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added by sesshyswind
Source: Yu Yu Hakusho Amine/ Yoshihiro Togashi
added by sesshyswind
Source: Yoshihiro Togashi Author of Yu Yu Hakusho
added by sesshyswind
Source: photobucket
added by sesshyswind
Source: Sesshyswind
added by sesshyswind
Source: photobucket
added by sesshyswind
Source: Yu Yu Hakusho Amine/ Yoshihiro Togashi
added by sesshyswind
Source: photobucket
added by sesshyswind
Source: Sesshyswind
added by sesshyswind
Source: Yu Yu Hakusho Amine/ Yoshihiro Togashi
added by sesshyswind
Source: Sesshyswind
added by sesshyswind
Source: photobucket
added by sesshyswind
Source: Yu Yu Hakusho Amine/ Yoshihiro Togashi
added by sesshyswind
Source: Sesshyswind
added by sesshyswind
Source: Sesshyswind
posted by sesshyswind
They say that the Demon’s Word is like a mirror reflection of Earth, and in many way’s that’s true. Earth is a world governed by law and monarchy and religion, divided into nations that are constantly at war the same is true for the Demon’s World. War and religion had defined and shaped earth and the world of man in the very same way it has for demons in the demon plain the only difference is, is time.

The longest reign of any ruler to have resided over the nations in Demon World was the ancient Lord Aspu (though Tiamat is believed to have reigned longer, her domain was that of the...
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The angel went up.

Sesshomaru braced himself if attack. He instigated this battle, but he should have known it was a battle he couldn’t win!


How life can change so quickly. Sesshomaru had heard this saying before, but it bore little meaning. To him life has been the same since he was born. He was a prince, the heir of a wealthy kingdom on the far west of the Demon World. His father the demon Great Fang ruler and general of the Dog Demon race was a demon of immense power and stature had ruled over their nation for the last thirty two hundred years. His mother the demoness White Moon who...
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added by sesshyswind
Source: Sesshyswind
added by sesshyswind
Source: photobucket