[Some of these things are out of order]
Here are some things not to do to Irritate the Cullens:
1. Tell Rosalie that she is not pretty. [Unless you want your throat ripped out]
2. Tell Emmett that somebody is stronger than him. [Which is impossible]
3. Mess with Bella [Or you'll end up like James,Laurent and Victoria]
4. Change Edward's music CD's to 60's or 70's music [That will get him very mad.]
5. Surprise Alice [That goes for the werewolves too]
6. Tempt Jasper with HUMAN Blood [you'll end up gone like the blood]
7. Win a fight with Emmett. [He'll be pissed off so he will try to win even if it means dying of exhaustion]
8. Get Edward really mad [It will be the last thing you will do]
9. Try to make them break the treaty. [It will get the werewolves mad too then you'll be in twice the danger]
10. Make Edward believe that Bella's really dead [He hates it when he has to go through those pains again then you'll get into DEEP trouble]
Here are some things not to do to Irritate the Cullens:
1. Tell Rosalie that she is not pretty. [Unless you want your throat ripped out]
2. Tell Emmett that somebody is stronger than him. [Which is impossible]
3. Mess with Bella [Or you'll end up like James,Laurent and Victoria]
4. Change Edward's music CD's to 60's or 70's music [That will get him very mad.]
5. Surprise Alice [That goes for the werewolves too]
6. Tempt Jasper with HUMAN Blood [you'll end up gone like the blood]
7. Win a fight with Emmett. [He'll be pissed off so he will try to win even if it means dying of exhaustion]
8. Get Edward really mad [It will be the last thing you will do]
9. Try to make them break the treaty. [It will get the werewolves mad too then you'll be in twice the danger]
10. Make Edward believe that Bella's really dead [He hates it when he has to go through those pains again then you'll get into DEEP trouble]