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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapters Forty Five
Tex's POV
She laid there motionless for a few minutes and then thankfully got up.
"Harmony! Are you okay?" I asked as she climbed down from fencing.
"Umm, just gonna be sore." She said oddly. "Jack! I haven't seen you in a long time!"
I watched as she went over to him and hugged his neck.
"It's been 5 minutes; are you okay?" He asked worried.
"I'm fine. I'm just gonna be sore." She shrugged.
"Jack can you watch her while I ride?" I said. "Somethin seems off bout her!"
"Yeah I can. But I think you're over reacting." He said.
I had a good ride but not as good as Harmony. She had an unfortunate incident after she rode but she had a great ride. She ended up coming in first, Jack came in second, and well, I finished third. I was really disappointed in myself. I thought I should have done better. I needed to do better. We collected our winnings and it was time to head out.
Harmony stared at the belt buckle for the longest.
"Are you gonna wear it home?" Jack asked with a laugh.
"I don't know. This isn't my style." She said to him.
"Well you look nothing like I remember!"
She mumbled something but I didn't catch it.
"Harmony, are you ready?" I asked as she gave me a funny look.
"Uh yeah. Did I come here with him?" She tried to ask in a whisper.
"Yeah you did. Are you sure you're okay?" Jack asked.
"I'm fine." Harmony said as she sighed heavily. "Let me go to the bathroom right quick."
Once she got over to me, she handed me my helmet and vest.
"Oh Tex! Can I borrow your horse for tonight and tomorrow?" Jack asked. "I'll take good care of him!"
"Yeah sure. Can you bring him home tomorrow?" I asked.
"Yeah, thanks I owe you!" Jack said.
"No problem! See ya." I said.
"Bye Harmony, it was great to see you!" Jack said.
"Bye." She said awkwardly.
"I bet your itching to get home!" I said with a laugh.
"Why would you say that?" She asked in a mean tone.
"Because Clay is leaving tomorrow." I stated as she gave me a weird look.
"Oh right!" She said with laugh.
I left my horse and trailer with Jack. I hated to leave him here but I knew he would take good care of him. I had known Jack for a while now. We had been competing against each other for five years or so.
"So how long have you've known Jack?" I asked.
"Umm a few years." She said as she got in the front seat.
"Oh okay. How did you two meet?" I asked being nosey.
If I was getting too nosey she would shut up. She always does.
"We met at a group home." She said.
"So y'all were good friends?" I asked.
"Yeah we stuck together in the group home. It wasn't a good situation." She said as she stared in front of us.
"Oh really?" I'm sorry." I said.
"Do they have rodeos a lot?" She asked suddenly.
"Well, yeah." I said as I chuckled.
"I haven't been to many." Harmony stated.
"You've been to a good bit already." I stated.
It was silent for a little while. Something felt different between us. I don't know if it was because Clay was leaving in the morning or she was hurt and not telling me.
"Are you my boyfriend?" She said as she spoke 90 miles per hour.
"What?!" I asked shocked.
"You heard me." She stated.
"No, we are just friends." I said as I drove. "Why would you ask that?"
"I don't know. I'm trying to figure out who you are." She said.
"Figure out who I am?" I asked. "Do you know who I am?"
"Not really! Am I suppose to?" She asked nervously.
"It's me! Isaiah! What's the last thing you remember?" I asked worried.
"The group home." She said.
"Do you know what happened tonight?" I asked.
"You and Jack rode cows." She stated as if she was right.
"They're bulls." I said with a laugh.
I drove over bridge and past an exit ramp.
I glanced over at Harmony who was looking at me. It was hard to see with the bright lights coming at us.

Harmony's POV
I woke up and my had was pounding. I looked around and we were next to a tree. There was a boy in the drivers seat. I didn't know who he was at all but he had his hand on my arm. I smelt gasoline so I scrambled through the broken windshield and went to the driver's door. I pulled him out and dragged him across the grass. He was heavy.
I went back to the truck and grabbed everything I saw. I didn't know if it was important or not so I just got everything.
I ran back to him and dropped the stuff. I wanted to go sit against a tree but I fell and hit my head. I heard a big noise as saw the truck in flames. But things kept going black, then they would reappear, and go black again.

I could hear sirens. They were loud. The lights were bright. They were in my eyes. My neck felt like it was pushed as far away from shoulders as possible.

I could hear people talking around me. Lights in the ceiling were flying above me. My head was still pounding. It hurt badly. I just wanted to cry.

Isaiah's POV
I woke up in the hospital and there were some people in the room, My mom, Mrs. Abigail, and Mr. Bryce.
I looked over and saw Harmony laying there. She looked peaceful, kinda like she was having a nice rest.
"I'm so sorry!" I said as I took a deep breath.
"It's okay! It wasn't your fault!" Mom said.
"The important thing is that y'all are safe!" Mrs. Abigail said.
Everyone looked as if they had been crying.
"Is she okay?" I asked worried.
"She will be fine." Mr. Bryce stated as my mom sat on the bed and held my hand.
"What's around her wrist?" I asked as I sat up.
I was stiff like I had been laying around for a while or just got thrown off by a bull.
"She has amnesia and started acting aggressively. She was going to hurt herself so they have to sedate her. Let her brain rest and heal." Mr. Bryce said.
"Well that would explain her behavior in the truck on the way home!" I said.
"She had this before the wreck?" Mrs. Abigail asked.
"Yeah I think so. She got bucked off pretty hard last night. She was asking me all these odd questions." I said.
"Oh my goodness. How could you..." Mrs. Abigail said as Bryce cut her off.
"It's not his fault. She was hiding it from him." Mr. Bryce stated. "It's not his fault at all!"
"So when will she wake up?" I asked.
"They were going to try today and see if we can do anything to calm her down." Mr. Bryce said.
"Oh okay." I said.
Abigail looked like she was terrified about that. She acted like it was going to be a bad thing.

They were trying to wake her up but it was taking a little bit for the medication to wear off. But she eventually woke up and was yelling. She was pulling at the wrist restraints. I had never seen her so angry or scared before. She was scared of everybody here.
"He is going to be so mad! You have to let me go!" She pleaded.
"You're fine here." A nurse stated.
"He's going to hurt me!" She mumbled.
Then it clicked with me about the conversation we had before the wreck.
"Harmony!" I finally said as everyone was pleading with her to stop yelling and to stop trying to get out of bed. "Would you jut stop? They're trying to help you!"
"No they're not! They are making it worse." She said angry.
"Hey, he's gone. They caught him. He can't hurt you no more. Jack is fine too!" I said.
"What?! How do you know him. Where is he?!" She asked suddenly as she started to calm down.
"He's at a rodeo. We just saw him last night." I said.
"It happened 2 night ago." Mom stated.
"Everything is fine. This couple adopted you a while ago. These are your parents." I stated.
"How do you know so much about me? Who are you?" She asked kind of snappy.
"I'm a friend. We go riding all the time together. It's me, Isaiah!" I said with a smile.
"I don't know you." She stated. "I've never seen you!"
"You don't remember. The bull hit you the other night and you lost your memory." I said.
It hurt my feelings a good bit that she didn't remember me. But I knew she didn't mean anything she said.
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 36
I walked in Edward's room and he was sitting on his couch reading a
books and listening to classical music. I went to the bathroom, shut and locked the door. I go in the shower, did what I needed to and than got out. I pulled my hair into a towel and put in some fresh pajamas. I felt like I could go back to sleep now. I unlocked the door and than went to Alice's bedroom.
Okay Rose is going to do you hair while I do your make-up. Alice said.
Rose wants to do my make-up? I asked stunned.
Sure why not? Rose asked.
I jumped slightly since she entered the room so fast.
We will...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
This Is My Life Chapter Twenty Seven
After Nick and I went rock climbing it was time to go to our own houses. It was pretty late and dad was mad when I got home. Apparently, I stay out too late on school nights! Dad just does not like me spending so much time with Nick.
I laid in my bed that night with the moonlight shining in. I was looking at the locket that Nick gave to me this morning. It was absolutely gorgeous. Nick made me the happiest girl in the world. He made me feel like I was the only girl in the world; he made me feel...special! I was lucky to have him.nIt was hard to think that...
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Remember don't tell anyone. I said.
Right, my lips are sealed. Nadan said.
Thanks again. I said.
No problem, did you want me to walk you home since you know? He asked.
I would but I don't want Hook finding you. I said.
Don't worry about me. He said.
Let me guess, he can't catch me. I know how to fight. I said curiously.
Yep. Nadan smiled.
Not you too! I growled.
Oh Peter! He mumbled.
Thanks again. I said.
I waved goodbye and left. I headed for the house. I felt like someone was following me but there wasn't.
I looked inside the house and saw Peter and Wendy talking. Smiling and laughing as they told jokes....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 49
Soory if the italics don't work!!
It was now 11 o'clock. This was my chance to spend with a friend. I got up there and found the coffin.
Sorry Miss, the funeral is over. A man said.
I know, I wasn't aloud to be here. I said as a tear slipped down my face.
Oh you must be her. The girl that killed this boy. He said.
Yes I am the girl. I said as I felt guilt stab me in the heart.
Here I can leave for a few minutes and you can do what you want. He said.
No it's okay. I will come back later. I said.
Are you sure? He asked.
Yes, can you put these on there for me. In a special spot...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 7
I quickly washed my hair and got out. I put on my pajamas and walk back to my room to dry my hair. I saw Edward and smiled than we just look into each other eyes. We were really close. His cold body was against mine, our faces were inches a part, I felt like I was barley touching Edward's lips and than they our lips met. I kissed him
pasionately and he kissed me back. I stood on my tippy toes so I could reach him better. I wrapped my hands in his hair. Edward picked me up and walked towards the bed. He laid me down gentely on my bed and he grabbed my thigh and put it...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Okay guys, I know I said I would stop writing about vampires and werewolves but I have some ideas for this story! So I'm gonna start writing back in vampires and werewolves because it has been hard not to turn this story into something supernatural! Hope y'all enjoy, sorry for any confusion!!

Victoria's POV
I laid in bed that Saturday morning, ignoring Stefan who was trying to wake me up. I finally I got up the courage to walk home. That and I was sick of standing ooutside looking like an idiot.
Victoria Salvator, wake up! Stefan said as he began to get putout with me.
What do you want? I growled....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
The two guys took off running and one of the cops went after them.
Jeremy, I thought you were going to stop. I said.
I did, it's just sugar. He said smiling.
Okay guys, it looks like there was a drug deal going on. What were you giving the guys? The cop asked.
I recently stopped and I flushed everything I had. I filled it up with sugar because I knew that they would come after me sooner or later. Jeremy said.
Sure kid, I've never heard that one before. The cop said sarcastically.
The cop cuffed us as the other cop came back.
The other cop came back with a really small bag of something white.
Is this...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Beginning Chapter 94
Edward's POV
No, I killed your father. Collin said.
No, I did. Jared said.
No, I did it. Cooper said.
Scarlet was a bit shocked and confused.
Who are you all covering for? She asked oddly.
No one answer. Sam was mad that half of his pack had defended him.
I promise that I will find the person you are covering for. She said to Sam.
Scarlet, I am the one who really killed your father. Sam said.
No you didn't! I did! Jared said almost proud.
I am going to find the Nadien and get him to fess up. Scarlet said.
Why does it matter if your father is dead? It finally got him off your back...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It looks fake but it was the best I could find :/!
It looks fake but it was the best I could find :/!
Oh my word! I cannot believe that I just said that. Edward still had his hand on the door knob. It was still turned. Before I could think anything else sleep took over.

Scarlet wake up. You should go get a shower. Rose said as she tried to wake me up.
I'm not going. I said.
Why not? It's the first day of school. Rose said.
I don't want to talk about it. I said as tucked the covers around me.
Scarlet waky waky. ALice said as she danced into my room.
I couldn't see her dancing but when she walked it was like she was dancing.
No thank you. I think I will pass. I said.
Oh come on. It's the first day...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It was another rainy day in Forks. Not only was the rain bad but it was also thundering and lighting. The power was blinking off and on, I was about to go cazy! I could feel Jasper trying to cheer me up, but I pushed his feelings out. I heard a big boom of thunder, I jumped. Emmett started laughing. Shut up Emmett. Zoey is scarred of thunder! I'm not scared of thunder, it caught me off guard. Sure. Whatever Emmett. There was one thing I could always count on Emmett for and that was making fun of me. So I just walked towards the stairs, when Jacob walked in. I kept walking up the stairs and...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Hometown Chapter Eleven
Tex's POV
Well, it was Monday morning. Oh, it was also storming outside. I hated Monday mornings; especially, when it was storming. I never had a good day at school when it was storming outside. It just seemed so dreary. Everything about the day just seemed to drag on. One of my classes is in a trailer that has a tin roof. Add a boring teacher, rain, thunder, and a tin roof, it will give you the best nap ever! Which is true! A lot of kids sleep on storming Mondays.
On a brighter note, I had to pick Talli up today. I'm happy she said yes to riding to school with me. Maybe...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
The boys had been outside for maybe an hour playing and it started pouring rain. I stayed on the covered porch to stay dry. But the temperature had dropped a lot. But it was still summer, somewhat at least. The boys stayed and played in the rain. They looked like they were having a lot of fun.
"Haley, come have a mud fight with us," Nick shouted at me.
"Okay," I said smiling.
"No ya ain't," dad said as he came onto the porch.
"Why not," I asked annoyed.
"Because young ladies do not get in mud fights," he stated, "so go inside."
"Are you serious," I asked surprised.
"Yes, go," he said as he pointed...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Twenty Four
I could not believe Jasper was sitting all the way through lunch listening to what happen last night. I was wondering if he heard everything I said. Or if I was talking way to fast.
"Am I talking to fast," I asked.
"Nope, I am keeping up," he said, "but can I ask a question?"
"Sure go a head," I said.
"Okay, what would you think if I taught you how to sign," he asked kind of scared to ask, "I mean, it would be somewhat easier for me. You do not have to learn if you do not want to!"
"I think that would be cool," I said, "And if it makes it easier for you to understand,...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Sixty Eight
We had just said our goodbyes to Stefan and Elena. It was kind of sad to say goodbye. But they would be back. I know they cannot stay away too long. Elena loves this and Stefan wants her to be happy.
"It looks like it is just us now," Damon said as we walked into the dark house, "just us."
"It is okay," I said, "they will not be gone long."
"Yeah, I guess you are right," he muttered unhappily.
"You did not want them to get married," I stated, "you wanted to be the one Elena married."
"No, you are wrong," Damon said.
"Then why are you so happy," I asked confused.
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Twenty
Lila's POV
School was actually kind of good today. I sat with Jasper. He was really nice. I hope we will be good friends. He seemed like a good friend. Although he sort of talked funny sometimes. 
"Hey Lila, how was school today?" Billy asked.
"The same, I guess. I met someone today and we might be friends. I hope." I said hopeful.
"A boy?" He asked while he raised his eyebrows.
"It does not matter." I stated clearly. "At least I know he will not ditch on me!"
I could tell Billy was ignoring what I had said last.
"Lila is going to have a boyfriend!" He laughed.
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
This Is My Life Chapter Fifteen
This Is My Life Chapter Fifteen option 2
Nick's POV
The moon was just right as we were walking on the beach. It was a beautiful night. I leaned in slowly to kiss Haley. I gave her a like peck on the lips.
As the moon hit her face, I could see that she was blushing as she looked down at her feet. Haley only look down for a couple of seconds before looking up and smiling. Her smile was always beautiful but the way the moon was shining on her made her look absolutely gorgeous tonight.
"You look pretty tonight." I said.
"Thank you." She said shyly as she blushed again....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Haley's POV
I do not know what was up with Nick's attitude. One minute he is fine an another he is not. He is so confusing and weird. He stairs at me while I eat; I find that to be rather creepy. I do not know what could be up with this boy. He is different from all the other guys. I am not quiet sure what it could be though. Oh well, I do not need to worry about any boy right now. I need to learn this new stupid place, find a climbing place, and do my homework.
After getting home I looked in the fridge and cabinets to see if there was any food. But of course there was not any at all. I guess...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I was hoping that Dad would interrupt everyone but than again I sort of liked it. Since I was laying on Connor's chest, I could feel every muscle in his upper body. His cologne was making my head swim.
You smell good! When did you get buff? I asked.
Oh you like the muscles. Connor smiled.
Yeah so shut up. I said as I playful hit him on the chest.
Ow that hurt. Connor joked.
Oh you want it to hurt? I asked jokingly.
He just smiled and shook his head.
Come on stand up! I joked.
He was standing in front of me.
Before I realized what happen I was laying on the couch, on my back. Connor had my hand...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
This Is My Life Chapter 1
I could not believe what I was hearing. My dad was telling me and my older twin brother Tristan that we were moving across the country to Forks Washington. We had a couple of days to pack up and than we would be off. Dad said to take what you wanted but it couldn't be a lot since we only have 1 car to take to Washington.
Dad this isn't fair! I said.
It will be fun. Dad said.
Why are we leaving in the middle of summer? I asked.
What better time to do it? If I had chosen to go in the middle of the school year, you would have been mad at me. Dad said.
Haley, it's not going...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
The next morning did not even easy. I did not even set an alarm on it last night, I just plugged it into the dock because it needed charging.
Hey Ivie, you in there? Someone asked as they knocked on the door.
Who is knocking on my bedroom door? I mean no one knocks on my bedroom door, not mom nor dad. They should be at work by now.
Ivie, it's Ian. Wake up! He said.
Why is Ian at my house?
my bedroom door is unlocked, moron. I mumbled.
Ivie, get up! Ian said as he open the door.
Go away! I said as I chucked pillow at him.
Come on. Get up. He said.
I'm trying to sleep what are you doing in my house? I...
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