Robot Chicken Updates

a photo was added: Robot Chicken And His Wife 3 months ago by JeszieDestromp
an icon was added: Gadget over a year ago by shamad
a video was added: Rescue Ranger Nudity over a year ago by shamad
fan art was added: The Humping Robot over a year ago by shamad
a video was added: KRABBY PATTIES ARE MADE OUT OF CRAB!! over a year ago by BB2010
a comment was made to the poll: Did you guys like how Strawberry Shortcake told Baby Needsaname that Bitch Pudding might've had Aspergers or sometng? over a year ago by Renarimae
a poll was added: is the mad scientist SCARY? over a year ago by trisha1
a poll was added: Do you think that Courage the Cowardly Dog will meet Bleach in Robot Chicken ? over a year ago by Arlong44
a pop quiz question was added: What is the Mad Scientist's full name? over a year ago by sexxibabee
a comment was made to the question: If Robot Chicken made a parody of Penguins of Madagascar, what do you think should happen in it? over a year ago by jakewolf
a video was added: Aquaman Vs. Big Oil over a year ago by snazzpurfle13
a poll was added: Favorite part of "the rescue" over a year ago by zzzzszsd
a poll was added: think the skinny nerd should have own show? over a year ago by zzzzszsd
a video was added: kids make funny stop motion over a year ago by mrstaticaddict
a comment was made to the video: Casper and his mom over a year ago by TheDarkBoy
a link was added: Seth Green talks Robot Chicken @ NYCC over a year ago by anicho01
a comment was made to the poll: What is the funniest bit on Robot Chicken? over a year ago by jpaddict1993
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Robot Chicken over a year ago by batz1267
a comment was made to the question: If Robot Chicken made a parody of Penguins of Madagascar, what do you think should happen in it? over a year ago by 1kowalskilover
a comment was made to the question: If Robot Chicken made a parody of Penguins of Madagascar, what do you think should happen in it? over a year ago by 1kowalskilover
a poll was added: Did you guys like how Strawberry Shortcake told Baby Needsaname that Bitch Pudding might've had Aspergers or sometng? over a year ago by mostar1219
a comment was made to the video: robot chicken- the two michael jacksons over a year ago by mostar1219
a comment was made to the video: Robot Chicken Alvin and the Chipmunks over a year ago by mostar1219
a comment was made to the video: robot chicken-A DBZ christmas! over a year ago by tevoz
a video was added: Casper and his mom over a year ago by mostar1219
a video was added: Robot Chicken Alvin and the Chipmunks over a year ago by mostar1219
a poll was added: What is the funniest bit on Robot Chicken? over a year ago by Gissele365
a question was added: If Robot Chicken made a parody of Penguins of Madagascar, what do you think should happen in it? over a year ago by mostar1219
a video was added: The Joker's Death over a year ago by thejokersgirl13
a video was added: The Joker at Arkham Asylum over a year ago by thejokersgirl13
a poll was added: Which should be seth greens robot chicken characters’ catch phrase over a year ago by CyborgChicken
an article was added: Lyrics to Order 66 Song from Robot Chicken Star Wars 3 over a year ago by gromboatz
a poll was added: Which is better? over a year ago by CyborgChicken
a comment was made to the video: Giraffe Five stages of grief over a year ago by sephyma-jones
a pop quiz question was added: Who was sent into space with Aerosmith? over a year ago by AWarnerS
a comment was made to the poll: Mario's Ride? over a year ago by Lharbauer
a poll was added: Mario's Ride? over a year ago by Lharbauer
a comment was made to the poll: funniest bit... (Add Your Own) over a year ago by Lharbauer
a screencap was added: 1x01 The Deep End over a year ago by jlhfan624
an answer was added to this question: would anyone liked to see a gears of war parody over a year ago by hammy100
a link was added: Watch Robot Chicken Season 5 Episode 5 – Malcolm X: Fully Loaded over a year ago by mild09
a link was added: Watch Robot Chicken Season 5 Episode 4 Kramer vs Showgirls over a year ago by mofilamz
a comment was made to the poll: did you like robot chicken star wars edition! over a year ago by hammy100
a comment was made to the poll: which show is funnier over a year ago by sugarcane15
a comment was made to the poll: Whts your favorite adult swim show? over a year ago by sugarcane15
a poll was added: Whts your favorite adult swim show? over a year ago by Lelouch33
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Who did aliens use to take over the world? over a year ago by koolkat-1104
a question was added: would anyone liked to see a gears of war parody over a year ago by gear13