Stormstar stood, her tail high and her throat rumbling in a purr. She was standing on nothing surrounded by the night sky, and cornered by fog and mist.
Stormstar knew that she was dreaming, as a familiar and recent scent engulfed her. It made her feel strangley calm and safe.
Then one of the stars began to move toward her, it was the brightest star in the sky. Stormstar didnt need to be told twice who it was, she already knew.
Then as the star was a mouse-length away from her, the brightnes fadded as a pink nose touched her black nose. She opened her eyes and saw Nightstar! His glossy black pelt and warm blue eyes were the same as they were when he was alive, except now he had stars in his fur.
Her heart felt like bursting with love for her dead mate and she felt as if she was so happy that she couldnt breath. Stormstar couldnt even think of anything to say, she hoped Nightstar would speak first.
"Greeting's Stormstar" he acnoledged her with a dip of his head, "how is life in Stormclan?" Stormstar glanced at her paws.
"Not so good" she admitted. "No?" Nightstar said acting surprised.
"Yes, we just went into war with Waveclan and Breezeclan."
"But the war is over, no?"
"yes it is."
"Then why look so sad, my love?"
"Its just" Stormstar hesitated, "because of the war....i dont no who to trust! I feel as if my whole clan has betray me! My mind is werlling! My thoughts and wonders are to big for my head to handle! Starclan help me!" Stormstar yowled, desperatly, "show me guidence!"
Stormstar looked up, as Nightstar rested his black tail tip on her shoulder.
"No need to wail in such pain, my deer one" Nightstar begged calmly, "when i see you so scared, it feels worse then claws slicing and slaughtering me slowly down my back."
"But what am i to do? Where am i to go? Whom am i to trust?"
"Dont worry my precious" Nightstar reassured her, "Starclan is here." Stormstar relaxed her tensed mussles. "So will the betrayls stop" she asked, confidently.
Nightstar stared beyond her, as if there was something that only he could see. Stormstar glanced down at her paws, if Nightstar wasnt speaking then did that mean that this was only the beginning of her betrays? Then she looked back up as Nightstars confident blue eyes trailed back to her."Starclan is here, remember that I will always be with you and so will the cats that gave you, your nine lives.
Stormstar saw something out of the side of her eye, she looked around and suddenly noticed the spiritual shapes of the cats who had given her, her nine lives! They were siting in a circle around her.
One cat in particular, a gray tabby she-cat stepped out of the ranks of the group and faced Stormstar.
Her beautiful blue eyes were pool's of sympathy and her gentle voice soothed Stormstar, like medicane cat herbs. "fear not sister, you are not alone in the waking world. There are cats that would give there lives for you and would never betray Stormclan."
"Who?" Stormstar demanded, "I must no who to trust and turn to!" Stormstars voice was full of desperation.
The gray she-cat gazed up, Stormstar followed her gaze untill she noticed that one of the stars, high above her head was giving off an enormous amount of light!
Stormstar looked back down at her sister, both their pelts looked identical in the gleaming stars light. Stormstar felt as if she were looking at her own reflection.
Then with a sudden jult, she realized that she wasnt standing infront of her dead sister anymore! She wasnt looking at her own reflection either!
Stormstar was gazing at Wavestorm! They're pelts looked identical in the stars light and it seemed that Stormstar was looking strait into the eyes of a twin! Stormstar picked up her paw, and at the same time so did Wavestorm. She touched her paw to Wavestorms and realized that she WAS standing infront of a mirrior but she wasnt looking at her own reflection! She was looking at Wavestorms!
Stormstar gazed wildly around the night sky but everyone had dissopeared! There scents were still fresh but everyone had vanished!
"Nightstar!" She called desperatly, her fear scent rising higher by every heartbeat. "Someone answer me!" She called desperatly, but still no answer came.
Suddenly, Wavestorms scent was so engulfed around her that she couldnt breath! All the other scents had vanished and she felt as if she were going to die and suffor right in her spot.
Then she heard a voice whisper in her ear, it was so faint that she could barley hear it, yet she understood the words perfectly. "Trust in your clan Stormstar, sometimes kin the first place to start."
Stormstar opened her eyes and found that she was back in her den, scuffling in her moss made nest. The words of Starclan, rang in her head, "Trust in your clan Stormstar, sometimes kin the first place to start."
Stormstar rose to her paws and padded out of her cave.
Outside she saw that Bloodpaw and Foxpaw were wrestling playfully. Bloodpaw had pinned Foxpaw to the ground and was now gloating about it.
Meanwhile Mistyflower and Wavestorm, shared tongues at the bottom of the highrock. Both female's had become the best of friends again when Wavestorm had re-joined Stormclan. Mistyflower hadnt seemed to hestiate, in being the first member to welcome her back, with open paws. They glanced up as Stormstar approached.
"Morning Stormstar" Mistyflower greeted, "How was your sleep?"
"Restless" Stormstar groaned, Mistyflower and Wavestorm exchanged an uncertain glance.
Then Stormstar turned her head towards Wavestorm, "i had a dream from Starclan" she announced, "and now i no what i must do!"
Mistyflower turned her head to look at Wavestorm although the gray tabby she-cat kept her blue eyes locked into Stormstars white eyes.......
Stormstar knew that she was dreaming, as a familiar and recent scent engulfed her. It made her feel strangley calm and safe.
Then one of the stars began to move toward her, it was the brightest star in the sky. Stormstar didnt need to be told twice who it was, she already knew.
Then as the star was a mouse-length away from her, the brightnes fadded as a pink nose touched her black nose. She opened her eyes and saw Nightstar! His glossy black pelt and warm blue eyes were the same as they were when he was alive, except now he had stars in his fur.
Her heart felt like bursting with love for her dead mate and she felt as if she was so happy that she couldnt breath. Stormstar couldnt even think of anything to say, she hoped Nightstar would speak first.
"Greeting's Stormstar" he acnoledged her with a dip of his head, "how is life in Stormclan?" Stormstar glanced at her paws.
"Not so good" she admitted. "No?" Nightstar said acting surprised.
"Yes, we just went into war with Waveclan and Breezeclan."
"But the war is over, no?"
"yes it is."
"Then why look so sad, my love?"
"Its just" Stormstar hesitated, "because of the war....i dont no who to trust! I feel as if my whole clan has betray me! My mind is werlling! My thoughts and wonders are to big for my head to handle! Starclan help me!" Stormstar yowled, desperatly, "show me guidence!"
Stormstar looked up, as Nightstar rested his black tail tip on her shoulder.
"No need to wail in such pain, my deer one" Nightstar begged calmly, "when i see you so scared, it feels worse then claws slicing and slaughtering me slowly down my back."
"But what am i to do? Where am i to go? Whom am i to trust?"
"Dont worry my precious" Nightstar reassured her, "Starclan is here." Stormstar relaxed her tensed mussles. "So will the betrayls stop" she asked, confidently.
Nightstar stared beyond her, as if there was something that only he could see. Stormstar glanced down at her paws, if Nightstar wasnt speaking then did that mean that this was only the beginning of her betrays? Then she looked back up as Nightstars confident blue eyes trailed back to her."Starclan is here, remember that I will always be with you and so will the cats that gave you, your nine lives.
Stormstar saw something out of the side of her eye, she looked around and suddenly noticed the spiritual shapes of the cats who had given her, her nine lives! They were siting in a circle around her.
One cat in particular, a gray tabby she-cat stepped out of the ranks of the group and faced Stormstar.
Her beautiful blue eyes were pool's of sympathy and her gentle voice soothed Stormstar, like medicane cat herbs. "fear not sister, you are not alone in the waking world. There are cats that would give there lives for you and would never betray Stormclan."
"Who?" Stormstar demanded, "I must no who to trust and turn to!" Stormstars voice was full of desperation.
The gray she-cat gazed up, Stormstar followed her gaze untill she noticed that one of the stars, high above her head was giving off an enormous amount of light!
Stormstar looked back down at her sister, both their pelts looked identical in the gleaming stars light. Stormstar felt as if she were looking at her own reflection.
Then with a sudden jult, she realized that she wasnt standing infront of her dead sister anymore! She wasnt looking at her own reflection either!
Stormstar was gazing at Wavestorm! They're pelts looked identical in the stars light and it seemed that Stormstar was looking strait into the eyes of a twin! Stormstar picked up her paw, and at the same time so did Wavestorm. She touched her paw to Wavestorms and realized that she WAS standing infront of a mirrior but she wasnt looking at her own reflection! She was looking at Wavestorms!
Stormstar gazed wildly around the night sky but everyone had dissopeared! There scents were still fresh but everyone had vanished!
"Nightstar!" She called desperatly, her fear scent rising higher by every heartbeat. "Someone answer me!" She called desperatly, but still no answer came.
Suddenly, Wavestorms scent was so engulfed around her that she couldnt breath! All the other scents had vanished and she felt as if she were going to die and suffor right in her spot.
Then she heard a voice whisper in her ear, it was so faint that she could barley hear it, yet she understood the words perfectly. "Trust in your clan Stormstar, sometimes kin the first place to start."
Stormstar opened her eyes and found that she was back in her den, scuffling in her moss made nest. The words of Starclan, rang in her head, "Trust in your clan Stormstar, sometimes kin the first place to start."
Stormstar rose to her paws and padded out of her cave.
Outside she saw that Bloodpaw and Foxpaw were wrestling playfully. Bloodpaw had pinned Foxpaw to the ground and was now gloating about it.
Meanwhile Mistyflower and Wavestorm, shared tongues at the bottom of the highrock. Both female's had become the best of friends again when Wavestorm had re-joined Stormclan. Mistyflower hadnt seemed to hestiate, in being the first member to welcome her back, with open paws. They glanced up as Stormstar approached.
"Morning Stormstar" Mistyflower greeted, "How was your sleep?"
"Restless" Stormstar groaned, Mistyflower and Wavestorm exchanged an uncertain glance.
Then Stormstar turned her head towards Wavestorm, "i had a dream from Starclan" she announced, "and now i no what i must do!"
Mistyflower turned her head to look at Wavestorm although the gray tabby she-cat kept her blue eyes locked into Stormstars white eyes.......


Will there ever be any hope and justice, for Storm and Nightstar?

Stormstar and Nightstar (Nightstars actually black but i love this pic!)

Storm, future leader of her gang

me as a full med. cat
I was born a rouge, and my mom was named Daisy, i was named lily when i opened my eyes she saw my different color eyes.
Rouges and loners would of murdered me if they had seen my eyes, becuase they belived that it was a sign of weakness.
Afeird for my life, Daisy took me away to the west. She came across Stormstar and explained, she ask Stormstar to keep my name.
When i was brought to the camp Bulefire took care of me since she already had Foxkit, when we became apperetices we shared a metor,Wavestorm, but then after two moons of training i became a med. cat, now im Lilybreeze
That's my storie

Stormstars returned! Strong as ever and fully healed!