The Golden Heart (Das Goldene Herz) Club
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posted by TheGoldenHeart
Hey there,

the time has finally come! My story "The Golden Heart" is published =) If you help me spread the word about it on twitter using the tweet below, in addition to the prize you will receive on the 20th October I will mention you thankfully in my next V-Log

#TheGoldenHeart published in German! Paperbook version: link For Hardcover or E-Book pls wait 1-2 more days @dlwnsghek

Help me let Junho know about it! He gets lots of tweets within seconds so only lots of support can make it happen :)

PS: If you don't use the exact tweet it won't count.

DEADLINE -----> October 20th 2013
posted by TheGoldenHeart
As a "Thank You" for your support I want to update you about some things.

First off: My story is wanted by two German publishing houses so far. One of them is in the process of reading the entire copy of my story right now. Publishing House No. 1 publishes physical books, the other one E-Books (it cooperates with a publishing house that publishes physical books though - with growing popularity of the story and the publishing house itself it has a chance of being published physically as well)

Why I need international support: I want to share my story with people from all over the world. Especially...
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For a chance to win a signed copy of The Golden Heart English Edition tweet my book trailer and mention @winter_vanessa - you can find the trailer here: link.

You can also share it on any other social networking page, but you need to give me a link to them / inform me/ tag me.

My social networking sites are

Facebook links:



Twitter link:


Tumblr link:


Or my other blog




You can also follow me on Pinterest & weheartit


#TheGoldenHeart English Paperback Edition (SIGNED, WITH GIFT, WORLDWIDE DELIVERY) now available for preorder on E-Bay! Hardcover & E-Book Editions still to follow.


Thank you for checking this article out :) I hope you'll get to buy the book and like it.

And of course ... most importantly:

MERRY X-MAS to everyone!! ^-^

Signed copy of "The Golden Heart - Book 1"

Incl. Present (Present chosen randomly)



308 Pages
15,50 x 22,00 cm
Release date - December 2013

When Aurea Vitae's travel begins, she is unhappily...
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posted by TheGoldenHeart
People have been asking me to write what the story is all about and I'll give it a try. I can't reveal too much yet. I've already registered my story at the Writer's Guild Europe, it's not about being scared of it being stolen - it's just because I don't want to give away too much and spoil the fun of reading.

But here goes nothing:

What if your destiny was written and there was no way to change it? Would you go on and accept it? Or would you try and fight the inevitable? 3977 years after the Great Change in 2012 AD twelve people are forced to travel the world together and prepare it for the...
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posted by TheGoldenHeart
This here is a club for my fantasy story. I'll tell you about any sorts of news on here. It is not yet published, but when it is you'll get much more information. I might need support for an international release! The more people that are awaiting it, the likelier it is that it will be published in your country sooner!

The first release will happen in Germany this year. I have no clue about the date yet, but one definite yes from a publishing house.

Recently I have received a manuscript request from a big publishing house so what I'm doing right now is waiting for this one's opinion on my story...
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Nomen est Omen

In the year of the Great Change the Gods decided to create a new name system. The land itself was still separated through provinces, but there was no clear separation of races anymore. So for one they decided for a language everyone needed to be able to speak - English - and for keeping the surnames in Latin. All surnames are Latin words - mostly neutral or words in the Genitive - to not get them confused with masculine or feminine Latin words often used as first names. There is no certain trend to naming your babies. Anything is possible, any language, any origin, even invented...
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Ager "Ay-ger"

The word "Ager" is pronounced like the English word "Age" just with an additional "R". It means "field, landscape, acre". As you can guess by its meaning there are many farms in Ager. Parts of Germany were formed to become this province in the year of the Great Change.

Language spoken: English

Other languages: German

Population: Mainly Earth- & Non-Magi, but also other types of Magi.

Capital: Stutgardia ("shtoot-guar-dee-ah")

Important towns: Infernum (Ian's birth place) & Agmen ("Ahg-men" - Tisha's army is situated here)
posted by TheGoldenHeart

The Gods decided to name the months after themselves and the provinces. In each month there is a holiday celebrating the namesake God/Province.

January - Tellus

February - Zephyrus

March - Fons

April - Flamma

May - Ager

June - Imber

July - Lucida

August - Lux

September - Aerius

October - Obscurus

November - Caligo

December - Sol

Book 1 takes place from September to December (Aerius to Sol)
link (insanely expensive)

You can also order it at your local bookstore by asking for ISBN "978-3-8495-7326-3"
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After only having been offered an E-Book release by the big publishing house and having some issues with the other because of wanting to keep certain rights, I decided to self-publish.
Considering the fact that the publishing house that ultimately was going to release it seemed a little fishy to me, I guess it's for the best.

Right now a very kind editor and fellow writer is working on my story. A cartographer is creating a map for me. Already have the covers planned and everything so it's all good.

I am currently correcting the German version and simultaneously translating it to English.

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- The first version of "The Golden Heart" I've written in 2009 had only three main characters (Devius being the hero, Aurea his love interest & Ardor his best friend - Aurea's grandfather was another major character. Catus, Malus, Ater & Ian were the major villains. Ian was not an Earth-Magus but a Fire Magus.)

- A lot of the names were randomized. In these cases I had a name before I formed a personality out of it.

- Some of the randomized names were: Ian, Notin & Aura.

- Aurea was my own idea & Azuria I had invented when I was 15.

- I started writing when I was 11. My first attempt...
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