The fans pick: A Little Priest
The fans pick: Yes, they are very different
The fans pick: Judge Turpin for prisoning Benjamin/Todd to get Lucy for himself!
Judge Turpin for prisoni- ng... |
Mrs. Lovett for lying that Lucy... |
The fans pick: Sweeney todd
The fans pick: Sweeney Todd
The fans pick: I like him
Yes &# 39; cause he killed Sweeney |
The fans pick: thinking about him
The fans pick: No. I would´ve been so mad, but I wouldn´t have killed her
The fans pick: No! I´ve always loved musicals.
No! I´ ve always loved... |
I´ ve seen some musicals, and... |
The fans pick: I'm a girl and I love Sweeney Todd
I&# 39; m a girl and I love Sweeney... |
I&# 39; m a boy and I love Sweeney... |
The fans pick: No! She sounded so great in it!
The fans pick: Of course it;s amazing!
The fans pick: I can't choose one!!
The fans pick: yes, I felt kinda dizzy
The fans pick: i_luv_JDepp
The fans pick: Fan videos
The fans pick: Nothing. But I do want to buy some Sweeney items
The fans pick: No, it's one of the few things he has left from his previous life as Barker.
The fans pick: Total waste of time. Who would spend time remaking a movie that already exists?
The fans pick: less than 5 minutes
The fans pick: Havn't seen either of them :D
Havn&# 39; t seen either of them : D |
The fans pick: Mrs. Lovett- The dresses in By The Sea = amazing
The fans pick: its todd now, sweeney todd, and he will have his revenge
its todd now, sweeney todd,... |
How gratifying for once to... |
The fans pick: It's possible
The fans pick: Mrs. Lovett's
The fans pick: Helena for being kissed by Johnny
The fans pick: Johnny Depp (Sweeney Todd)
The fans pick: i wonder but never want to eat one
The fans pick: I <3 Sweeney Todd
The fans pick: Judge Turpin
The fans pick: Yeah now that you mention it
The fans pick: It looks awesome! I wish I could have one!
The fans pick: sweeney todd
The fans pick: Judge Turpin
The fans pick: Johny Depp
The fans pick: Mrs. Lovett
The fans pick: Yes, he would still have noticed
The fans pick: or this one?
The fans pick: Mrs. Lovett:)
The fans pick: Okay, yes! I will do it!
Why should I? Not interested. |
The fans pick: None of Them
The fans pick: Sweeney Todd!!
The fans pick: A Little Priest
The fans pick: Mrs. Lovett
The fans pick: Sweeney Todd
The fans pick: Judge Turpin
The fans pick: Mrs. Lovett
The fans pick: Mrs. Lovett
The fans pick: A Little Priest
The fans pick: Sweeney and Nellie both live
The fans pick: Sweeny Todd!!!!!!!!!
The fans pick: This wonderful Sweeney My Little Pony?