And im alittle to lazy to go search for the other episode. The Virus. so just go look it up. Anyway yeah new episodes will be coming out this summer so stay tuned on Cn. for them. int'll then. Bye ^_^
Chi ha voglia di sentire una storia che a voi fan di gumball farà molto strano sentire. Una storia che ha molto da dire e nascondere vi dirò un bel po su questa storia. Una storia che personalmente ho sentito sulla pelle. Bhe se volete basta rispondermi e io inizierò a narrarvi passo dopo passo. Quindi se siete interessati mettetevi pronti che quando vorrete io vi racconterò tutto. E qualcosa ke ho sentito provato sulla mia pelle. Enn so se a fine storia avrete pietà di me o paura di me. Sarete voi a dirmelo. Comunque questa storia e anche un avvertimento ma n voglio spoilerarvi niente pk sarete voi a dirmi se vorrete sentire la storia ricordate però che io vago in giro per i fan club a raccontare questa storia quindi se rifiuterete nn raccontero niente su questo fan club sta a voi scegliere io aspetto
Ms.Dian came out of the changing room. Penny was right behind her as they walked back to the pool.
Rocky had already set up the net in the pool, so they could get started at the game.
Hey Rocky!!! yelled Ms.Dian. Where's the ball?
It Popped
Ms.Dian looked over at Gumball who had the un-inflated ball in his hands. He smiled nervously has he set it down and ran with Darwin. Mr.SMall stood there, than ran.
Well look's like we can't play. She sighed. Nothing was perfect that day.
But she didnt know what was ahead of her.....
Rocky had already set up the net in the pool, so they could get started at the game.
Hey Rocky!!! yelled Ms.Dian. Where's the ball?
It Popped
Ms.Dian looked over at Gumball who had the un-inflated ball in his hands. He smiled nervously has he set it down and ran with Darwin. Mr.SMall stood there, than ran.
Well look's like we can't play. She sighed. Nothing was perfect that day.
But she didnt know what was ahead of her.....