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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Eighteen
Abigail came and woke me up for church. I was still really tired and wanted to go back to bed. But, I slipped on my dress, then fixed my hair and my makeup. I sat down on the couch where Finn was sleeping. It jolted him awake.
"Oops, sorry," I said.
"It's alright, I didn't mean to doze off," he said, "so, thank you!"
"You're welcome," I said.
"Here you go Harmony. These are boots that should fit you," Abigail said.
"Mom, you have not bought her, her own pair of boots," Finn asked surprised, "walking in someone else boots aren't comfortable!"
"These are...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I sat all the way through dress rehearsal and really did not want to watch. I wanted to watch it for the first time like everyone else in the audience so, I ended up calling Jasper. I was missing him a lot. He was my best friend since everything has gone down hill.
"Hey Jasper," I signed, "what are you up to?"
"Hey Lila, nothing much," he signed, "just waiting for you to come home!"
"Speaking of coming home," I signed as he interrupted me.
He started signing something and dread came over his face.
"I am not sure what you just signed but, I cannot wait. I am so homesick," I signed to home.
"Oh sorry,"...
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Twenty Two
"Kyle, you should tell them about the time Lola got kidnapped," Mark said.
"Wait what," some guy in my unit said.
"It's true. Lola has been kidnapped, beaten, hung from her neck, tied to a bedpost, stared to almost death," I said, "but these are not my stories to tell!"
These aren't true stories," some guy in the back said, "this 'Lola' girl could not be alive after all this."
"Or hot," someone else said.
"I have seen her with my own two eyes. She does exist," Mark said as he came to my defense, "Although, I have a fiancee, Lola is not bad looking...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Fourteen
Tucker had been gone for fifteen minutes. His mom had walked through the door and I was just sitting on the couch by myself. It was awkward.
"Tucker," his mom called out to him.
He came running down the stairs and into the living room without his shirt on. Which I found rather odd.
"Hey mom, you know Harmony, right," he asked, "Bryce and Abigail's new kid!"
"Oh yeah, it is nice to meet you, Harmony," the lady said, "I am Tucker's mom!"
"It is nice to meet you Mrs. Adkins," I said a little shy.
"Oh sweetie, call me Mary," she smile brightly.
"Okay," I said...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Forty ThreeN2P
Last night we did not do much. We were all tired. So, we grabbed some dinner and then dropped Ella off at her apartment. Troy and I went on to his house. He showed me to my room and I laid on the bed. I was out in seconds.
This morning was a little weird. I got up and looked in Troy's bedroom but he was not there. So I made my way down stairs and he was not there. Troy's mother, Mrs. Harvey, was in the kitchen.
"Where is Troy," I asked.
"He is at class. Did he not tell you," she asked, "he said he did."
"I probably did not hear him," I said, "when will they...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Forty Two
Troy and I quickly put our luggage inside his parents' house and he had to go get another one of his bags. Then we got into his car. Ella said we did not have much time until class started. We had to go by her apartment and grab her dance bag. I was kind of excited to see Ella dance. I had not seen Ella dance in years.
As we went inside this huge building, we were practically sprinting through the halls. We came to a door and stopped. Ella said something really fast and then they went somewhere. I had no idea what she said. So, I stood there like a complete...
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Fifteen
"Hey Mark, can we go somewhere else right quick before you have to pick up Melody up," I asked.
"Sure, we have to make it quick," he said, "where to?"
"To the Detective and CSI building," I said.
"I know where that is but, why," he asked confused.
"Because I know a guy there and I owe him a thanks. He helped me out a lot before I joined the army," I stated.
"Okay," Mark said.
"He is the one that tried to keep Lola and I out of trouble," I said laughing as I remember out adventures.
It did not take long to get there.
"Is Horatio Cane here," I asked as mark...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Nine
It was getting cold while I was sitting under this lonely tree. I was getting chill bumps too which didn't help. I grabbed the blanket and went back to Clay's truck. It was much warmer over here by the fire.
"Hey Harmony," Samantha said, "you're hair looks so pretty!"
"Hey," I said excitingly, "thank you! Are you having fun?!"
I was so happy someone was finally talking to me!
"I am," she said smiling, "how bout you?"
"It is okay," I said.
"Do you not like it," she asked confused.
"No, I do. Its just that some girls aren't bein' very nice," I said, "you are...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Thirty Nine
Jasper and I sat there in the room, basically doing nothing. He was teaching me a few signs to add to my vocabulary. But it did not last long when we got interrupted by Troy and Ella.
"Hey Lila," Ella said as they came in, "how are you feeling?"
"Hey, I am feeling fine," I said, "how are you two?"
"Good, we are okay," Ella said, "Lila, if we had any idea that this was happening to you we would have done something! Why did you call me?!"
"Honestly, I did not even think about that. I thought you would just believe Billy and Jacob," I said.
"No, we would have listened...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Thirty Eight
I had so many feelings inside of me, I could not even sign them. I did not know how and I did not feel comfortable speaking. I busted out in tears. Jasper got up from his chair and came and sat on the bed. I buried my face in my hands as Jasper hugged me. He let go a fee seconds later and tapped me on knee. I looked up and he started signing before I could see what he was saying. The tears were blocking my vision.
"What," I asked confused.
"What is wrong," he asked.
"I cannot barely talk and I can barley sign," I signed, "I cannot communicate!"
"If you do not...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Thirty Seven
Jasper and everyone just sat in my room as we waited for my all my test to come back. Jasper had  brought my homework but I did not really feel like doing it. I was completely bored just sitting here. But they changed when Billy came into the room at the same time as Carlisle.
"What is he doing here," I asked signing.
"I don't know," Jasper signed back.
"Hi Billy," I said, "what do you want?"
I did not like talking right now. All my words felt and sounded so funny.
"I, how, you," Billy said.
"Can someone translate for me," I asked kind of furious.
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Twelve
Lola's POV
"Lola, please wake up," someone said, "please do not leave me like everyone else has!"
I felt someone squeezing my hand. I looked over it was Kyle.
"Kyle," I said as I busted out in tears, "you are here and alive! Are you okay?!"
I thought I would never see him again. I thought they would have hurt him as much as they did to me.
"I am fine," he said as he wiped a tear away that slipped from my eyes.
I leaned over to give Kyle a hug and my ribs brushed against the arm of the bed. Man, it hurt; but it was not has bad as what happen to me.
"Are you okay,"...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Six
After lunch I cleaned the table off for Abigail because one of her students came early. I did not know she had students or even what type of lessons she taught.
Once I got done with that I went and watched Abigail give lessons. There was a girl on a horse and she was running around barrels. It was kind of weird. Dustin and Clay walked over to where I was at and watched the girl n
"Man, she is one heck of a barrel racer," Dustin said in awe.
"Is that what you call that," I asked oddly.
"Yeah, ya didn't know," Clay asked laughing.
"Nope; I have never seen this...
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Eleven
All I can do is stand there and watch as they take her away in an ambulance.
"Come on, son," some cop said as he approached me, "I will take you to the orphanage."
"No, I want to go to the hospital," I stated; "I have to be there when Lola wakes up!"
"I am sorry but I have strict orders to take you directly to the orphanage," he said.
"It is alright," Horatio said as he came to my side, "I am heading to the hospital and I can watch after him."
"Thank you," I said, "I just cannot imagine how terrified Lola will be when she wakes up! Or if she wakes up."...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Five
I could tell the sun was starting to rise and then heard another creak. I was beyond exhausted but I could not go to sleep with all these noises. I had been up for twenty-four hours straight! It was getting to me, a lot!
"Harmony," I heard someone say as the door creaked open.
I jumped as I looked over. It was Abigail.
"Hey," I said.
"Good morning, it's time to get up," she said brightly.
"Awe, really," I asked groaning.
"Yes, did you not sleep well," she asked.
"Actually, to be honest, I did not sleep at all," I stated, "I have been up for twenty four hours...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
This Is My Life Chapter Twenty Nine
Tristan's POV
I had noticed dad was coming home late from work. Every other night would tell us to order pizza or something. Especially, on the weekends. I could not figure it out. But I had a feeling that he was dating again and was keeping it from Haley and I. Haley had not noticed too much. She was always hanging out with Nick. They were together every moment they were awake until they had to go to their separate bedrooms. But that, even that did not keep them from talking. I could always hear Haley talking to Nick through their open windows. Thankfully,...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Four
I sat there for a while looking at the horse. The horse was very pretty. She was all black except for her hair; it is a silver blonde color. I could name her Midnight or something like that. She is as black as night and her hair is as bright as the moon.
"Do you like her," Tucker asked curiously as he sipped on some sweet tea.
"Yeah, she is beautiful," I exclaimed.
"Have you came up with name," he asked curiously.
"No, not yet! But I am close to figuring one out," I stated, "maybe you could help?"
"Sure; tell me what you came up with," he said.
"Well, she...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
This Is My Life Chapter Twenty Eight
It was Christmas break and boy was I glad! The weather was really cold, so I did not go out much. Not unless dad told me too. Then I would usually just walk outside and then come right back in.
Everything between Nick and I worked out. I had to explain to him why I would just want to drop out. But he convinced me to stay until I graduated. Which would be okay, considering that I only had a year and a half left. And if I ever got married and had kids I would be would able to help them in school. So that is a manor reason for staying.
"Haley, get up," Tristan...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Three
Lunch was the best lunch I had ever had. I had never tasted such a good meal before. I thank Abigail for lunch as I helped cleaned the table. After I got done cleaning up lunch, Abigail and I went outside. I was not sure what we were going to do but I followed her anyways.
We went over to the horse pin where Tucker was 'breaking' the horse. It was odd to see. The horse was really scared of Tucker. You could tell by her eyes and how she was running around the pin.
"She is a beauty, isn't she," Bryce said as he came up.
"Um, yeah she is," I said.
"Have you...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Thirty Three
Billy's POV
It has been a couple of weeks since I had seen or heard from Lila! I was starting to get worried. I mean, she has never been away from for more than night since her parents have died. I was starting to think she was not coming back. Did Jacob really run her off? It was not my fault that she got beat up. Jake and Sam both warned her, so she should have gone away like they had told her! But she is hardheaded just like her father.
"Hey dad," Jake said as he looked at me, "what's wrong?"
"I have not heard from Lila and it has been almost two months,"...
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