Lilypaw was walking towards the full moon, she was supposed to make it to the large river if she was to meet the great forest cat. Starclan told her to seek the river under the full moon. She had left the clan last night not knowing how far she would have to walk. She decided not to tell the whole clan just Stormstar, Mistyflower, and Fernkit. Finnly she reached the big river. “Hello, Lilypaw” said a mystic, powerful voice. Then out of the shadows stepped a large cat 3 times bigger then a tom, he had a dusty brown spotted cat with deep gray eyes and short black tipped tail. I’m Moontail the great forest cat. Starclan sent you am I correct?” “yes” Lilypaw replied nervously. “Do not be afraid small one I will not harm you” promised Moontail “I am here to tell you something” “What?’’ asked Lily paw “On the day the blackbird learns to sing and a redbird chick is blue to gifts will appear only to two eyes until the rest of the forest opens its eyes” Lilypaw stood frozen staring at the great cat. “oh, you must go, NOW” “oh, and Lilypaw” “Yes” “Sometimes it better not to know the what the feather came from” “Wha-” was all Lilypaw could say before she was shoed off. Soon she was running of back toward the camp be the time she got back it was dusk in the camp. Stormstar was walking into her den so she went into the den to tell her of the omen.
“On the day the blackbird learns to sing and a redbird chick is blue to gifts will appear only to two eyes until the rest of the forest opens its eyes”
“On the day the blackbird learns to sing and a redbird chick is blue to gifts will appear only to two eyes until the rest of the forest opens its eyes”

This story was written by me, ThunderCat! About my brother, Duskcrow who plays an apprentace called Oddpaw is temporarily being mentored by Mosswing, who is played by me! lol! This is another image my demanding brother asked Stormstar to draw! So drawn by


Will there ever be any hope and justice, for Storm and Nightstar?

Stormstar and Nightstar (Nightstars actually black but i love this pic!)

Storm, future leader of her gang

me as a full med. cat
I was born a rouge, and my mom was named Daisy, i was named lily when i opened my eyes she saw my different color eyes.
Rouges and loners would of murdered me if they had seen my eyes, becuase they belived that it was a sign of weakness.
Afeird for my life, Daisy took me away to the west. She came across Stormstar and explained, she ask Stormstar to keep my name.
When i was brought to the camp Bulefire took care of me since she already had Foxkit, when we became apperetices we shared a metor,Wavestorm, but then after two moons of training i became a med. cat, now im Lilybreeze
That's my storie