Hi, your deputy, Sandstorm here. I thought I should share this with you. It may sound like a story to you, but it's true and I was the sad victim.
I walked up the long path to SpiritClan territory. I was young, only an apprentice, Sandpaw. But I wasn't alone. Next to me was my all so trusty best friend, Blackpaw. We were just heading back after a meaningless hunting trip, although we had been told in the past to always bring an adult. To the younger members of the Clan, this will prove useful to know this story. We heard a rustle in the bushes, and almost immediately Blackpaw had disappeared. At the time, I thought he was just trying to scare me, but now I know the truth was much worse. As I padded towards camp, believing he was getting ready to jump out from somewhere, something caught the corner of my eye. I glanced behind the bush, only to catch the torn apart body of Blackpaw. The white tom's body was covered in glistening red blood, and not one speck of fur was left untouched. Except his one black paw . . .
Now, I still talk to Blackpaw in my dreams. But he has never told me what happened to him that day. And that was when I realized the reason for living. You laugh to love, you love to live, but you live to love. Those three lines have costed me my best friend's life to find out, but now I know the costs.
I walked up the long path to SpiritClan territory. I was young, only an apprentice, Sandpaw. But I wasn't alone. Next to me was my all so trusty best friend, Blackpaw. We were just heading back after a meaningless hunting trip, although we had been told in the past to always bring an adult. To the younger members of the Clan, this will prove useful to know this story. We heard a rustle in the bushes, and almost immediately Blackpaw had disappeared. At the time, I thought he was just trying to scare me, but now I know the truth was much worse. As I padded towards camp, believing he was getting ready to jump out from somewhere, something caught the corner of my eye. I glanced behind the bush, only to catch the torn apart body of Blackpaw. The white tom's body was covered in glistening red blood, and not one speck of fur was left untouched. Except his one black paw . . .
Now, I still talk to Blackpaw in my dreams. But he has never told me what happened to him that day. And that was when I realized the reason for living. You laugh to love, you love to live, but you live to love. Those three lines have costed me my best friend's life to find out, but now I know the costs.