Scabior in Part 2? OH DEAR GOD, I LOVED HIM SO MUCH. <3
And my friends and I are all covinced that he did not die. xD We came up with about a million different ways he saved himself, such as apparating before he hit the ground, or the 'Aresto Momentum' spell.
Posted over a year ago
I love conspiracy theories! I've been coming up with reasons as to why he isn't actually dead as well! He had his wand, right? And we never saw a body, right? HE IS NOT DEAD, DAMMIT! :Pover a year ago
well idk if im right but they say he did not die and he had floated off on a piece of wood into the forbidden forest to save himself according to jk rowling thats just what i herdover a year ago
So WORMTAIL, of all the scummy characters who is supposed to die DOESN'T die in DH, yet Scabior, who isn't supposed to die, dies in a BRIDE COLLAPSE?!?! After dueling NEVILLE?!?! Pathetic, *facedesk*
Posted over a year ago
About the Pop Quiz questions that ask things along the lines of "Who's the hottest guy in Harry Potter?", and all four choices are Scabior,
a. That's an OPINION, not a fact. Just because you think he's hot does not mean that everyone else shares your sentiment.
b. That's not a quiz question. Not to mention the fact that they're nearly impossible to get right and rely 100% on random guesswork.
Make as many PICKS as you want about how hot you think Scabior is, but don't spam the Pop Quiz.
Posted over a year ago
Okay, it's been a while...kinda, so I'm going ahead and asking the F4 to change the banner. To the one that says "Scabior" only.
Also, while we're on the you think we need an icon and motto change too, or just the banner. I'm thinking maybe a new icon also...What do you guys think?
Posted over a year ago
I was thinking that this spot could maybe use a new banner. I don't know if anyone agrees with me, but I made a few banner suggestions, they're under images. The only difference is that one just says "Scabior", and the other one says "The Scabior Spot". Anyways, let me know what you think. And if no one else thinks we could use a new banner, I can get rid of them, :)
Posted over a year ago
I just read that Scabior dies in DH part 2. *Gasps in horror*
IT's not even an EPIC death, he dies after the bridge he's battling Neville on collapses. Are you freaking KIDDING ME?! A BRIDGE COLLAPSE?! Pathetic, *facedesk* I just died a little.
At least Neville didn't kill him, now that would have been REALLY embarrassing for Scabior, Lol.
Posted over a year ago
A little quote I found on Tumblr comparing movie Scabior to book Scabior:
"... In the book, Scabior has all the appeal of a box of mud."
I agree, :P But in the MOVIE...........;)
Posted over a year ago
I was reading about DH part 2 online, and apparently Scabior and Neville duel on a bridge during the battle of Hogwarts!
Should be epic! Except of course for the fact that Neville probably wind since he's a "good guy", *eyeroll*.
Will you guys be rooting for Scabior or Neville?
Posted over a year ago
Updates for this Spot:
KateKicksAss, KateKicksAss, KateKicksAss, etc. We seriously need to campaign for some more members to join. We can't be the only ones who like Scabior....can we? O_O
Posted over a year ago