TDI's Noah Club
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posted by TOTALFan
I lay in my bunk above Gwen, thinking of what I would do if I won.
It was 3:00 A.M.
Then Gwen woke up tired and asked me why I was awake when she climbed the latter to my bunk.
I told her what I was thinking about, she told me what she would do as she sat down next to me.
I asked her a question aside to the subject.

me:"Do you think Noah likes me?"

Gwen:"I don't should ask him."

me:"Well...I'm kinda shy and I am afraid if he's gonna say no in my face."

Gwen:"Well, then I'll ask him."

me:"You would go that for me!"(I screamed whispered quietly so I wouldn't wake the others)

Gwen:"Of course,...
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posted by noahnstar1616
I'm not sure if I can write this type of story on here, but I will anyway because I don't where else to write this. I hope it doesn't suck too bad. Enjoy. Notice how there's no exclaimation point after "Enjoy". This shows I'm very non-chalant when it comes to writing. If you don't know what non-chalant means, look it up. Anyway, here goes.

Star's POV
"What do mean get out more", I screamed at my mother."I get out plenty."

"Sweety", said my mom in a loving yet annoyed voice."I just think you should stop studying, and get outside. Enjoy the fresh air, you have all summer to study."

"But Mom, I have...
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posted by starburst-rock
(lol I love Noah so I decided today (reinactment) me: I'm sooo fudging booooored :P! Tiny me (WTF?): write a Noah article... Me: But what about my other story? Tiny me: YOU ALREADY DID PART 2 SO MAKE THE FUGIN NOAH ARTICLE! Me: 0.o (end) well enjoy :D)

1. He's so fuggin epic
2. Cause he's Noah
3. We all love his sarcastic comments
4. He makes everyone lmao
5. He has enough guts to team up with izzy
6. He has sexy hair!!!!
7. His famous line "Come fly with us! Come die with us!"
8. His little girl scream
9. His team spirit (Go. Team go. :P)
10. He was the first one who figured out Alejandro was evil...
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posted by Juaniallermann2
Noah (Lucas in French), labeled The Schemer, was a camper on Total Drama Island on the Screaming Gophers team. He is currently unqualified to compete in Total Drama Action.

Being born in a large family with numerous siblings, Noah hardened himself over the years to prevail through life's obstacles and learned to overcome problems by using his intelligence rather than his physical strength. He has been said to be an avid player of video games and has nearly-encyclopedic knowledge of modern literature and other forms of media. In school, Noah performs well and is even competent (and...
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posted by noahnstar1616
Noah's POV
It was Friday morning. I jumped out of bed, took a shower, and got dressed. As I headed downstairs for breakfast, I stopped halfway down the stairs because I heard something that I haven't heard since, well ever. It was absolutely silent.
I ran down the rest of stairs and into the kitchen. No one was there. I instantly saw a neon pink post it on the fridgerator. I ran to the fridge and read the post it. I read, "Went to I-Hop with the kids. I didn't want to wake you because you were sleeping so peacefully. Be back soon. Love Mom." I put the post it on the counter top. "Great. Home...
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posted by Juaniallermann2
Noah (Lucas in French), labeled The Schemer, was a camper on Total Drama Island on the Screaming Gophers team. He is currently unqualified to compete in Total Drama Action.

Being born in a large family with numerous siblings, Noah hardened himself over the years to prevail through life's obstacles and learned to overcome problems by using his intelligence rather than his physical strength. He has been said to be an avid player of video games and has nearly-encyclopedic knowledge of modern literature and other forms of media. In school, Noah performs well and is even competent (and...
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posted by noahnstar1616
Star's POV
My gymnastics tornament was today at 12 in the afternoon. I was in the kitchen eating breakfast. It was 8 o'clock in the morning. My breakfast today was apple cinnamon oatmeal. To my surprise, eating oatmeal at a slow pace made it even more lumpy than usual. I put my spoon down in my bowl and stared at my lumpy bowl of now cold oatmeal. "Sweetheart, you got to eat for the tornament", said my mom coming to sit next to me at the kitchen table.

"I'm too disappointed to eat, Mom."

"I know you were looking foward to that date, honey. But you'll have other dates."

"But not with him."

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posted by noahnstar1616
Star's POV
We unboarded the bus and walked the rest of the way to the mall, which was exactly one block. We kept talking. I said, "Hey. Do you want to hear a bad joke?"

"Sure. I love bad jokes", he said sarcastically.

I chuckled. "Ok. So what's the only flower who doesn't get any sleep at night?"

"I don't know. What?" He sounded more interested.

"The daisy." He looked at me for a few minutes. Just staring at me, not saying anything. I wondered what he was staring at. I instantly thought I had some of my protein bar in my teeth. We stopped walking due to a red light. Why is he still staring at me,...
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posted by duncylovescourt
hey im just wrting this article cuz im trying to get my dedicated award thing.

Noah rocks
he definetly shocks
us at how funny he is
he loves that book of his
he is very sarcastic
but we think hes fantastic
he doesnt like to run
to us hes fun
so wat if she not strong
cuz hes never wrong
he doesnt like to try
hes possibly Bi
hes not so good at sports
but, hey atleast he has no warts
Noah is our guy
who doesnt want to die

k i kno it sucked

gooooo noah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by noahnstar1616
Star's POV
I have a date is all I thought when I boarded the bus on my way to the mall. I felt ecstatic. I felt like my heart would explode with content. I couldn't stop smiling. I was going on a date with Noah! I got off the bus and walked one block to the mall. When I entered the mall, I decided to buy a new bathing suit. It was my first date to a water park after all. I went to Ujena. When I walked into the store, a lady who worked there came up to me and said, "Hi. May I help you?"

"Yes. I'm looking for a two piece swimsuit that isn't too revealing."

"If you would just follow me, Miss." I...
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posted by TOTALFan
OK, this is my opinion and my thoughts...I LOVE NOAH!!I LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM!IF HE WERE A REAL PERSON I WOULD HAVE A HUGE CRUSH ON HIM!!OK, he is a character from a cartoon but hey!The law don't say we can't love something out of a cartoon!OK, most people say I am crazy for talking about Noah and Cody so much ok, I think they would make a perfect gay cartoon couple...LOL, but Their are a lot of people who think the same as me!So tell me what you feel!Message me if you think what i think and want to talk about it!I get kinda lonely from never getting to talk about it with some friends, =( But...
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posted by noahnstar1616
Star's POV
By the time I got home, it was 10 o'clock at night. My first thought was that my mom's going to kill me. I never stay out this late, even on weekends. She'll question me. She'll go 'good cop, bad cop' on me, and I hate when she does that. But even if she does kill me, it would be worth it. I got to spend the whole day with the guy of dreams. Then I remembered the book he lent me, I looked at the cover of the book and clutched it to my chest. I got off the bus at my stop. 20 mores steps, I counted. 19, 18, 17,...the numbers kept decreasing. I counted the steps until I reached my house....
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