The Burning Girls is a brand new chilling series based on the novel of the same name by C.J. Tudor. Starring Fantastic Beasts actor Samantha Morton and Bridgerton and Lockwood & Co star Ruby Stokes who play a Vicar and her daughter.
Killing It is a comedy about class, capitalism, and one man’s quest to achieve the American Dream. But first he has to overcome vicious criminals, nature run wild, and worst of all, corporate America.
Whether you spend all your time bingeing I Love Lucy reruns or you can't stop rewatching Breaking Bad, you're guaranteed to find something on our list for you.
Prime Video’s #1 comedy is back! In Season 3, the recently downloaded Nathan and Nora start an IRL relationship while taking down Freeyond. Meanwhile, a digital copy of Nathan is brought to life in Lakeview where he explores an alternate path