Sonic, Shadow, and Silver Question
for girls!!! would u sleep with sonic or have sex with shadow
Sonic, Shadow, and Silver Answers
tailslover9 said:
shadowluvgirl said:
shadow 4 the hell of it or silver
not sonic because amy will kill me
Shadilver128 said:
I rather have sex with shadow because not just because I am his favorite character, he is just sexy and he is the best character I like. <(^.^)>
sallythebunny15 said:
sonic hes so cute slee with him im alica :) i will prove:)see thas alicaloves sonic thats me!!
theichigo123 said:
Look if I sleep with a harghog I wooed relly SLEEP not do eny thing dirt that wolud be kinda hard sines they r so smail I mean he's smaller then chris so it be wird hard and just plane wroing sorry they just be cuddled and pay by me
Shadowsgirl101 said:
I would have sex with shadow because he is so hot who would miss an opportunity like this come on for shadow id have all his little hedgehogs n do whatever he wanted
Thunderjix said:
ok first: eww
second: if i was big enogh fan sure but still eww
third: im a ... :3 CHEAK THE PIC OUT FANGIRLS!!!
silverstruelove said:
Nether. Sonic is my fan character's father and Shadow is my fan character's brother
ZacharyWhite said:
Wow....I would sleep with Sonic...(AS A FRIEND) And besides...Shadow is so serious all the time so why would he do something like that? ^_^
chynathebat759 said:
Shadow he is soooooo hot !I want to have his kids!:3
cartoongirl57 said:
yes it's true shadows my favorite charter and I luv him (not in the some annoying obsessed fan girl way). I mean if I was in sonics world yes I would pick shadow. But I need to wait for awhile.
sophy22 said:
obiusly sonic i will sleep with him and have sex with him,sonic i want to be the mother of your kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean this are the questions that make good clubs
jolteon said:
Fuckin sex with fukn sexy shadow
ohnesty123 said:
have sex with shadow.sonic maybe the fastest thing alive put shadow hoter. shadow is going to have some BABYS!
sydney10123 said:
I would gave sex with shadow because I love Shadow and I love how he is so handsome.Sonic on the other hand is awful, ugly, and is so corny.
jessicashadow said:
I would definetely have sex with shadow. He is so hot, and Amy might be mad at me. Although I could scissor that slut.
hiuu said:
I would have sex with shadow
shadowgirl1000 said:
Sex with shadow because he's badass and very very sexy and the chest fur ..... Oh the chest fur will be so soft to the touch💘💘❤️💛💜💚💙
taiora123 said:
I know that this isn't really an answer but I would want sex with sonic cause he's freaking awesome HE IS THE BLUE BLUR HE IS SO GAWD DANG EPIC (AND HOT)
princessdozer said:
Neither....if I really had to chose....I'll have sex with Shadow
Shadow_Girl777 said:
Oh you kidding me!!!??? I'd totally have sex with Shadow, and several reasons. He's cool, bad-ass, sometimes witty, quiet, handsome, and soooo sexy. Shadow is so hot I wish I could make love to him for real!
I mean just look at this pose:
Is that not sexy or what!!? X3 Mmmmmm <3 Shadow you are HOT!!!! Just take me to your bed. X3
MephadowFan1 said:
I like both ideas but I would choose Shadow. But right now I am to young for that.
Stupidfangirl94 said:
Ah Shit, this is a hard choice! I think... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... Shadz of course, he so damn sexy!
Nosebleed! o////////////u///////////o
shadowkyutUwU said:
rather with shadow (。-ω-)zzz damn if hes just real ill marry him *⁂((✪⥎✪))⁂* (if(*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ))