Sonic the Hedgehog Club
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posted by cagnut123
Dreamers Colliding

Chapter 1 – When the Egg Hits the Big Apple

New York. Where people from all around stay to start a new life or to runaway from their life. Also where people begin their life in the fame lane. But two girls, Suzy and Gen will find themselves in an adventure of a lifetime.

"I am SOO sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't actually wasn't paying attention!"

Suzy said picking up the girl's thing that she bumped into, Gen, when she saw a Sonic plush toy that had her name on the tag.

"Uh, Sorry you probably think that I'm a geek don't you."
She quickly snatched the toy from underneath her nose. Suzy gave her stuff to her while shaking her head.

"No, I'm a fan too, look, see."

She took out a smaller Sonic plush toy from her purse and showed it to Gen as her eyes widened.

"I'm glad to meet a Sonic fan like you! I'm Gen!"

"Suzy, it's nice to meet you."

When they shook hands all of a sudden a glowing blue gem appeared in front of them.

They froze in shock and in surprise with the gem staring at them. They let go of each other's hands before Suzy said,

"Oh, my, gosh, is that chaos emerald!"

"It is…"

Gen said speechless of its beauty.

"Hey if we both grab it at the same time, maybe we can get teleported to Mobius!"

"Yeah! Let's try it out!"

"Okay. Ready. 1…2…3…!"

They both grabbed the glorious, sparkling, chaos emerald as it glowed brightly by their touch it soon faded which. They waited anxiously to be teleported to Mobius, but they were still in plain old New York.

"Nothing happened."

Suzy said in disappointment. Gen groaned silently when-


A missile was launched with a familiar evil laugh followed afterward.

Looking at each other in the eyes as they came to the same realization. "Dr. Eggman!"

As Suzy grabbed her head in panic and began murmuring insanely to herself, Gen gawked wide-eyed at the fast approaching stampede of Egg-Bots marched their way. "Hey Suzy I think we should run" "What are we gonna do! What are we gonna d-" "I SUGGEST WE RUN FOR OUR LIVES!" Gen shouted in fright as she grabbed her retarded sonic fan buddy and ran like hell. Snapped back to planet earth at long last Suzy finally started to run ahead as her not so athlete friend lagged behind. Glancing over her shoulder Suzy asked almost casually, "Gen, do you have the Chaos Emerald on ya by any chance?" "Um, -pant-I think–pant-I left it-pant-?"

With a quick stomp of both of her heels Suzy immediately halted causing Gen to slam into her. Confused, Gen looked at Suzy's face and saw her with a serious expression that didn't match her go-lucky personality (even though she just met her she just had a gut feeling that Suzy's face didn't usually looked like that.) Before Gen could do anything Suzy dramatically ran in the opposite direction toward Times Square where the mayhem was increasing. "Hey! Suzy wait for me!" a disoriented Gen followed Suzy without a second thought. Suzy ran towards the walkway where they first met that was now surrounded by robots. Suzy slid under them and snatched the emerald before the Egg-Bots got their metal fingers on it. She turned around and slid under the same robot and ran back to Gen panting, but not as hard as Gen was.

"-pant- I got it! –pant-"

"-pant- Great! –pant- -pant-"

Gen said catching her breath to start running again. But it was too late since the bots already caught up and surrounded them. They leaned against each other back-to-back waiting for the robots next move. And of course coming from the sky on his Egg vehicle was none of then the notorious Dr. Eggman.


"Hey Suzy have you ever tried making chocolate ice cream?"

Gen asked me interrupting Egghead.

"No but I've always wanted to."

"Me too. Maybe we can try looking it up at my house later on."

"Yeah sure-"

"Excuse me Chil-"

"Oh, but ya know that tacos with chocolate syrup is so delicious! :3"

"-_-; That really doesn't so very good, Suzy…"

"Hello!" Eggman shrieked in vain.

"Ya I know that's what I thought at first, but ya just have to get use-"


Eggman screeched at the top of his lungs. It got both of their attentions instantly. But they just gave Eggman a 'stinky-eye' kind of look and resumed their pointless conversation.

"Where do you live at?"

"It's right off of 5th Ave."

"Wow I live there too!"

"Sweet! You can meet my doggie, Rin."

Dr. Eggman did a palm face as he clicked a button releasing two metallic tentacles that grabbed them tightly, soon more tentacles shot from the ground and a big head that resembled an octopus.

Eggman laughed and jiggled like an evil (but also overweight) Santa Claus.

"Okay let me guess, you want the chaos emerald that we have right?" Gen asked emotionlessly almost bored.

"Yes. And you can either hand it over, or I take it by force!"

"How about… CHAOS CONTROL!"

Suzy yelled while holding it up comically, but nothing happened.


"Suzy let me try…"

When Suzy and Gen both touched at the same time. The Chaos Emerald began to glow brightly as both of their bodies disappeared.

"What!" Eggman yelled in surprise and anger.

"Geeze Eggie when are ya going to retire from being… um, you?" said a playful voice rung from below.

"Sonic!" Eggman shouted in surprise again. (-_-)

"Yup, that's my name so don't wear it out."

Sonic taunted as he did a Sonic Spin and knocked down all the Egg-Bots that surrounded him.

"Damn! Children running off with the Chaos Emerald, now Sonic! I'm getting too old for this!"

Suzy and Gen held onto the Chaos Emerald tightly as they were teleported to Suzy's house. For a few moments, they both didn't move an inch because the adrenaline was still pumping in their ears. Suzy was the first to let go of the slightly glowing blue emerald and look around.

"Gen the Chaos Control worked and we made it to my house!" Gen slowly got a hold of her surrounding and giggled suddenly.

"What's so funny?"

With glittering blue eyes full of mirth, Gen exclaimed, "We just confronted The Dr. Eggman and do you know what that means?"

When Suzy shrugged stupidly Gen sighed but still enthusiastically continued her theory.

"This means that Sonic is probably in New York as we speak!"

"Omg! You're a genius Gen!" Suzy shouted while tackling Gen to the soft carpet. They got their limbs tangled and became a giggling mess on the floor.

"Hey what's going on?"

The girl's laughs died when they tried to look for the source of the voice as they got up.

"Who said that?"

Gen asked aloud.

"Down here."

They looked down with their eyes widened.

"Like come on, am I that hard to notice?"

Suzy's dog, Rin, said looking quite annoyed.

"Rin… you're talking…"

"No shit Sherlock!"

"Hey, where did you learn that kind of language from?"



Suzy was silent as Rin snickered. Gen then said,

"Maybe he-"


"Um, she, was able to talk with the power of the Chaos Emerald?"


Suzy said tapping her chin to think.

"Oh you mean this thing."

Rin came back with a glowing red gem in her mouth.

"A Chaos Emerald!"

Suzy and Gen shrieked aloud. They stared at it for the longest time when Gen asked,

"Where did you find it at?"

"Oh, I found that at the backyard when I smelt something funny. So I sniffed it out and found that."

"Which reminds me, Gen you keep the blue one and I'll keep the red one."

Suzy safely kept her emerald in her purse along with Gen.

"Sweet! We now have two Chaos Emeralds and a dog that can sniff out Chaos Emeralds too!"


A crashing sound along with several more was approaching closer by the minute. Suzy looked outside to see Eggman again. This time he was destroying people's homes with missiles.

"That bastard…"

She whispered to herself before closing shut the curtain.

"Come on we have to get out of here! Now!"

"Why, what's going on?"
"Dr. Eggman is destroying people's homes and we're next!"

"Doctor what?"
"I'll explain later Rin."

Suzy led them outside and grabbed her favorite necklace. It was a purple gem with a swirl of blue and some other colors with a silver chain. Suzy carried Rin with her left arm and grabbed Gen's hand with her right hand.

"Suzy what are we going to do?"

"Just wait, I have a plan."

Suzy let Rin and Gen go as they walked on the middle of the street. Before they got any further, Eggman's hovering egg vehicle stopped them.

"Eggman?" Rin asked perplexed looking to her owner for an answer.

"Um… Yup that's him…" Suzy whispered awkwardly.

"Stupid brats…" Eggman fumed venomously.

"You've already caused enough damage in this neighborhood, and you need to be stopped." Suzy declared heroically.

"Oh, yeah, you arrogant children and your dog can't stop me!"

"Well, he can!" Suzy smirked while pointing behind Eggman. He turned around to see Sonic coming his way.

"Sonic! You again!"

Blinking suspired, Suzy looked to see Sonic speeding her way. "Wow I didn't actually didn't think that someone would actually come."

Suzy murmured to herself.

"OMG! Sonic the Hedgehog is here!"

Gen and Suzy screamed.


"He's the guy you seen me play on the TV"


"Looks like I'll have to finish you then…" Grumbled the grumpy Doctor.

"Bring it Egghead!" Sonic say while laughing at Eggman's pathetic attempt caught him.

10 minutes later…

Eggman left with bruises, his vehicle on fire and dirt on his clothing face as he ran away.

"I'll get you for this next time Sonic!"

"Yay, yay you always say that!"

Rin teased happily.

"Thanks for helping us."

Suzy said and in return got his famous smirk and thumbs up.

"No problem."

"Um…here, you can have this…"

Gen said shyly, giving Sonic the blue Chaos Emerald. He eyes popped out from surprise but his smile grew even bigger.

"Thanks! I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog."

"I'm Gen!"

"I'm Suzy, and this is Rin."

Rin barked at Sonic as a response.


Sonic turned around to see his best friend, Tails, flying with his twin tails towards him.

"Tails! What's up buddy?"

"I was able to track down a Chaos Emerald, it's very close! It right…"

His tracking device was beeping at a fast past. Tails pointed to Gen, then Rin, and lastly to Suzy. It began to beep faster and faster when it got closer to Suzy until the entire thing broke.


He said in surprise.

"Oh yeah I have one too."

Suzy took the red one out of her purse and gave it to them.

"But can we come with you guys?" Suzy asked hopingly.

"Well, it depends…" Tails said responsibly.

Realizing that they had to convince Tails, Gen, Suzy, and Rin surrounded the poor fellow and began begging like their lives depended on it.

"Please Tails we won't be any trouble!"

"I think you're so cool, so please let us come!"

"I'll let you have my favorite bone!"

Seeing that Tails was being smothered to death, Sonic (with an animated sweat drop) decided to step in.

"Okay, okay! You guys are welcomed aboard!"

They erupted into a cheer of victor while Sonic helped Tails back onto his feet. Suzy shook hands with both of them happily.

And from there on, their adventure with Sonic began.
added by golden-roze
Source: BanelSpringer
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Source: BanelSpringer
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Source: BanelSpringer
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Source: Stella_Smega3
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Source: LixesPrototype
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Source: LixesPrototype
added by golden-roze
Source: LixesPrototype