My eyes flashed open, i was lying under a sheltered berry blue-bush by the river. Nightstar slept beside me, his breathing relaxed and calm.
For the last moon-in-a-half I had been sneaking out at night, to be with Nightstar. I knew it was wrong and against the rules, but Nightstars presnce made me feel happy and proud to be around him.
As I glanced up, I noticed that dawn had already begun, the group would be waking up soon! I jumped t my paws, as i felt Nightstar stir beside me. He looked up drowsly then quickly realized it was dawn as well.
"I must go now" I told Nightstar. There was sadness in his blue eyes but also understanding and acknolegdement. "We cant go on like this" Nightstar pointed out. "Theres no hope for us if we stay, sooner or later someones going to find out."
My ears prickled, he had a point, I knew my father would be suspicious already but was it worth leaving my kin and my group behind?
Nighstar licked my ear, "You realize what will happen if your father, Ozone finds out?" I slowly nodded, I knew that if my father found out then he would kill Nightstar.
"I will think about it" I promised Nightstar, "and I will tell you my desicion tonight." Nightstar nodded, then touched his muzzel to mine, "take all the time you need, my love."
I smiled then dashed away, eager to get home before anyone found out.
As I reached my mothers den, I discovered Ozone, sitting in the den. His amber eyes were full of rage and his black pelt bristled with furry.
"Where have you been" he demanded, "first your always exhosted and now you leave the den, pull yourself together and tell me whats going on!"
I gulped, "theres nothing going on" i lied. I could tell by Ozones dark stair that he didnt believe a word i said.
"Tell me the truth" he growled. "I told you theres nothing to tell" I hissed. To my shock, Ozone lunged at me, I tried to run but he reached me first and with his greater weight pinned me down. "Your lieing" he snarled, "your carrying kits! Your seeing a rogue, arent you? If the pups you were carrying were a high ranking member of our group then you wouldnt have been so secretive!"
My eyes were wide with surprise, as I suddenly realzied he was rite! My stomach had felt heavier and i was plump and couldnt run that fast! How had i missed all the signs? I realized that i was only days away from having my kits! I had been so distracted with everything that I hadnt even realized that i was carrying Nightstars kits!
"Those kits dont deserve to live" Ozone snarled, "As soon as they enter the world, I will be sure to make them leave" Ozone flexed his claws.
I gazed in fear at my father, then Ozone bent down his head and gave my fur a sniff. I knew what he was doing, he was trying to pick up the scent of Nightstar. I wiggled under his powerful weight but it was no use!
Then he leaped off me and dissopeared through the entrance, oh no, I thought terrified! He was heading for Nightstar!
To Be Continued.............
For the last moon-in-a-half I had been sneaking out at night, to be with Nightstar. I knew it was wrong and against the rules, but Nightstars presnce made me feel happy and proud to be around him.
As I glanced up, I noticed that dawn had already begun, the group would be waking up soon! I jumped t my paws, as i felt Nightstar stir beside me. He looked up drowsly then quickly realized it was dawn as well.
"I must go now" I told Nightstar. There was sadness in his blue eyes but also understanding and acknolegdement. "We cant go on like this" Nightstar pointed out. "Theres no hope for us if we stay, sooner or later someones going to find out."
My ears prickled, he had a point, I knew my father would be suspicious already but was it worth leaving my kin and my group behind?
Nighstar licked my ear, "You realize what will happen if your father, Ozone finds out?" I slowly nodded, I knew that if my father found out then he would kill Nightstar.
"I will think about it" I promised Nightstar, "and I will tell you my desicion tonight." Nightstar nodded, then touched his muzzel to mine, "take all the time you need, my love."
I smiled then dashed away, eager to get home before anyone found out.
As I reached my mothers den, I discovered Ozone, sitting in the den. His amber eyes were full of rage and his black pelt bristled with furry.
"Where have you been" he demanded, "first your always exhosted and now you leave the den, pull yourself together and tell me whats going on!"
I gulped, "theres nothing going on" i lied. I could tell by Ozones dark stair that he didnt believe a word i said.
"Tell me the truth" he growled. "I told you theres nothing to tell" I hissed. To my shock, Ozone lunged at me, I tried to run but he reached me first and with his greater weight pinned me down. "Your lieing" he snarled, "your carrying kits! Your seeing a rogue, arent you? If the pups you were carrying were a high ranking member of our group then you wouldnt have been so secretive!"
My eyes were wide with surprise, as I suddenly realzied he was rite! My stomach had felt heavier and i was plump and couldnt run that fast! How had i missed all the signs? I realized that i was only days away from having my kits! I had been so distracted with everything that I hadnt even realized that i was carrying Nightstars kits!
"Those kits dont deserve to live" Ozone snarled, "As soon as they enter the world, I will be sure to make them leave" Ozone flexed his claws.
I gazed in fear at my father, then Ozone bent down his head and gave my fur a sniff. I knew what he was doing, he was trying to pick up the scent of Nightstar. I wiggled under his powerful weight but it was no use!
Then he leaped off me and dissopeared through the entrance, oh no, I thought terrified! He was heading for Nightstar!
To Be Continued.............

Storm, future leader of her gang

me as a full med. cat
I was born a rouge, and my mom was named Daisy, i was named lily when i opened my eyes she saw my different color eyes.
Rouges and loners would of murdered me if they had seen my eyes, becuase they belived that it was a sign of weakness.
Afeird for my life, Daisy took me away to the west. She came across Stormstar and explained, she ask Stormstar to keep my name.
When i was brought to the camp Bulefire took care of me since she already had Foxkit, when we became apperetices we shared a metor,Wavestorm, but then after two moons of training i became a med. cat, now im Lilybreeze
That's my storie

Stormstars returned! Strong as ever and fully healed!