The angel went up.
Sesshomaru braced himself if attack. He instigated this battle, but he should have known it was a battle he couldn’t win!
How life can change so quickly. Sesshomaru had heard this saying before, but it bore little meaning. To him life has been the same since he was born. He was a prince, the heir of a wealthy kingdom on the far west of the Demon World. His father the demon Great Fang ruler and general of the Dog Demon race was a demon of immense power and stature had ruled over their nation for the last thirty two hundred years. His mother the demoness White Moon who was of equal rank, yet much younger than her mate was heiress of the Lunar Hounds, which co lined with the king’s lineage respectively known as Line of the Fang. Both lines held equal privilege and rites to the throne of their kingdom, which made Sesshomaru their only son whose time would be known as, era of the Moon Fang at the time of his succession the one and only rightful heir of the kingdom. For the prince this lead for very strict and traditionalized patterns of life that he found rather tiresome and repetitive and always… always far too predictable, but it was life as he knew it.
Being the son of great parents he had inherited it all, grace and beauty that came from both parents, but mostly from his mother, and power which was innate and came almost entirely from his father. All of this made life come easy to him, it was all in a bundle like a neat little package, the perfect gift for the world. Even his fame as prince was world renown for reasons as said and when it came to the day of his father death, the world awaited the news of the newly crowned successor of the kingdom.
On December 12 early in the 13 century the mighty lord Great Fang died of a tragic defeat in the defense of his mistress and second born child, both of whom he loved and cherished dearly. Sesshomaru succeeded the throne, and the flag of the Moon Fang was raised by the 20 of that month. Usually by tradition the first year following the death of a Inuyoukai Lord was always put aside for a period of respective silence and fasting, a representational time for grief and lament to symbolize the end of a great era, however with the kings judgment having been called so severely into question and his mistress whom he claimed to love more than life itself was discovered to be human, the court ministers and nation had made the decision to, this once, to waver that tradition. There was no funeral, or period set aside for mourning, the outcry over the fact that he had given his life and his throne for the sake of a mortal and a half-breed son was so great and the insult so severe, Sesshomaru was immediately accepted as successor and the throne passed instantly to him.
The announcement came at once and the flag was raised by the end of the first week. It was the only period of time in his life that he had known the abruptness of change. It was a difficult week for Sesshomaru and in addition to the shock of his father’s death he also had to face the fact that his father whom he had admired and loved so dearly had failed to meet his end with honor. He was forced to ignore his emotion and grief as he turned from a boy prince to a mature lord and king in a day; it was expected, given the circumstances and with it the era of the Moon Fang dawned.
200 years later still the same could be said.
And so here he is, after a life of predictability and repetitive tradition, and defining principles, he stood sword out prepared for battle, with the expectation for victory, as usual. Only it was different.
The angel stared down at him.
Sesshomaru braced himself further, sprawling his legs out in the position to sprint. His sword unsheathed and held in his ready hand, as he stared calculating, attempting to predict the creature’s next move or should he strike first? He contemplated his position; he had the ground, while his opponent had air, this could work to his advantage he thought, he could use the hard ground to launch himself with great speed and force while the opponent had only the velocity of his wings to pull back or block, which would leave him slow and unable to dodge.
Though this sounded like a good plan, Sesshomaru didn’t act for he knew that these petty facts were meaningless, and that his opponent was no ordinary enemy. Basic strategies of battle were useless, this creature was no demon, thus could not be faced as one. Sesshomaru didn’t care; he was no push over himself this of course being the voice of an arrogant demon full of pride with its eyes filled with the ferocity like a beast that had caught sight of its prey. He would tear this creature down, or his name was not Sesshomaru lord of the Westernlands.
He was lord of this land and he intended to keep it, and would for as long as the centuries permit, it was his obligation, but before him was an angel, a messenger sent by God and in his hand was Tokijin.
The angel’s eyes burned with fire, as it drew forth its sword. The blade glowing red like a brand… he’s about to make his move… Sesshomaru’s thought’s told him, and held on the ready. He welcomed it, the relief of a worthy challenge, finally after years of knocking aside useless and equally worthless nothings he finally met a creature that could bring up his arousal. Kick start his warrior’s spirit and bring out the light in his eyes. Mentally he had to thank the creature even before the battle started. More so never had he been more grateful over the encounter that brought the angel and this challenge upon him, or so he thought at the time, for not far from where they now faced lay the body of a slain priest.
The body lay torn in two, with one arm amputated in an awkward position on the dirt road upon which the priest had been traveling. That day Sesshomaru was also on that road heading west, at the time he was moving with great speed eager to return to camp where he had left his ward Rin and servant Jaken to wait for him until he had completed his survey of the lands for that afternoon. Early in the day he had sensed that a rain storm was brewing out in the east over the sea, and from the direction of the winds he expected the lands would be engulfed by a mild typhoon that evening, so he was in a hurry. He needed to get back to Rin and Jaken, especially the girl because she was merely a human and find needed shelter. The last time he left her out exposed to the elements on a day like this she came down with a bad fever and he had to take her into a village where she was treated.
The humans who treated the young girl for those several days were hostile and rude to him he despised them, yet for the girl’s sake he was willing to leave her with them until she regained her full health. Taking her back was equally unpleasant, for the humans found it necessary to protect her from him. Ridiculous since he was the one who rescued her from death, and had cared for her ever since. He rarely felt such a strong urge to kill a human than he did that day when he charged into the village and swept her away. The humans who saw him coming attempted to prevent him from taking her, they grabbed the girl and tuck her into a hut, while standing guard outside with pitchforks and spears, and some even had bows drawn. It was just an ordinary village with ordinary people, there wasn’t even a village priest present, but they were persistent, and so he knocked aside the pretentious guards and tore open the door. Rin came flying out, “Lord Sesshomaru!” apparently she loved him, but this the humans couldn’t see, what they saw was possession, and he wanted to kill them for that.
But he didn’t kill anyone, not before Rin. That he would never do, or let her see, for he knew that her eyes would not handle it, but for the moment he was free. The road was open and Rin was still miles away. She wouldn’t know if he came back with blooded hands. His demonic power would have cleaned them long before he got there, and the mortal girl wouldn’t know any different. These are the thoughts that came to him when he came upon the priest who had been marching eastwards towards him and had been for some time.
In the instant the priest came in sight Sesshomaru had a thought to avoid him and fly. He didn’t need this, but something about the appearance of this particular priest stopped him and made him curious. It was not the first time he saw this type of priest roam the lands in his country, but it was the first time he had caught one that was alone. Usually they traveled in groups of up to seven or twelve followers, but this priest was entirely alone and apparently very old. Given that Sesshomaru felt no need to jump over him, or take to the air sailing, he just continued to walk, a priest of this type and age would be no problem to deal with, maybe he’ll just walk past and the old man would fail to recognize him as anything out of the ordinary. He knew a spell that put out an illusionary image of himself as an albino Asian, a traveler just on the road which worked well enough on most beings, but apparently not on this one.
Once his attempt at passing the old man failed he knew he had bargained with a confrontation, and so it was. Now he was the lord of these lands, a Demon Ruler, but this priest was Christian.
It didn’t take long for Sesshomaru to cut him in two, he was quick to sever his arm with one sweep of his claw to draw the book which it clutched away from the body before slashing at it with a single wave with his claw and the man toppled to a rather clean mess on the road. The blood didn’t begin to spill until both pieces were equally settled in position as they lay now bathed in pools of crimson that encompassed the road.
The angel appeared soon after that, but not before Sesshomaru himself had taken a moment to consider something strange. He looked to the book that the priest had held to tightly pressed to his being, and noticed that it was glowing. This wasn’t the first time he had killed a Christian in this country, and certainly he had killed plenty before during his traveling days wondering around Europe. He had even entered a country church in Romania once out of bare curiosity, much to his disappointment and sheer boredom. Nothing happened and the nuns and the priests even a little choir boy ducked and hid out of the way from first sight of the strange white creature who came wondering in through the supposedly locked door in the middle of the night.
What were they doing up this last at night anyway, didn’t mortals need to sleep, he thought to himself at the time, as he walked up to the altar and simply looked around. He looked at the book, he looked at the symbols he looked at the priest and the women cowering next to him and to the little choir boy who hid quivering in a corner ducked down with his arms wrapped around him as though to shield his body from harm. Last he looked at the figure on the wall above and beyond the altar, to that forlorn figure of a man nailed upon a cross. How crude, he thought to himself, but it did nothing to or for him, so he left. Shut the doors behind him and wondered back out into the night.
That was years ago, and though he was curious then the same type of curiosity came back to him now. His eyes caught on that book, he moved to approach, what power does it behold… and why does it glow so? He thought as he made his way to investigate it, then a voice stopped him. No it wasn’t a voice, or not a voice alone, it was a bell, a very low thronging hollow sound, followed by the low and longwinded call of a horn.
The angel appeared about a second after the sound ceased, and he was amazed at the sight.
At first there was a light, sudden and blinding and then it diminished a figure appeared in its place. This figure was radiant and appeared in the form of a man clad in golden armor with white wings that arched outwards from his back. He stood about the same height as Sesshomaru, but his face was much whiter and even more fare. His head was adorned with pale golden hair bound loosely in a braid that floated on the air behind him, and his eyes shone without any trace of color or form. His armor was of weightless gold and was shaped and polished to the form of wings that arched over his shoulder and skirt, his breastplate was smooth and gleamed with a matching shield at its side and sword hung from its belt. His wings were feathered and immense and emitted a luminescent glow that was both adjacent and yet separate from the energy that Sesshomaru could sense radiating from the creatures main body. Almost as if they were separate from him, but operated in unison with his spirit and being. He could make out nothing more of the angel’s face.
Heh, interesting, Sesshomaru mused as the creature came to full manifest before him. Grinning as he slowly drew his sword from his belt and held it beside him. Its long blade, Tokijin gleamed in swirling hues of blue and violet from its demon power. Strait away he stood ready and spoke out, as he held forth the blade, “stranger, who are you and why do you appear before me?” his eyes transfixed on the angel, but the creature was silent.
“I’ll ask again, who are you and why do you appear?”
This was it, the beginning. The fight didn’t commence head on, as moments of silence lingered, much to Sesshomaru’s dispassion as he came to feel like he was being ignored. However it did provide him with the opportunity to study his opponent. The angel was beautiful, he had to admit, easily the most gorgeous thing he had laid his eyes on in all his seven hundred years of life in this world, and its grace: the way it moved, everything. It was almost mechanical and unnatural like the expected behavior of a highly trained soldier, disciplined so thoroughly that it came as second nature. Leaving the impression upon the young demon lord that wherever this creature came from must be a marvelous place. Massive courts lead by lords of unimaginable grace and excellence with their servants and fine trained soldiers, where everything is perfectly in line, and kept in order by a superbly superior power. So much unlike the world he now knew it, with its disarray, violence and corruption, not least his substantial contempt for pretty much all astray that moved. Someone must truly love this being to adorn him in such extravagance, he thought to himself as he had a moment to reflect on his personal condition, and taking note that having considered a simple kimono and bare feet good enough for someone as important to himself Rin, the innocent and sweet creature that has come so close to softening his heart, not once had he considered providing her with anything better.
Yes he was a lord, but deep down, he knew that he was a lord, who felt no passion, no love for this world, but this creature just by his appearance it was perfectly evident that he, a servant clearly to someone had to be held so dear to radiate with such splendor. Sesshomaru loved no one, at least not enough to dress them up like that.
He was impressed but that was it, then finally the angel drew his sword.
So he did come to fight. This was exciting, finally a challenge, something worth his time. And perhaps, just perhaps he would enjoy this one…. that he would actually have some fun. Like a boy at his first official sparing match with a demon of equal strength, at the time, to entertain daddy’s court. He wasn’t granted permission to kill the demon, but he could injure it, that’s how Sesshomaru felt now, except this time he did have the right to kill, for such was the rules of war. To draw your sword you must be willing to use it. To die for the sake of battle, or survive and conquer and Sesshomaru intended for the latter. To live by the sword is to die by the sword and that is all there was to it.
Sesshomaru a demon who lived by his sword prepared himself to launch when something unexpected happened, the angel launched instead. It was unexpected that it happened so fast Sesshomaru hadn’t time to react to the sudden collision and the next thing he knew he was flying backwards mouth agape sword still in hand, but pinned down from the speed in which he cut through the air and hit the ground below carving a grove in the semi soft earth about a hundred meters long till he finally came to a halt in a pile of dust in a wide open field.
It hurt. His entire body ached from the pressure of the attack, an attack he couldn’t even see coming. His eyes were the fastest in all the land, he has even received the highest praise for how quick his sight was by the elder demons of his father’s court, and how his father had smiled over the reckoning of how everyone cheered and praised his son for everything he prove himself to be. This child was priceless he was excellent, a great demon he will make someday, all this he had heard his whole life, and yet at the first chance he gets to truly prove that their praise wasn’t in vain not only could he not see it coming, but he ended up being knocked plainly on his back. Sent like an arrow over the earth and carved into a grove deep enough to be his grave, he leaped out. Sword still in hand, the breath back in his lungs, what was that? I couldn’t even sense it. As his thoughts raced the angel came back to view. This time it was Sesshomaru who commenced the attack and launched himself at the angel. There was a clash of swords and Sesshomaru flew back, but it wasn’t enough to send him flying and he bounced back, the Tokijin clashing down on the angel’s sword that was now beginning to glow brilliantly red.
Sesshomaru flared his aura, but the angel was unyielding. By now he could feel the heat of the angel’s sword arching in over the aura of Tokijin, and was growing fast. Sesshomaru testified his grip sending more power to the blade that it bursts with demonic light and power, yet the angel showed no sign of intimidation. Its red blade now perfectly ignited the color of molten rock, Sesshomaru could smell the scent of something burning and the heat licked at his face. Sesshomaru drew back, it was out of instinct his attack had made no advance, not even with all the power he had summoned, which was far more than he had used since his training sessions with his father years ago, even in those days he was able to drive him back giving what he had at the time, his own father the demon Great Fang, and yet this creature this angel from the heavens didn’t budge, but the worst part was, it didn’t even appear to faze him at all. Already this creature was making small work of him, which Sesshomaru himself had yet to realize, but reality was to strike soon enough.
Clearly this was going to be no easy victory and he needed a new strategy and he needing one now.
Attack and fight and win the battle that’s what all his training and life had taught him, in a situation like this, there was little more a demon like him could do. Defeat or be defeated, were the thought that came to his mind as he came upon the grass of the open field, intending to charge once again when his eyes caught sight of his sword and he gasped. Tokijin was a powerful demon sword, the newest addition to his armory that he had commissioned to be forged himself, and he wasn’t disappointed by the result, where until this day had yet to let him down—he froze, unbelieving at first as he let his golden eyes collect the condition of the blade.
The sword was sizzling, and in the spot where it had made contact with the angel’s blade was a deep grove where the metal had been thoroughly melted away. It looked as though a bight had been taken sheer out of the steel with teeth hot enough to melt clean through. This is what demons called wounds on their weapons and it was a deep one and spreading. The wound deepening and widened and threatening to melt the sword in two, as drops of molten steel fell to the earth, Sesshomaru knew this sword was finished. Its aura was now flaring about wildly, but not in the way it should, more like something seething in pain, and it crackled giving the impression of the consumption of dry leaves, smoke loomed outwards from the steel edge and before he knew it black engravings appeared on its broad side and the blade went blank. His eyes remained transfixed. Purified, Tokijin was dead.
‘Damn him!’ Sesshomaru exclaimed as he tossed the dead sword aside and grasped for Tenseiga, his only other option. This angel was no small time and meant business, for not only did he charge him head on with a force he couldn’t perceive or comprehend, he had already succeeded in unarming him… and yet it occurred to him, why didn’t he draw Tenseiga in the beginning?
Instantly he realized his error and was repulsed. Fool! Sesshomaru could have called out cursing at his own idiocy, and as he did the angel smirked. Sesshomaru’s attention caught instantly on the expression, and right away his humiliation was redoubled. It came apparently clear that this creature knew exactly what he was thinking and was mused. His opponent had just realized a fatal error one that would surely cost him this battle, he was fighting a creature from another world and he drew Tokijin, an evil sword created from the fang of a demon from this world and he drew it to fight off an angel he could have kicked himself and it amused him. “Draw your sword,” said the angel, the expression fading as he said these words then was completely gone. It was the only time during their battle that the angel showed any change or sign of emotion.
Sesshomaru did as said, and drew the Tenseiga. The blade gleamed blue and a thrill tone emitted from it as the blade began to glow and intensified. “Now duel,” said the angel.
So this was a duel? Really…. is that all? Sesshomaru obliged and charged strait for the creature, this time properly armed and clashed their blades, the agitation completely gone from his face.
It was out of instinct that he drew Tokijin; he attempted to reason with himself, to excuse it, instinct for battle. He never faced a being like this before, the closest he ever came to this were those two stone guards at the gateway to the afterlife he faced while perusing Naraku and his little brother, an event which was still very fresh in his mind since not a month had passed since the incident occurred. He drew Tokijin then as well, though the sword at his hip new better.
The Tenseiga now glowed with a fierce and familiar blue light, and he had to curse himself further for ignoring the consistent pulsing he had felt from the sword since the angel arrived. He was a fool, he had to admit it. He just had to go for it as a true demon, to use Tokijin and cut that angel down out of his pride and for what it was worth. Now the Tokijin was dead and worthless, like a slaughtered corpse on the ground, a victim of battle and required being replaced.
The angel came down for a second attack. This time Sesshomaru blocked more readily, though he was still sent backwards, it was clear that the Tenseiga had more a hold on the angel’s sword then the feeble Tokijin. The angel’s sword was blazing hot, and the light it emitted was greater. This concerned Sesshomaru a great deal since this battle relied almost entirely on the strength of his sword; he feared that with force the blade would break. Fearing the outcome he pushed back with an attempt to separate himself from the angel, and he succeeded in doing but at the same time the angel also drew forth his massive wings and launched himself backwards. His movement came with such speed that would have caused anyone else sudden whiplash, and shot onto the sky.
Sesshomaru attempted to follow through and race after him, but before he could leap from the hard soil there was a burst, and a ball of light appeared before his eyes, and all at once the ground exploded below his feet, and he was slammed downwards. The pressure of the attack was so intense that it left him literally imbedded upon the dirt. When the light cleared he found he was on his back at the bottom of a massive crater, and that the angel was standing over him, sword in hand with the deadly tip pointing downwards at his throat.
He could feel the searing heat of the sword come not inches from his flesh, and the reality came swiftly to him… he lost. Lost! He was not injured and Tenseiga still blazing with power was in his hand. Only he was on his back and the angel standing over him. Its blade was at such close range that it could have ready to plunge into him at any moment, and there is no way he could doge it or defend. Training with such beings like his father and others who were stronger than him at the time taught him to know when you are hopelessly beaten, and this was exactly it. He was dead, if that was the angel’s intention, but it wasn’t and the angel withdrew his sword. “Get up.” He said while backing away and leapt from the crater.
“You are not finished.”
That was a curious way to put it, for he certainly was not as he recovered the ability to sit up and move to his liberty, as soon as the angel touched down on the upturned earth at the crater’s edge Sesshomaru had leapt out to the opposite side, landing in a crouching position with Tenseiga held out in front of him in a defensive pose. He was beaten, and he knew it, that could have been the end of him, but the angel had chosen not to end it. What to do in a case like this, he never went down so easily, not even against his father? What was the correct response, surrender, fight… what?
And yet the angel made it perfectly clear, ‘you are not finished yet.’ He wanted him to fight, and Sesshomaru instantly recalled that he called this fight a duel. So he didn’t come to kill him so he came for a different reason… interesting. What could it be then? This was a strange way to respond to the slaughter of a priest, Sesshomaru thought, but launched anyway. His defensive stance turned instantly to a strike a brilliant light streamed out from the Tenseiga. The angel swung his weapon to catch the blade as it came piling down upon him and this time had to brace him, tensing his wings and arching his knees at the force Sesshomaru sent upon him. The light from the sword engulfing the full expanse of the clearing and even reflected in the clouds above, and no doubt could have been seen for miles around. The angel spoke, “good, then you can summon it.”
Summon it, “Summon what?”
“Your Saharah.”
“My what?”
At that point the angel’s power flared and Sesshomaru was forced to pull back, he had no idea of the true depth of this angel’s power, for all he knew that was just the tip of the iceberg. And though he yearned to know the extent of it, something else told him that it was the wrong idea to force it, and encourage that power to come upon him, not out of fear, but caution, out of common sense. Though his passion burned for that challenge, he didn’t even care if he lost or was killed in a fool’s assault, for how likely was he to get another change like this… and yet the question burned in his head, what was this thing he said, this Saharah?
He never heard that word before, and the angel addressed it as something that was his? What did this creature know that he didn’t even know of himself, and all of a sudden the question seemed more important than the battle, a little backwards, but he had to know? He drew back and ceased his attack. “What do you mean? Tell me what is this Saharah that you speak of?”
“You do not know it?” asked the angel, seeming surprised.
“No, which is the reason why I ask.”
“Then I shall not tell you.”
What, “and why is that.” Sesshomaru’s eyes glared and narrowed, not liking the sound of this.
“Because you do not know it, then you are not meant to know it.”
This answer was unacceptable, something that he possessed and yet he was not meant to know about it, absurd!
“No, you will tell me what it is!” Sesshomaru said with force, positioning his blade up for another attack, but once again the angel foiled his attempt and he few backwards. This time it was a force of wind that threw him back, and carried the sound of the angel’s voice, “hear this demon, if you do not know the meaning of your Saharah then I cannot help you, this you must discover on your own.”
Help me… the very sound of it was ludicrous, help him, what did he need help with, the angel’s vagueness was exasperating, “fine then, if you will not tell me then I have no further use for you, bygone!” and he leapt and swung his blade, high up in midair this time sure that he held the higher ground and fired his attack, “Dragon Strike”, he called it. Usually he summoned this attack from Tokijin which sent an immense surge of demonic energy at his opponent surfacing in the form of a raging blue dragon, summoned from Tenseiga, however the dragon was somewhat different and instead of a snaking form that charged his enemies strait on it had wings and plunged down to take its target with the full engulf of its expanse. The dragon plunged down and engulfed the angel, wings sword and all. This was Sesshomaru’s strongest attack, the best he could muster out of his 200 years of practice and training and wondering the world since his father died.
With patience he waited the result of his attack. Assuming he’d find him rather pleased with himself for just injuring the creature a little, to see him just a little disheveled, with ruffled feathers and messed up hair, possibly even low on breath, but was disappointed. Once the light cleared and the dragon’s form dispersed the angel remained luminescent and glowing and completely untouched.
That was his strongest attack!
‘Amazing,’ Sesshomaru hovered dazzled in the air, his form cut out from the dark looming clouds above and the grim deep green of the tree line just beneath him. ‘He must have a barrier of some kind’, he thought. That attack should have at least have messed him up somewhat, but not only was he entirely unharmed, he didn’t even move, neither to dodge nor to defend… it was incredible? Could this being really be that strong, stronger than him?
He was finished.
He knew this would be it. The angel arched its wings and was on him like that. The next instant was but a blur to him as he soon found himself once again pounded into the earth this time in a crater three times deeper and five times broader than the first. And once again the angel towered over him.
“You have not the use of your Saharah, then you cannot defeat me, Sesshomaru.”
The sound of his name came strangely from the angel’s voice, almost familiar as if he had heard it before long ago. The possibility drew up a new interest.
“Who are you?” he asked, unable to restrain this new curiosity.
“That is not for you to know.”
“Tell me! At least I should know the name of the one who defeated me.”
“I am Angel of the Lord, but my name you shall not know, as it is not your place to demand it.”
To Sesshomaru this made sense, he was right he was in no position to make demands, he was down and this battle was over. He lost. He was defeated, but what now, what will come of it?
“Then, at least explain this to me, why did you come? You called this a duel, what did you mean by that?”
“It is a duel to test your strength demon, and the degree of the Saharah you possess which is great indeed, yet you will be unable to attain if you do not recognize it for what it is within yourself.”
“Recognize it,” now, this made no sense, once again the angel’s vagueness found itself way onto his nerves, “that explained nothing.”
“You are a part of something Sesshomaru, but you will never know what it is you are a part of if you do not know your Saharah.”
“I don’t understand… what is this Saharah?”
“You will learn.”
“I will learn what?”
As soon as he finished his words the angel had raised his sword, arm fully extended with the blade pointed skyward. Then the angel turned its face and to it began to speak undecipherable words causing a change to occur over the weapon. Sesshomaru thought this could be a chance to escape, he could dart out and simply run for it maybe he wouldn’t chase him, but warriors do not run, that would be cowardly he had made his decision and chose to fight, he had lived his life that way, he would honor his conqueror it was the only way it could end.
Sesshomaru braced himself if attack. He instigated this battle, but he should have known it was a battle he couldn’t win!
How life can change so quickly. Sesshomaru had heard this saying before, but it bore little meaning. To him life has been the same since he was born. He was a prince, the heir of a wealthy kingdom on the far west of the Demon World. His father the demon Great Fang ruler and general of the Dog Demon race was a demon of immense power and stature had ruled over their nation for the last thirty two hundred years. His mother the demoness White Moon who was of equal rank, yet much younger than her mate was heiress of the Lunar Hounds, which co lined with the king’s lineage respectively known as Line of the Fang. Both lines held equal privilege and rites to the throne of their kingdom, which made Sesshomaru their only son whose time would be known as, era of the Moon Fang at the time of his succession the one and only rightful heir of the kingdom. For the prince this lead for very strict and traditionalized patterns of life that he found rather tiresome and repetitive and always… always far too predictable, but it was life as he knew it.
Being the son of great parents he had inherited it all, grace and beauty that came from both parents, but mostly from his mother, and power which was innate and came almost entirely from his father. All of this made life come easy to him, it was all in a bundle like a neat little package, the perfect gift for the world. Even his fame as prince was world renown for reasons as said and when it came to the day of his father death, the world awaited the news of the newly crowned successor of the kingdom.
On December 12 early in the 13 century the mighty lord Great Fang died of a tragic defeat in the defense of his mistress and second born child, both of whom he loved and cherished dearly. Sesshomaru succeeded the throne, and the flag of the Moon Fang was raised by the 20 of that month. Usually by tradition the first year following the death of a Inuyoukai Lord was always put aside for a period of respective silence and fasting, a representational time for grief and lament to symbolize the end of a great era, however with the kings judgment having been called so severely into question and his mistress whom he claimed to love more than life itself was discovered to be human, the court ministers and nation had made the decision to, this once, to waver that tradition. There was no funeral, or period set aside for mourning, the outcry over the fact that he had given his life and his throne for the sake of a mortal and a half-breed son was so great and the insult so severe, Sesshomaru was immediately accepted as successor and the throne passed instantly to him.
The announcement came at once and the flag was raised by the end of the first week. It was the only period of time in his life that he had known the abruptness of change. It was a difficult week for Sesshomaru and in addition to the shock of his father’s death he also had to face the fact that his father whom he had admired and loved so dearly had failed to meet his end with honor. He was forced to ignore his emotion and grief as he turned from a boy prince to a mature lord and king in a day; it was expected, given the circumstances and with it the era of the Moon Fang dawned.
200 years later still the same could be said.
And so here he is, after a life of predictability and repetitive tradition, and defining principles, he stood sword out prepared for battle, with the expectation for victory, as usual. Only it was different.
The angel stared down at him.
Sesshomaru braced himself further, sprawling his legs out in the position to sprint. His sword unsheathed and held in his ready hand, as he stared calculating, attempting to predict the creature’s next move or should he strike first? He contemplated his position; he had the ground, while his opponent had air, this could work to his advantage he thought, he could use the hard ground to launch himself with great speed and force while the opponent had only the velocity of his wings to pull back or block, which would leave him slow and unable to dodge.
Though this sounded like a good plan, Sesshomaru didn’t act for he knew that these petty facts were meaningless, and that his opponent was no ordinary enemy. Basic strategies of battle were useless, this creature was no demon, thus could not be faced as one. Sesshomaru didn’t care; he was no push over himself this of course being the voice of an arrogant demon full of pride with its eyes filled with the ferocity like a beast that had caught sight of its prey. He would tear this creature down, or his name was not Sesshomaru lord of the Westernlands.
He was lord of this land and he intended to keep it, and would for as long as the centuries permit, it was his obligation, but before him was an angel, a messenger sent by God and in his hand was Tokijin.
The angel’s eyes burned with fire, as it drew forth its sword. The blade glowing red like a brand… he’s about to make his move… Sesshomaru’s thought’s told him, and held on the ready. He welcomed it, the relief of a worthy challenge, finally after years of knocking aside useless and equally worthless nothings he finally met a creature that could bring up his arousal. Kick start his warrior’s spirit and bring out the light in his eyes. Mentally he had to thank the creature even before the battle started. More so never had he been more grateful over the encounter that brought the angel and this challenge upon him, or so he thought at the time, for not far from where they now faced lay the body of a slain priest.
The body lay torn in two, with one arm amputated in an awkward position on the dirt road upon which the priest had been traveling. That day Sesshomaru was also on that road heading west, at the time he was moving with great speed eager to return to camp where he had left his ward Rin and servant Jaken to wait for him until he had completed his survey of the lands for that afternoon. Early in the day he had sensed that a rain storm was brewing out in the east over the sea, and from the direction of the winds he expected the lands would be engulfed by a mild typhoon that evening, so he was in a hurry. He needed to get back to Rin and Jaken, especially the girl because she was merely a human and find needed shelter. The last time he left her out exposed to the elements on a day like this she came down with a bad fever and he had to take her into a village where she was treated.
The humans who treated the young girl for those several days were hostile and rude to him he despised them, yet for the girl’s sake he was willing to leave her with them until she regained her full health. Taking her back was equally unpleasant, for the humans found it necessary to protect her from him. Ridiculous since he was the one who rescued her from death, and had cared for her ever since. He rarely felt such a strong urge to kill a human than he did that day when he charged into the village and swept her away. The humans who saw him coming attempted to prevent him from taking her, they grabbed the girl and tuck her into a hut, while standing guard outside with pitchforks and spears, and some even had bows drawn. It was just an ordinary village with ordinary people, there wasn’t even a village priest present, but they were persistent, and so he knocked aside the pretentious guards and tore open the door. Rin came flying out, “Lord Sesshomaru!” apparently she loved him, but this the humans couldn’t see, what they saw was possession, and he wanted to kill them for that.
But he didn’t kill anyone, not before Rin. That he would never do, or let her see, for he knew that her eyes would not handle it, but for the moment he was free. The road was open and Rin was still miles away. She wouldn’t know if he came back with blooded hands. His demonic power would have cleaned them long before he got there, and the mortal girl wouldn’t know any different. These are the thoughts that came to him when he came upon the priest who had been marching eastwards towards him and had been for some time.
In the instant the priest came in sight Sesshomaru had a thought to avoid him and fly. He didn’t need this, but something about the appearance of this particular priest stopped him and made him curious. It was not the first time he saw this type of priest roam the lands in his country, but it was the first time he had caught one that was alone. Usually they traveled in groups of up to seven or twelve followers, but this priest was entirely alone and apparently very old. Given that Sesshomaru felt no need to jump over him, or take to the air sailing, he just continued to walk, a priest of this type and age would be no problem to deal with, maybe he’ll just walk past and the old man would fail to recognize him as anything out of the ordinary. He knew a spell that put out an illusionary image of himself as an albino Asian, a traveler just on the road which worked well enough on most beings, but apparently not on this one.
Once his attempt at passing the old man failed he knew he had bargained with a confrontation, and so it was. Now he was the lord of these lands, a Demon Ruler, but this priest was Christian.
It didn’t take long for Sesshomaru to cut him in two, he was quick to sever his arm with one sweep of his claw to draw the book which it clutched away from the body before slashing at it with a single wave with his claw and the man toppled to a rather clean mess on the road. The blood didn’t begin to spill until both pieces were equally settled in position as they lay now bathed in pools of crimson that encompassed the road.
The angel appeared soon after that, but not before Sesshomaru himself had taken a moment to consider something strange. He looked to the book that the priest had held to tightly pressed to his being, and noticed that it was glowing. This wasn’t the first time he had killed a Christian in this country, and certainly he had killed plenty before during his traveling days wondering around Europe. He had even entered a country church in Romania once out of bare curiosity, much to his disappointment and sheer boredom. Nothing happened and the nuns and the priests even a little choir boy ducked and hid out of the way from first sight of the strange white creature who came wondering in through the supposedly locked door in the middle of the night.
What were they doing up this last at night anyway, didn’t mortals need to sleep, he thought to himself at the time, as he walked up to the altar and simply looked around. He looked at the book, he looked at the symbols he looked at the priest and the women cowering next to him and to the little choir boy who hid quivering in a corner ducked down with his arms wrapped around him as though to shield his body from harm. Last he looked at the figure on the wall above and beyond the altar, to that forlorn figure of a man nailed upon a cross. How crude, he thought to himself, but it did nothing to or for him, so he left. Shut the doors behind him and wondered back out into the night.
That was years ago, and though he was curious then the same type of curiosity came back to him now. His eyes caught on that book, he moved to approach, what power does it behold… and why does it glow so? He thought as he made his way to investigate it, then a voice stopped him. No it wasn’t a voice, or not a voice alone, it was a bell, a very low thronging hollow sound, followed by the low and longwinded call of a horn.
The angel appeared about a second after the sound ceased, and he was amazed at the sight.
At first there was a light, sudden and blinding and then it diminished a figure appeared in its place. This figure was radiant and appeared in the form of a man clad in golden armor with white wings that arched outwards from his back. He stood about the same height as Sesshomaru, but his face was much whiter and even more fare. His head was adorned with pale golden hair bound loosely in a braid that floated on the air behind him, and his eyes shone without any trace of color or form. His armor was of weightless gold and was shaped and polished to the form of wings that arched over his shoulder and skirt, his breastplate was smooth and gleamed with a matching shield at its side and sword hung from its belt. His wings were feathered and immense and emitted a luminescent glow that was both adjacent and yet separate from the energy that Sesshomaru could sense radiating from the creatures main body. Almost as if they were separate from him, but operated in unison with his spirit and being. He could make out nothing more of the angel’s face.
Heh, interesting, Sesshomaru mused as the creature came to full manifest before him. Grinning as he slowly drew his sword from his belt and held it beside him. Its long blade, Tokijin gleamed in swirling hues of blue and violet from its demon power. Strait away he stood ready and spoke out, as he held forth the blade, “stranger, who are you and why do you appear before me?” his eyes transfixed on the angel, but the creature was silent.
“I’ll ask again, who are you and why do you appear?”
This was it, the beginning. The fight didn’t commence head on, as moments of silence lingered, much to Sesshomaru’s dispassion as he came to feel like he was being ignored. However it did provide him with the opportunity to study his opponent. The angel was beautiful, he had to admit, easily the most gorgeous thing he had laid his eyes on in all his seven hundred years of life in this world, and its grace: the way it moved, everything. It was almost mechanical and unnatural like the expected behavior of a highly trained soldier, disciplined so thoroughly that it came as second nature. Leaving the impression upon the young demon lord that wherever this creature came from must be a marvelous place. Massive courts lead by lords of unimaginable grace and excellence with their servants and fine trained soldiers, where everything is perfectly in line, and kept in order by a superbly superior power. So much unlike the world he now knew it, with its disarray, violence and corruption, not least his substantial contempt for pretty much all astray that moved. Someone must truly love this being to adorn him in such extravagance, he thought to himself as he had a moment to reflect on his personal condition, and taking note that having considered a simple kimono and bare feet good enough for someone as important to himself Rin, the innocent and sweet creature that has come so close to softening his heart, not once had he considered providing her with anything better.
Yes he was a lord, but deep down, he knew that he was a lord, who felt no passion, no love for this world, but this creature just by his appearance it was perfectly evident that he, a servant clearly to someone had to be held so dear to radiate with such splendor. Sesshomaru loved no one, at least not enough to dress them up like that.
He was impressed but that was it, then finally the angel drew his sword.
So he did come to fight. This was exciting, finally a challenge, something worth his time. And perhaps, just perhaps he would enjoy this one…. that he would actually have some fun. Like a boy at his first official sparing match with a demon of equal strength, at the time, to entertain daddy’s court. He wasn’t granted permission to kill the demon, but he could injure it, that’s how Sesshomaru felt now, except this time he did have the right to kill, for such was the rules of war. To draw your sword you must be willing to use it. To die for the sake of battle, or survive and conquer and Sesshomaru intended for the latter. To live by the sword is to die by the sword and that is all there was to it.
Sesshomaru a demon who lived by his sword prepared himself to launch when something unexpected happened, the angel launched instead. It was unexpected that it happened so fast Sesshomaru hadn’t time to react to the sudden collision and the next thing he knew he was flying backwards mouth agape sword still in hand, but pinned down from the speed in which he cut through the air and hit the ground below carving a grove in the semi soft earth about a hundred meters long till he finally came to a halt in a pile of dust in a wide open field.
It hurt. His entire body ached from the pressure of the attack, an attack he couldn’t even see coming. His eyes were the fastest in all the land, he has even received the highest praise for how quick his sight was by the elder demons of his father’s court, and how his father had smiled over the reckoning of how everyone cheered and praised his son for everything he prove himself to be. This child was priceless he was excellent, a great demon he will make someday, all this he had heard his whole life, and yet at the first chance he gets to truly prove that their praise wasn’t in vain not only could he not see it coming, but he ended up being knocked plainly on his back. Sent like an arrow over the earth and carved into a grove deep enough to be his grave, he leaped out. Sword still in hand, the breath back in his lungs, what was that? I couldn’t even sense it. As his thoughts raced the angel came back to view. This time it was Sesshomaru who commenced the attack and launched himself at the angel. There was a clash of swords and Sesshomaru flew back, but it wasn’t enough to send him flying and he bounced back, the Tokijin clashing down on the angel’s sword that was now beginning to glow brilliantly red.
Sesshomaru flared his aura, but the angel was unyielding. By now he could feel the heat of the angel’s sword arching in over the aura of Tokijin, and was growing fast. Sesshomaru testified his grip sending more power to the blade that it bursts with demonic light and power, yet the angel showed no sign of intimidation. Its red blade now perfectly ignited the color of molten rock, Sesshomaru could smell the scent of something burning and the heat licked at his face. Sesshomaru drew back, it was out of instinct his attack had made no advance, not even with all the power he had summoned, which was far more than he had used since his training sessions with his father years ago, even in those days he was able to drive him back giving what he had at the time, his own father the demon Great Fang, and yet this creature this angel from the heavens didn’t budge, but the worst part was, it didn’t even appear to faze him at all. Already this creature was making small work of him, which Sesshomaru himself had yet to realize, but reality was to strike soon enough.
Clearly this was going to be no easy victory and he needed a new strategy and he needing one now.
Attack and fight and win the battle that’s what all his training and life had taught him, in a situation like this, there was little more a demon like him could do. Defeat or be defeated, were the thought that came to his mind as he came upon the grass of the open field, intending to charge once again when his eyes caught sight of his sword and he gasped. Tokijin was a powerful demon sword, the newest addition to his armory that he had commissioned to be forged himself, and he wasn’t disappointed by the result, where until this day had yet to let him down—he froze, unbelieving at first as he let his golden eyes collect the condition of the blade.
The sword was sizzling, and in the spot where it had made contact with the angel’s blade was a deep grove where the metal had been thoroughly melted away. It looked as though a bight had been taken sheer out of the steel with teeth hot enough to melt clean through. This is what demons called wounds on their weapons and it was a deep one and spreading. The wound deepening and widened and threatening to melt the sword in two, as drops of molten steel fell to the earth, Sesshomaru knew this sword was finished. Its aura was now flaring about wildly, but not in the way it should, more like something seething in pain, and it crackled giving the impression of the consumption of dry leaves, smoke loomed outwards from the steel edge and before he knew it black engravings appeared on its broad side and the blade went blank. His eyes remained transfixed. Purified, Tokijin was dead.
‘Damn him!’ Sesshomaru exclaimed as he tossed the dead sword aside and grasped for Tenseiga, his only other option. This angel was no small time and meant business, for not only did he charge him head on with a force he couldn’t perceive or comprehend, he had already succeeded in unarming him… and yet it occurred to him, why didn’t he draw Tenseiga in the beginning?
Instantly he realized his error and was repulsed. Fool! Sesshomaru could have called out cursing at his own idiocy, and as he did the angel smirked. Sesshomaru’s attention caught instantly on the expression, and right away his humiliation was redoubled. It came apparently clear that this creature knew exactly what he was thinking and was mused. His opponent had just realized a fatal error one that would surely cost him this battle, he was fighting a creature from another world and he drew Tokijin, an evil sword created from the fang of a demon from this world and he drew it to fight off an angel he could have kicked himself and it amused him. “Draw your sword,” said the angel, the expression fading as he said these words then was completely gone. It was the only time during their battle that the angel showed any change or sign of emotion.
Sesshomaru did as said, and drew the Tenseiga. The blade gleamed blue and a thrill tone emitted from it as the blade began to glow and intensified. “Now duel,” said the angel.
So this was a duel? Really…. is that all? Sesshomaru obliged and charged strait for the creature, this time properly armed and clashed their blades, the agitation completely gone from his face.
It was out of instinct that he drew Tokijin; he attempted to reason with himself, to excuse it, instinct for battle. He never faced a being like this before, the closest he ever came to this were those two stone guards at the gateway to the afterlife he faced while perusing Naraku and his little brother, an event which was still very fresh in his mind since not a month had passed since the incident occurred. He drew Tokijin then as well, though the sword at his hip new better.
The Tenseiga now glowed with a fierce and familiar blue light, and he had to curse himself further for ignoring the consistent pulsing he had felt from the sword since the angel arrived. He was a fool, he had to admit it. He just had to go for it as a true demon, to use Tokijin and cut that angel down out of his pride and for what it was worth. Now the Tokijin was dead and worthless, like a slaughtered corpse on the ground, a victim of battle and required being replaced.
The angel came down for a second attack. This time Sesshomaru blocked more readily, though he was still sent backwards, it was clear that the Tenseiga had more a hold on the angel’s sword then the feeble Tokijin. The angel’s sword was blazing hot, and the light it emitted was greater. This concerned Sesshomaru a great deal since this battle relied almost entirely on the strength of his sword; he feared that with force the blade would break. Fearing the outcome he pushed back with an attempt to separate himself from the angel, and he succeeded in doing but at the same time the angel also drew forth his massive wings and launched himself backwards. His movement came with such speed that would have caused anyone else sudden whiplash, and shot onto the sky.
Sesshomaru attempted to follow through and race after him, but before he could leap from the hard soil there was a burst, and a ball of light appeared before his eyes, and all at once the ground exploded below his feet, and he was slammed downwards. The pressure of the attack was so intense that it left him literally imbedded upon the dirt. When the light cleared he found he was on his back at the bottom of a massive crater, and that the angel was standing over him, sword in hand with the deadly tip pointing downwards at his throat.
He could feel the searing heat of the sword come not inches from his flesh, and the reality came swiftly to him… he lost. Lost! He was not injured and Tenseiga still blazing with power was in his hand. Only he was on his back and the angel standing over him. Its blade was at such close range that it could have ready to plunge into him at any moment, and there is no way he could doge it or defend. Training with such beings like his father and others who were stronger than him at the time taught him to know when you are hopelessly beaten, and this was exactly it. He was dead, if that was the angel’s intention, but it wasn’t and the angel withdrew his sword. “Get up.” He said while backing away and leapt from the crater.
“You are not finished.”
That was a curious way to put it, for he certainly was not as he recovered the ability to sit up and move to his liberty, as soon as the angel touched down on the upturned earth at the crater’s edge Sesshomaru had leapt out to the opposite side, landing in a crouching position with Tenseiga held out in front of him in a defensive pose. He was beaten, and he knew it, that could have been the end of him, but the angel had chosen not to end it. What to do in a case like this, he never went down so easily, not even against his father? What was the correct response, surrender, fight… what?
And yet the angel made it perfectly clear, ‘you are not finished yet.’ He wanted him to fight, and Sesshomaru instantly recalled that he called this fight a duel. So he didn’t come to kill him so he came for a different reason… interesting. What could it be then? This was a strange way to respond to the slaughter of a priest, Sesshomaru thought, but launched anyway. His defensive stance turned instantly to a strike a brilliant light streamed out from the Tenseiga. The angel swung his weapon to catch the blade as it came piling down upon him and this time had to brace him, tensing his wings and arching his knees at the force Sesshomaru sent upon him. The light from the sword engulfing the full expanse of the clearing and even reflected in the clouds above, and no doubt could have been seen for miles around. The angel spoke, “good, then you can summon it.”
Summon it, “Summon what?”
“Your Saharah.”
“My what?”
At that point the angel’s power flared and Sesshomaru was forced to pull back, he had no idea of the true depth of this angel’s power, for all he knew that was just the tip of the iceberg. And though he yearned to know the extent of it, something else told him that it was the wrong idea to force it, and encourage that power to come upon him, not out of fear, but caution, out of common sense. Though his passion burned for that challenge, he didn’t even care if he lost or was killed in a fool’s assault, for how likely was he to get another change like this… and yet the question burned in his head, what was this thing he said, this Saharah?
He never heard that word before, and the angel addressed it as something that was his? What did this creature know that he didn’t even know of himself, and all of a sudden the question seemed more important than the battle, a little backwards, but he had to know? He drew back and ceased his attack. “What do you mean? Tell me what is this Saharah that you speak of?”
“You do not know it?” asked the angel, seeming surprised.
“No, which is the reason why I ask.”
“Then I shall not tell you.”
What, “and why is that.” Sesshomaru’s eyes glared and narrowed, not liking the sound of this.
“Because you do not know it, then you are not meant to know it.”
This answer was unacceptable, something that he possessed and yet he was not meant to know about it, absurd!
“No, you will tell me what it is!” Sesshomaru said with force, positioning his blade up for another attack, but once again the angel foiled his attempt and he few backwards. This time it was a force of wind that threw him back, and carried the sound of the angel’s voice, “hear this demon, if you do not know the meaning of your Saharah then I cannot help you, this you must discover on your own.”
Help me… the very sound of it was ludicrous, help him, what did he need help with, the angel’s vagueness was exasperating, “fine then, if you will not tell me then I have no further use for you, bygone!” and he leapt and swung his blade, high up in midair this time sure that he held the higher ground and fired his attack, “Dragon Strike”, he called it. Usually he summoned this attack from Tokijin which sent an immense surge of demonic energy at his opponent surfacing in the form of a raging blue dragon, summoned from Tenseiga, however the dragon was somewhat different and instead of a snaking form that charged his enemies strait on it had wings and plunged down to take its target with the full engulf of its expanse. The dragon plunged down and engulfed the angel, wings sword and all. This was Sesshomaru’s strongest attack, the best he could muster out of his 200 years of practice and training and wondering the world since his father died.
With patience he waited the result of his attack. Assuming he’d find him rather pleased with himself for just injuring the creature a little, to see him just a little disheveled, with ruffled feathers and messed up hair, possibly even low on breath, but was disappointed. Once the light cleared and the dragon’s form dispersed the angel remained luminescent and glowing and completely untouched.
That was his strongest attack!
‘Amazing,’ Sesshomaru hovered dazzled in the air, his form cut out from the dark looming clouds above and the grim deep green of the tree line just beneath him. ‘He must have a barrier of some kind’, he thought. That attack should have at least have messed him up somewhat, but not only was he entirely unharmed, he didn’t even move, neither to dodge nor to defend… it was incredible? Could this being really be that strong, stronger than him?
He was finished.
He knew this would be it. The angel arched its wings and was on him like that. The next instant was but a blur to him as he soon found himself once again pounded into the earth this time in a crater three times deeper and five times broader than the first. And once again the angel towered over him.
“You have not the use of your Saharah, then you cannot defeat me, Sesshomaru.”
The sound of his name came strangely from the angel’s voice, almost familiar as if he had heard it before long ago. The possibility drew up a new interest.
“Who are you?” he asked, unable to restrain this new curiosity.
“That is not for you to know.”
“Tell me! At least I should know the name of the one who defeated me.”
“I am Angel of the Lord, but my name you shall not know, as it is not your place to demand it.”
To Sesshomaru this made sense, he was right he was in no position to make demands, he was down and this battle was over. He lost. He was defeated, but what now, what will come of it?
“Then, at least explain this to me, why did you come? You called this a duel, what did you mean by that?”
“It is a duel to test your strength demon, and the degree of the Saharah you possess which is great indeed, yet you will be unable to attain if you do not recognize it for what it is within yourself.”
“Recognize it,” now, this made no sense, once again the angel’s vagueness found itself way onto his nerves, “that explained nothing.”
“You are a part of something Sesshomaru, but you will never know what it is you are a part of if you do not know your Saharah.”
“I don’t understand… what is this Saharah?”
“You will learn.”
“I will learn what?”
As soon as he finished his words the angel had raised his sword, arm fully extended with the blade pointed skyward. Then the angel turned its face and to it began to speak undecipherable words causing a change to occur over the weapon. Sesshomaru thought this could be a chance to escape, he could dart out and simply run for it maybe he wouldn’t chase him, but warriors do not run, that would be cowardly he had made his decision and chose to fight, he had lived his life that way, he would honor his conqueror it was the only way it could end.