Are they good?
over a year ago oblix said…
~YES, well they're different and fun.