10.Nausicaa of the valley of the wind
This film had a great enviromental message, which was really really obvious, but it is something people do have to take in, and i loved the design of the post apocolyptic Earth, and the fact it was ripped apart into nations, which were very diverse and different, and it suggested more chaos was going on in the world, then first appears. The characters were powerful, lead by Nausicaa, who, in Miyazakis true style, was a strong, adventurous female character. I was a little suprised there was not really a love story incorporated though, but, the story didnt stop from minute one, to minute one hundred and sixteen. thats what made this a great adventure.
9.Porco Rosso
Miyazaki's great love for planes is on display in this film, and everything about the planes, from the dogfights, to the reparing, is stunningly accurate and wonderful to watch. The fusion of romance, adventure, escapism, and the curiousity of Porco being a pig makes sure, there is always something more to want in this film. I liked Porco, he wasn't too grim, or too perky, he was a believable character, well, if pigs could talk, but, he was the only magic in an otherwise rather bleak and stale world, which makes us more sympathetic towards him. I liked the stop-start story line, with action happening when you least expect it, and some it has some very human scenes of vunerability, inbetween. The fact of the matter is, if you like to blend romance, action, and magic, then this is the Studio ghibli for you.
8.The cat returns
Although its abit short, and theres not alot to take from this film, its a great watch, and the Baron is a great character for any story. And it's hard to imagine how many of these films i would've seen without the cat returns, as it was one of the first i saw. It's a nice taster to get into the Ghibli franchise, it's not too heavy, and it's very well paced. Definatley worth a watch, a solid number 8.
7.My neighbour Totoro
Awwwwwwwwww. Such a sweet story, and the first Ghibli i saw. If you're a parent who needs a great film to sit down, and watch with your kids, this is the one. Although, some scenes do melt your heart abit. Like when Satsuki is running all over the palce to look for Mei, and can't find her, or when Satsuki starts crying about her mohter, it was like someone was playing Bass on my heart strings. But it's by no means the saddest of the Ghiblis, it is actually the perkiest and bubbliest, and if that doesnt attract you, then the vibrant colours, and soemwhat offbeat storyline will. A charming, charming, little film, that you'd have to be the devil to not enjoy, this is definatley one to be enjoyed, watch wether you're 8, or 80.
6.Kiki's delivery service
The most recent one of thses i watched, It typical Ghibli, but not typical at all. Although it is somewhat a hybrid of Howl's moving castle, and Whisper of the heart. It exlores themes such as coming of age, social, personal, and general responibility, within a young persons life. And It does it beautifully. Kiki is an awesoem protagonist, I liked the fact shes a witch, but shes still sjut a teenage girl, fighting and loosing a teenages girls struggle. I loved the city it was set in, there was limitless potential within it, and, whilst some say, it was same old same old from ghibli, this film has soemthing for everyone to take from it. As far as the story goes, I like the fact it takes a while to pick up, you can observe the great animation, decoration, and appreciate all the hard work that actually goes into these films. If it had a stronger ending, it would've been top five anyday.
5.Princess Mononoke
This film is a 26 mile sprint. From the opening sequences, to the last oens, the action, although it has lulls, doesnt stop. i lvoe the enviromaental theme in this film, It's very obvious, a literal 'war' between man's technology, and nature. This film contradicts Castle in the sky, where nature and technology live as one. I thought the gore, was probably appropriate, because it left very very powerful images in its wake, and it does make you think about mans relationship with nature. Great film, the longest of the lot, but doesn't get stale.
4.Graveyeard of Fireflies
Without doubt the most emotionally exhausting film i've ever seen. It jsut paints a picture of disrepair, desperation, and utter defeat that nothing comes close to. It's very symbolic, Seita and Setsuko put a face on every man woman and child in Japan in the bitter dying embers of the war effort. there isn't a moment in the film that the protagonsits are winning, and although you are determined that things will get better, but, they don't. It's a slice of life, but not a slice of luck. And, when I first heard the title, I didn't know what to expect, at all, so, watching it, was a massive shock. Whatta film, not for crybabies though. But saying that, If you can't cry at it, you're not even made of stone, you're made of something much harder.
3.Howl's moving castle.
An amazing film, full of wonder and excitment, and a stunning world, from the barren, unknown parts, to the intricate labryinths that are the city's. The story itself, when it was first told to me was basically 'Girl gets turned into an old woman' but it was so much more then that. it's a great journey, with probably the best suppourting cast of any studio Ghibli, with Calcifer, Turnip head, the dog...it's brilliant. Watch it.
2.Spirited away
Iv'e heard people say this isn't the masterpeice that everyone bigs it up to be, well, they have no taste in film. Because this film is near perfection. There isn't a weak spot in this film, and there is soo much to see in this twisted world of spirits, and again, the characters are so diverse and loveable. The animation is absolutley fantastic. There isn't alot more to say, ther then this, is without doubt, the most sucsessful thing Ghibli will ever create.But it's still not number 1 in my books....
1.Whisper of the heart
OH MAH GOD. I cannot think about this film without smiling. It is jsut the best film I've eevr seen. There so much to read into, and so much to take from it. Shizuku is by far the most diverse and interesting character that Ghibli have ever dreamt up. Young love is a great theme, because you can clearly see how vunerable and inexperienced they were, and how easily they could be set over the edge by their feelings for one another. The themes are pretty similar to that of Kiki's delivery service, coming of age, growing into your own skin, personal growth, and, of course, romance. This is definatley the most relatable of the Ghiblis, and it's the most human story-no magic, the characters seem more real, and people can easily relate to them. To really appreciate this film, you have to dig deep, and open up, like the film teaches you to. It's a film we can all take soemthing from, to enrich our lives a little bit. Watch it. Nuff said.
I'm out.
This film had a great enviromental message, which was really really obvious, but it is something people do have to take in, and i loved the design of the post apocolyptic Earth, and the fact it was ripped apart into nations, which were very diverse and different, and it suggested more chaos was going on in the world, then first appears. The characters were powerful, lead by Nausicaa, who, in Miyazakis true style, was a strong, adventurous female character. I was a little suprised there was not really a love story incorporated though, but, the story didnt stop from minute one, to minute one hundred and sixteen. thats what made this a great adventure.
9.Porco Rosso
Miyazaki's great love for planes is on display in this film, and everything about the planes, from the dogfights, to the reparing, is stunningly accurate and wonderful to watch. The fusion of romance, adventure, escapism, and the curiousity of Porco being a pig makes sure, there is always something more to want in this film. I liked Porco, he wasn't too grim, or too perky, he was a believable character, well, if pigs could talk, but, he was the only magic in an otherwise rather bleak and stale world, which makes us more sympathetic towards him. I liked the stop-start story line, with action happening when you least expect it, and some it has some very human scenes of vunerability, inbetween. The fact of the matter is, if you like to blend romance, action, and magic, then this is the Studio ghibli for you.
8.The cat returns
Although its abit short, and theres not alot to take from this film, its a great watch, and the Baron is a great character for any story. And it's hard to imagine how many of these films i would've seen without the cat returns, as it was one of the first i saw. It's a nice taster to get into the Ghibli franchise, it's not too heavy, and it's very well paced. Definatley worth a watch, a solid number 8.
7.My neighbour Totoro
Awwwwwwwwww. Such a sweet story, and the first Ghibli i saw. If you're a parent who needs a great film to sit down, and watch with your kids, this is the one. Although, some scenes do melt your heart abit. Like when Satsuki is running all over the palce to look for Mei, and can't find her, or when Satsuki starts crying about her mohter, it was like someone was playing Bass on my heart strings. But it's by no means the saddest of the Ghiblis, it is actually the perkiest and bubbliest, and if that doesnt attract you, then the vibrant colours, and soemwhat offbeat storyline will. A charming, charming, little film, that you'd have to be the devil to not enjoy, this is definatley one to be enjoyed, watch wether you're 8, or 80.
6.Kiki's delivery service
The most recent one of thses i watched, It typical Ghibli, but not typical at all. Although it is somewhat a hybrid of Howl's moving castle, and Whisper of the heart. It exlores themes such as coming of age, social, personal, and general responibility, within a young persons life. And It does it beautifully. Kiki is an awesoem protagonist, I liked the fact shes a witch, but shes still sjut a teenage girl, fighting and loosing a teenages girls struggle. I loved the city it was set in, there was limitless potential within it, and, whilst some say, it was same old same old from ghibli, this film has soemthing for everyone to take from it. As far as the story goes, I like the fact it takes a while to pick up, you can observe the great animation, decoration, and appreciate all the hard work that actually goes into these films. If it had a stronger ending, it would've been top five anyday.
5.Princess Mononoke
This film is a 26 mile sprint. From the opening sequences, to the last oens, the action, although it has lulls, doesnt stop. i lvoe the enviromaental theme in this film, It's very obvious, a literal 'war' between man's technology, and nature. This film contradicts Castle in the sky, where nature and technology live as one. I thought the gore, was probably appropriate, because it left very very powerful images in its wake, and it does make you think about mans relationship with nature. Great film, the longest of the lot, but doesn't get stale.
4.Graveyeard of Fireflies
Without doubt the most emotionally exhausting film i've ever seen. It jsut paints a picture of disrepair, desperation, and utter defeat that nothing comes close to. It's very symbolic, Seita and Setsuko put a face on every man woman and child in Japan in the bitter dying embers of the war effort. there isn't a moment in the film that the protagonsits are winning, and although you are determined that things will get better, but, they don't. It's a slice of life, but not a slice of luck. And, when I first heard the title, I didn't know what to expect, at all, so, watching it, was a massive shock. Whatta film, not for crybabies though. But saying that, If you can't cry at it, you're not even made of stone, you're made of something much harder.
3.Howl's moving castle.
An amazing film, full of wonder and excitment, and a stunning world, from the barren, unknown parts, to the intricate labryinths that are the city's. The story itself, when it was first told to me was basically 'Girl gets turned into an old woman' but it was so much more then that. it's a great journey, with probably the best suppourting cast of any studio Ghibli, with Calcifer, Turnip head, the dog...it's brilliant. Watch it.
2.Spirited away
Iv'e heard people say this isn't the masterpeice that everyone bigs it up to be, well, they have no taste in film. Because this film is near perfection. There isn't a weak spot in this film, and there is soo much to see in this twisted world of spirits, and again, the characters are so diverse and loveable. The animation is absolutley fantastic. There isn't alot more to say, ther then this, is without doubt, the most sucsessful thing Ghibli will ever create.But it's still not number 1 in my books....
1.Whisper of the heart
OH MAH GOD. I cannot think about this film without smiling. It is jsut the best film I've eevr seen. There so much to read into, and so much to take from it. Shizuku is by far the most diverse and interesting character that Ghibli have ever dreamt up. Young love is a great theme, because you can clearly see how vunerable and inexperienced they were, and how easily they could be set over the edge by their feelings for one another. The themes are pretty similar to that of Kiki's delivery service, coming of age, growing into your own skin, personal growth, and, of course, romance. This is definatley the most relatable of the Ghiblis, and it's the most human story-no magic, the characters seem more real, and people can easily relate to them. To really appreciate this film, you have to dig deep, and open up, like the film teaches you to. It's a film we can all take soemthing from, to enrich our lives a little bit. Watch it. Nuff said.
I'm out.