The 39 clues Club
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added by NatalieKabra
added by adrianna25
added by SarahLovesSiva
added by NatalieKabra
added by SarahLovesSiva
Ian turned white as Natalie asked him the question he hoped he would never have to answer. "What is sex" Natalie asked with curiosity "" Ian said scratching the back of his head thinking of what he should say when he came up with an idea.
Meanwhile at the Cahill's house
*ringing* "Dan get the phone" Amy screamed from her bedroom. "Yellow who is it" Dan said paying attention to his handheld game "um um um Dan is Amy there" Ian said sounding horrified " Amy its your boyfriend" "He is not my boyfriend"!"What do you want Ian" Amy sighed "can you both come over I'm scared" "of what" "Natalie...
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Awkward Ian Kabra thought to himself laughing in his mind that the Cahill boy made fun of Ian saying he was gay when this boy probably didn't even understand exactly what that meant. Then again it was slightly sad that he didn't know what sex was... this puzzled Ian for several minutes when he started to turn red thinking of the time his father had tried to explain this to him at the age of 10 he had pitied his father. He remembered it well he sat down in a chair across his father that day in his fathers study his father had looked at him seriously and this is how it went "there comes a time...
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added by NatalieKabra
added by NatalieKabra
added by NatalieKabra
Then the torture began, Dan, Amy, Ian, Alistair, and her walked for what felt like FOREVER! She was sweating, actually SWEATING! Then after eternity and a day Alistair finally suggested lunch. “You wouldn’t happen to have caviar on French bread with sweet tomato sauce would you?” she had to ask.
    “Peanut butter on wheat?” Dan replied. WORST DAY EVER?!?! Natalie almost screamed. But her brother stoped her by throwing something at Amy, she just noticed that he had climed the wall. How could he do that after so much walking, she didn't even have enouph energy to...
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As we all know, Mary Shelly is a Janus. Genetically however, this makes know sense. Mary's mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, was a feminist who fought for education rights for women, and her father was a politacal reformer. How could Mary shelly be a Janus with parents such as these? Was her mom an exception like the flying ace? Was she actually a Madrigold spy? Was she a spy from another branch? Or, more likely, was it a goof that Rick made?

a curious Ekat,
added by adrianna25
added by NatalieKabra
added by SarahLovesSiva
added by SarahLovesSiva
added by SarahLovesSiva
added by NatalieKabra
added by anegale
posted by skynite
I have a theory as to where one of the clues is. it's probably wrong, but what the heck.

When Abraham Lincon went down the Mississippi river, he wasn't just touring, he was looking for a clue.
Later, Napoleon sold Thedore Roosevelt the Luosiana purchase so he could have the money to look for clues in Europe and Africa. What he didn't know was that he was also selling him a clue. Roosevelt suspected that there was a clue hidden in the Mississippi,so he asked for more land than Napoleon offered for a higher price. Napoleon agreed. The question was how was he going to look for it while still...
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