Skilene Teenage (human) Years Club
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posted by egel_0507
======Two and a half weeks ago in Central Park Zoo…

‘Marlene’ was struggling in writing with a pen that was 1/3 her of height. She was writing a letter in a strange alphabet. Anyone can interpret a few signs at sight, but some of it are just too complex to translate. A few minutes later, ‘Marlene’ folded the piece of paper and sealed it inside an envelope. She went to the penguin habitat, the message in her paws.

====== In the penguins’ HQ…

“Hey guys!” ‘Marlene’ greeted as she entered the HQ. “What’ya doing?” “Hello Marlene!” Private greeted her back, “Skippah’s teaching us how to play ‘sci-dama’ and ‘damath’. I’m not sure if I’m getting it right though.” “It’s very strange that Skipper learned mathematics in a short period of time.” Kowalski whispered, “He knew algebra at the first glance, he even invented his own game.”

“Well that IS strange.” Said ‘Marlene’, “Because the old Skipper doesn’t invent games that involves math.” ‘Skipper’ stood up saying, “I’ll have you know, I learned this game from watching our human overlords.” “Yeah right,” ‘Marlene’ rolled her eyes, “Anyway, can you help me deliver this mail?” “Sure, but who’s it for?” “Just a friend of mine half around the world.” “Ooh…” said Rico. “Now let’s go. I don’t want to disappoint her.” ‘Marlene’ declared. “

======= In the main entrance…

“C’mon guys, hurry up!” ‘Marlene’ bawled as she went past the gate. The four penguins gasped in horror. “Marlene!” ‘Skipper’ grabbed Marlene’s paws. “You’re outside the zoo! You might go wild again!” ‘Marlene’ gave ‘Skipper’ a reassuring look, “I can do it, you guys. I’ve been in the outside world a few times. Trust me.” ‘Skipper’ let go of her.

======= In the post office…

The five arrived in the post office just as it was opening time. “Wait,” ‘Marlene’ paused “I forgot the stamp!” “Rico, got any stamps?” ‘Skipper asked. Rico tried to regurgitate one, but he forgot his stamp collection back in the HQ. “Nuh- uh.” Said Rico, shaking his head. “Private, you and Rico guard the entrance. While Kowalski, ‘Marlene’ and I secure a stamp.” “Ay-ay, Skippah!” Private replied.

‘Skipper’ pointed at a box on top of the shelf. And there they went. As they were near the box, someone was heard approaching. “Yeah, I saw it a few weeks ago. Make a wish? Nah, those are just for kids…”

‘Marlene’ placed a stamp on the envelope and dropped it I one of the boxes that says, “S.E.A.” The man was so hooked up with his conversation that he didn’t notice them leave. ‘Marlene’ got back in the park undetected, and stopped by on a nearby snowcone stand left by the vendor.
“Woah!” said ‘Marlene’ as she almost tripped on something metal. “Watch your step Halley…” said ‘Skipper’. “Who’s Halley?” Kowalski asked. . James (in Skipper’s body), realizing his slip of tongue, replied, “She’s my uh… imaginary friend. Like ‘Marlene’ has James. Right ‘Marlene’?” he winked at Halley, who was inside Marlene’s body.

(A/N: I hope you know understand why I keep on putting apostrophes on Marlene’s and Skipper’s names. Please take note that “the SWITCH” has already happened. This is just a flashback on how the mail was sent to Annie and the others. Again, the switch has already happened. James is inside Skipper’s body and Halley is inside Marlene’s body. Thanks!)

Halley, catching James’ drift, answered, “Uh, yeah. Hehe, why did include mine Skipper?” Kowalski, Private and Rico wore perplexed faces. They were really confused why Skipper and Marlene were acting so weird.

The amnesia? The acting weird? Imaginary friends? That’s not like Skipper at all (except for the amnesia part). Skipper being around with Marlene more frequently? Are they already dating? Is it possible that Skipper’s amnesia was only an excuse to get closer to Marlene? Or they’ve been replaced by biomechanical android robots? What is going on?!!?!

And… cut! Well, what do you think guys? I know that it’s been three months since I wrote the third chapter. Summer’s already here in our country, so I’ll be able to continue the story.
Thanks for encouraging me andresandru! I owe you! ;”>