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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 19
Jesse's POV
We went to my room to do homework.
Ugh! I hate homework! Scarlet said as she did her history.
So my brother is having a wedding, do you want to come? I asked.
I don't know, weddings are not my thing. Scarlet said.
Have you ever been to a wedding? I asked.
Nope but I have seen them on tv. Scarlet said as she flipped pages in my history book.
Well, I am the bestman there, and I do not have anyone to walk down the asle with. I said.
You want me to be in a wedding? Scarlet asked trying not to laugh.
Yes, I want you to walk downthe alse with me, please. I have no one to ask besides you and besides your my best friend. I said.
I don't know. Scarlet said.
Oh come on! What could he the worst thing that could happen? I asked.
People mistaking you for my boyfriend. Scarlet said laughing.
I joined her in laughing because that is all each other wanted to he was best friends.
You will have a lot of fun. I said.
Do I have to wear heels? Scarlet asked.
I don't know. Why? I asked.
Because I have never walked in heels before. Scarlet said.
Your 16 and have never walked in heels. I confirmed.
Yes, never. Scarlet said.
What about when you were little adn played dress up? I asked.
No, I never played dress up, I was always outside and stuff. Scarlet said.
Oh okay. So what about it? We can get Charlotte to teach you! I said.
OKay but I will have to talk to dad about it. Scarlet said.
Okay so you will do it! I said.
Yes, I will do it. Scarlet said.
Yes, lets go tell Joel and Charlotte! I said as I grabbed Scarlet hand and pulled her to the living room.
Scarlet said that she would do if her dad lets her. I said as we entered the livingroom.
Charlotte came over and hugged Scarlet.
Thank you so much! Chalotte said full of joy.
Your welcome. Scarlet said as she hugged Charlotte back a little bit.
Okay, tomorrow, we can go get you fit for a dress and we can go find some heels for you too! Charlotte said full of happiness.
I have to ask my dad first and you will have to teach me how to walk in high heels. I said.
Your are a 16 year old girl and you have never worn high heels? Charlotte asked Scarlet in disbielf.
Yes mam'. Scarlet said.
You do not have to say yes mam' to me. Charlotte said.
Sorry force of habit. Scarlet said.
Sorry. Scarlet said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and left the room.
See, all you had to do was ask! Joel said.
I had to confince her that she would have fun. SHe said that she has never been to a wedding. I said.
WOw, she has never been in a wedding. Charlotte said.
She was excited that this would her first wedding.
Are you too going to get together? Joel asked.
No way! We are just friend! I said.
Okay. Joel said not believing me.
Do you not think that I can be just friends with her? I asked.
Yeah maybe but its gonna lead to one thing and than boom you two are dating! Joel said laughing.
Doubt it. I said.
Scarlet came back into the room.
I can do the wedding! Scarlet said as she came into the room.
Yay!! Chalotte said full of joy.
Joel went over and hugged Scarlet too.
She was freaking out inside. I could tell because I could read her mind.
Oh I am suppse to hug them back. Scarlet thought.
I could not hold back a laugh.
What's so funny? Scarlet asked.
What you were thinking. I said.
Oh. Scarlet said laughing.
What time can I pick you up tomorrow? Charlotte asked.
Umm, anytime tomorrow. Scarlet said.

Sorry I have to go to bed
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Thirty Seven
It was a good day except for my leg was throbbing in pain. I didn't want to be rude and leave so I stayed even though it felt like it was killing me.
What's wrong with your leg? Haley asked.ri
Haley! Chase scolded as he glared.
Its fine Chase, I was involved in a school shooting. I said as we sat at the restaurant.
Oh, I'm so sorry. She said.
It's fine. I shrugged.
Seth do you have our beach bag? I asked.
Yeah, here ya go. He said.
I remember sticking a couple of pills in there in a ziplock bag. I also dug around for chap stick. I didn't want it to be obvious...
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Writer's block... sorry!
As soon as I got off the plane and into the air port. I spotted Seth and the rest of his family.
Hopefully they won't treat me any different since I have this brace on my leg.
Hey guys! I said.
Hi Mato, it's nice to have you here for the summer. Sue said.
Well thank you for letting me come. I said.
Hey Mattie! Seth said.
Seth! HI! I said asI hugged him.
I went around and hugged everyone.
We got my bags and we left.
Since we moved here we down sized the house. So you will be sharing a bedroom with me. Seth said.
Okay, cool. We can stay up and talk. I said.
Not to late. Harry said....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter IDK
I had came home yesterday and slept most of the time. Who knew being shot so many times took so much out of you?
Today was a new day. And I start back school today. I was really nervous and scared. I was scared to walk down the halls. Scared that the nightmares would turn up again. I had nightmares about what happen. It's scary when you are standing there and looking at yourself. I watched myself get shot three times and I had this dream more than once. So I knew what I should have done to prevent the situtation from getting worse.
Mattie do you need help? Sam...
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Jake tried to make me get behind him but I wouldn't let that happen.
Never mind, we don't have to talk any more. I said.
What you knew? Jacob asked.
Yeah, I saw it earlier. But I didn't think he actually had a gun! I said.
How could you embarrass me like that? Rick asked as he shook the gun in his hand.
Jake didn't do! I said.
I don't know what you're talking about! Jake said.
Who would have done it then? Rick asked me.
I swallowed hard. "I did."
Why would you do that? He asked as he put the gun high to my head.
I don't know, I thought it would be funny. I said.
Yeah well it's funny now! Isn't it? He...
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Things were going good. Which is freaking me out a little bit. Things usually go wrong all the time. This is unusual.
Seth and I's friendship became stronger. I didn't realize how much fun we would have hanging out together. I found out that it was rather easy to talk to him. We sat by each other during every class of ours' at school. At lunch we talked non stop.
Today was different though. Something was going to change. It wasn't going to be a small change either. It was going to be big. Seth kept asking me "what's wrong?" but I just told him "I don't know".
Mattie what's wrong? Seth asked for...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Eighteen
Which one is the oldest? I asked.
This one. Billy said as he handed it to me.
Thanks. I said.
I sat in the kitchen chair by Harry. I started reading, it involved wolf tribe stuff. But none of the information that I needed. Which drove me insane since I hated reading.
I got through 50 pages and put the books down.
I absolutely hate reading. I said.
I don't think there is anything in there that can help you. Billy said.
Whatcha doing? Jake asked.
Sam is making me learn more about the tribal stuff. I lied.
Stinks for you! Jake mumbled.
Yeah it does! I said.
He laughed...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
No this can't be possible! I didn't want this happ-
We can't control who and when a person tried to phase. Sam said.
I wasn't talking to you! How did you know what I was saying? I asked.
We can here everything and every little thought that you think. Sam said.
So we are thinking everything in stead of saying something. I thought.
Yep that's it. Sam said.
So how do I phases back? I asked.
Just focuse. He thought.
I blocked everything. Every little thought, sounds, person/wolf. The air beneath me seemed to push me up onto two feet. I was human again, thankfully!!!
WAIT! Sam yelled.
What? I asked.
When we...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Mattie's POV
Everything that was happening lately was all so weird. It felt like a strange dream.
Sam sent me to Billy Black's house today while he did shifts. Appearently I needed someone to have an eye on me all the time.
I got to his house and knocked on the door.
It's open! Billy yelled.
I walked in and swung the door shut. It made a crakcing noise.
Sorry about that. I said.
It's fine. What are you wearing? He asked.
Sam made me wear it. It's just incase I phase, so I won't mess my good clothes up. I said.
I was wearing a sports bra and some tight shorts. It was aweful!
Oh. How are you? He asked....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
As I walked through the small house to my bedroom. I hated to admit that Sam was right. It would probably be worse if I ran away. At least here I had shelter and a little bit of food. I doubt Sam was going to change at all, I've tried before but it never worked. We were close when Mom left but as time went on we grew a part. It made me mad that he spent more time with friends than he did with me. It hurt me, it was like I wasn't good enough or if I am not one of the guys I can't hang out with him.
Mattie, I'm really sorry about everything. Sam said as he came into my room.
Oh. I said.
I don't...
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Nineteen
Carter's POV
I woke up in a tent all alone, no one around. It frighten me a little bit. I didn't know where I was. Had Hook found me in the woods?
Hook! He scared be really, really bad now. I hated Hook. How could he have done that to me? It was all so strange.
I got out of the cot I was on and headed for the tent door. I was really sore and stiff. I leg was hurting and my stomach. I looked down and saw huge lines where my skin had been cut. I walked out side and I was at Indian Hill.
Everyone was walking around busy. I didn't know what to do....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Twelve
Okay, I have to go to work so you can chill here or go back home. Jared said.
Gosh, you all always work! Can't you all have any fun? I asked.
We don't always work, we have fun. He said.
That's not fair! You all go out and have fun while I'm stuck by myself. I said.
Sorry Mattie, it's 18 to party. He said.
What? That's lame. I said.
Hey your brother made the rules. Jared said as he held his hands up in front of him.
Well than I should be the exception to the rules. I said.
You talk to him about that. He laughed.
I can't, I never know where he is. I said.
Oh well. But...
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Fifteen
It was afternoon when Hook came over to me. I had been in the same spot since he told them to tie me up. Which was yesterday.
Hook, 9 other pirates, and I hopped on a tiny boat; to who knows where.
Where are we going? I asked.
You'll see. Smee smiled.
I rolled my eyes.
I never really liked Smee, he was weird. A happy pirate, never seen one till I met Smee.
We got off the tiny boat and walked. Today was a really hot day. Why would Hook want to walk through the forest on a hot day like this? Hook was, Hook. No one ever knew what he was going to do....
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Thirteen
I didn't know what to do. I couldn't go to Nadan for help. Who knows what would happen. I was ridiculous what Tink did! I couldn't believe she would do something like that! The only girl I was friends with told Peter that I liked him!
Back so soon? Braden asked.
Yes. I grumbled.
Someone needs a nap! Reid said.
I'm not tired. I said.
Sounds like it to me! Kyle said.
I sighed.
Why am I even fighting this? It happens for a reason. Right?
I wonder if I can hang out with Nadan? He needs to explain some stuff!
It was getting dark outside so I wanted to...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Fifteen
Lacey's POV
Everyone if the Cullens were going hunting except for me. It wasn't fair, I wanted to go but Edward said 'no, it's to dangerous for you'. I didn't care, I just didn't want to go. I don't want to stay in the house for almost 24 hours straight. All alone, no one to talk to. This was going to he boring. I have to no friends here which made me sort of mad. Sure guys have given me their number but icant invite them over. They would wonder why I'm not onthe camping trip. I wasn't allowed to leave the house by any chance, Alice would be watching me.
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Nine
When we got to Indian Hill we watched the sun set in mostly silence.
So does Cheif Red Hand think that Peter is still a good guy? I asked.
I'm not sure what Dad thinks about Peter. I know he is thinkful for Peter saving Tiger Lily. Nadan said.
Ugh but he didn't! I did! I groaned.
That's what I told my father. He said.
You told Cheif Red Hand that I saved his daughter? I asked.
Yep. He smiled.
What did he say? I asked curiously.
He didn't believe me that girl saved Tiger Lily by herself. He said.
Go figure. I sighed.
I'm sorry. He said.
It's okay, I will...
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Five
Oliver's POV
Carter was acting even weirder today. She was very jumpy when we were walking through the forest. Everytime she heard the finest sounds, she would spin around and have her arrow pulled back or would have her knife ready to fight. I told her to stop being so jumpy that no one was going to jump out.
Watch this! I heard Peter say.
I watched as he disapeared into the forest.
Boo! Peter screamed.
Before Peter knew what to do Carter had a arrow of the bow pulled back and it was up against his neck.
Peter, I could have killed you! Carter said....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Nine N2P
We are moving across the country again! Lacey groaned.
Yep, this is our life, you should get use to it. Rose said.
I don't care if it's our life, why can't we stay here? Lacey asked.
You know why, don't play stupid. Rose said.
Can I just have the new adress so I can go? She asked.
Yes honey, are you taking your car or motorcycle? Esme said.
The motorcycle. Lacey replied.
Esme wrote down directions so Lacey could get to the new house in Forks.
Lacey zipped her jacket up and out the directions in her backpack.
Call us when you get there. I said.
I watched her put on her...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 20
Damon and Alex was still at our house, they were goig to drop us off at the airport. Of we drove to Hollywood it would have been 5 hour car ride at the most. We were going the cool way "first class" all the way to Hollwood, baby!
Everyone it's time to leave! James yelled.
I had one suitcase. Then I carried my iPod with me on the plane. Mom had three, James had two, and Kyle had one and half suitcases. Kyle carried a "carry on" with him.
Alex and Damon walked us as far as they could go which wasn't far.
Don't cry, don't cry. I mumbled.
I hugged Damon than Alex....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 5
We got to the beach and Alex gave me my bathing suit.
A bikini? I asked.
You have your noses pierced so why not a bikini? Alex said.
Yeah I have my nosed pieced, Dad took me to do it.
You bought that one yourself didn't you? I asked.
Yeah I did, but hey, it's better than those one peices. Alex said.
What happens when I get thrown into a wave and my top comes off or I start throughing the football and the top comes up? I asked.
I asked the lady at the store for something that would be good for an active girl and she gave me this. I said.
Okay. I said.
Alex always...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Wow! Chapter 30! Thank you guys!!!
Thanks TwilightSagaLdy for the stuff!!

I laid by the camp fire. It was hard going to sleep on the cold sand. I had a blanket under me it just was nice and soft. I still didn't unstand why he dumped me.
Who is in the tent with Abby? Nathan asked.
Jackson. I said.
It was beyond my mind why he would dumb me for no reason.
Who is in the tent with Abby? Stephan asked.
Jackson, go away. I said.
No more than five minutes Eric asked the same question. So there was three boys and one girl in a small tent. I could go and sleep in a tent by myself. Well Lex would be in there....
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