Apples and oranges, my dudes., 20 May 2022.
And Not Just Because He Survived It! TVLine, 10 APR 2022.
"Eastwood said he was almost in the sequel, but after a chat with his legendary father, Clint Eastwood, he ended up passing on a three-picture deal Warner Bros. offered him." Insider, 18 FEB 2022.
History of the Release the Ayer Cut campaign and a list of differences between the actual Ayer Cut and the Studio Squad.
Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman and John Cena expressed interest in seeing Ayer's vision on the eve of James Gunn's The Suicide Squad. Vanity Fair, August 2021.
As momentum gathers around the #ReleaseTheAyerCut campaign, a series of leaks have revealed cut moments from 2016's Suicide Squad. ScreenRant collected them all.
"I made something amazing … a handful of people have seen it," the director writes in scathing open letter. GET 'EM, DAVID! The Hollywood Reporter, 29 JULY 2021.
tl;dr = WB would look like idiots. Nothing groudbreaking, but an interesting fuck-you-WB read from, 31 MAR 2021.
"It's frustrating because I made a really heartfelt drama and it got ripped to pieces and they tried to turn it into Deadpool... I made an amazing movie, it just scared the s--- out of the executives." David Ayer interview with EW, 30 MAR 2021.