Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler Links
*Includes spoilers from Sherlock Holmes: The Game of Shadows* This is a one-shot about how Sherlock felt and acted after Irene's death. He looked like he didn't care so much but deep down inside, his heart was crying...
Three hour luxury mini coach Tour is the only bus tour that takes you to all the key locations in London associated with the world famous detective.
Sherlock/Irene site, please help us grow!
My Sherlock irene fic, hope you like!!
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only HOLMES/IRENE fics!
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you should read it it's really good!
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The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes.
Irene Adler
4 fans
It's not confirmed. So don't gets your hopes up :P
3 fans
Best Rachel McAdams fansite. :D