The Heroes of Olympus Camp Jupiter Reads the Lightning Thief

alice20000109 posted on Jan 07, 2012 at 10:29AM
This happens before 2 weeks Percy gets to Camp Jupiter. If you haven't read The Son of Neptune, then don't read this.Hope you guys read and like it! I'll post as much as i can, but I really dont have lots of time to write.
last edited on Feb 06, 2012 at 04:10AM

The Heroes of Olympus 95 replies

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over a year ago alice20000109 said…
Reyna was practicing with Nico, the ambassador of Pluto. Nico sometimes beat Reyna, and the only person who'd ever beaten Reyna was Jason.But Jason was missing,even dead, but Reyna pushed the subject out of her mind. If she got distracted, she would lose...again.
Then Octivian, the camp's augur came running to them. "Preator, Lord Mercury wants to see you." Then he smirked and added,"And Pluto's ambassador too."
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
"Mercury?" Reyna tought."The gods never visit camp, unless it's something important."
Then she said to Nico, "Come on."
Reyna and Nico both ran after Octivian.
As soon as they saw Lord Mercury, Reyna and Octivian bowed and said,"Lord Mercury. It is a pleasure."
The god said "Yes and No."
Nico paled and stood there like a statue.
Octivian paled and said "Lord, have we done something wrong?"
"Wrong," Mercury mused, the he added "Nah, just go get Gwen, Hazel, and Frank."
As soon as Octivian was out of sight, Nico face-palmed and said"L-l-lord, I'm sorry."
"Nico di Anglo, there's no need," Mercury was about to say more but thought better of it.
Then Octivian came running up to them with Gwen, Hazel, and Frank.
"Octivian, you are dissmissed" The god said.
After Octivian left, Mercury held up a book and said "This book is called Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. Just you five read it. Do not talk about or mention it in front of anyone else. I will see you again when you have finished the book."
Then with a blinding flash of light, he was gone and the book fell to the ground.
over a year ago fros4est said…
ok first to comment,it was a good start but i dont know if i should say awesome or anything cause its only a few chap
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
yea, i didnt have too much time. ill post again later today
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
sweet, keep posting
over a year ago fros4est said…
agree with pugluv98
over a year ago soccer_rox16 said…
this is really good, keep posting
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
Sorry, I couldn't get the bold print. How do you?
over a year ago fros4est said…
[b]words[/ b] but without the underline beteween / and b oh and post soon when u get it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
ok,thanx. im reposting that part
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
We can’t ignore a god,” said Gwen.
“You’re right,” Reyna replied. “Let’s read this at my house.”
Then she turned to Nico and asked “Do you know this Percy Jackson?”
Nico looked liked he was debating on how to answer, then he settled with “I talked with him in the underworld.”
“So he’s dead.” Hazel said with a sorry look on her face. “Poor guy.”
But from the expression on Nico’s face, Reyna could tell that this was not the case, but she didn’t push Nico.
When they got to Reyna’s house, everyone settled into chairs and she said “I’ll read first.”
And she began:
“Um”said Frank, “How do you ‘accidently’ do that?”
Everyone shurged.
Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.

“Well,” said Nico, “Who does?”

If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this book right now. Believe what-ever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal life.

At this, Gwen said “Don’t think that’ll work.”

Being a half-blood is dangerous.

“Way too true.”

It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways.

Everyone nodded.

If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fiction, great. Read on. I envy you for being able to believe that none of this ever happened.

“We all do.”

But if you recognize yourself in these pages-if you feel something stirring inside-stop reading immediately. You might be one of us. And once you know that, it's only a mat-ter of time before they sense it too, and they'll come for you.

“They?” Frank asked.
“Really, Zhang?” Reyna was shocked that someone could be so slow. “The monsters! Duh!”

Don't say I didn't warn you.

“You didn’t warn me!” Nico shouted. Everyone looked at him funny. “What?” he scowled.
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
Right now, I'm taking a vacation on the other side of the world so I'll b posting when ur all asleep. :)
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
That's ok
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
ha ha ha, i love it! :D and i bet nico well say something about percy and then he would be busted! oh, and how come reyna didnt recognises percys name, cause in the son of Neptune she does, an she does because she worked with c.c. anyway, post soon! :D and please answer y question.
over a year ago Nemisis said…
this is really funny :) luv it
over a year ago CalebChase said…
WOW this is cool
over a year ago parras2 said…
post soon
over a year ago Nemisis said…
post asap
over a year ago demigodsrule312 said…
big smile
Post again soon!!!
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
sorry i haven't posted in a long time. I'll post later 2day.
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
My name is Percy Jackson.
"NO!"Nico shouted, "IT'S PETER JOHNSON!"
Everyone stared at him as if he had just said, 'poop tastes good.'
"And, how," Reyna asked him. "wouuld you know?"
"Um..., I know that, uh, certain people call him that."

I'm twelve years old. Until a few months ago, I was a boarding student at Yancy Academy, a private school for troubled kids in upstate New York

. Am I a troubled kid?

Nico snorted.
"What's so funny?" Gwen asked.
Nico didn't answer.

Yeah. You could say that.
I could start at any point in my short miserable life to prove it, but things really started going bad last May, when our sixth-grade class took a field trip to Manhattan twenty-eight mental-case kids and two teachers on a yellow school bus, heading to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at ancient Greek and Roman stuff.

"That's not a good idea..." Reyna trailed off.
Nico agreed. "Even if Per-" Nico caught himself. "a demigod isn't there, it still is a really bad idea."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
I dont have lots of time to post. I might need someone to help me post. Anyone want to?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fros4est said…
sry i dont have idea for the story,but u will continue right?
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
yeah, but i just don't have loads of time to write. I'm writting three fanfics on, so...
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
can you PLEASE answer my ?, and i love the chapter! oh, and NEW PAGE!!!
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
I was going to make her suddenly remember during the middle of the story...
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
this is a cool idea! please post soon for your new follower

also please go and look at my forum it's called: The for lost demigods and my computer is stupid and won't let me post the link sorry. :(
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
Oh, then it should be when Percy meets Annabeth, you know when he's done fighting the Minatar. Anyway, post soon! :D
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
I'll post a short chapter later...
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
or not. The internet hates me!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
the internet hates me too. maybe you can work around whatever problem you have so you can post for you're dieing for story fans.
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
plz post soon
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
sorry, i have lots of homework!and this isn't my only forum! I can't post till friday! SORRY!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
plz post! it's the weekend!
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
I'll post later today,
over a year ago Nemisis said…
post soon
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
Sorry!!! My brother broke my lap top! So I m on my iPod touch right now! I can't do anything till I get it fixed! Maybe mon. or tues. i swear I'll post then! Sorry!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
post when it gets fixed. I know how you feel ive been posting on my kindle since Christmas
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
That stinks, my mom is picking it up tomorrow.

over a year ago alice20000109 said…
well, i'm typing now...
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
I know,it sounds like torture.

Most Yancy field trips Mr. Brunner, our Latin teacher, was leading this trip, so I had hopes.

Nico snickered "Hopes, like they'll happen."
Everyone else stared at him.

Mr. Brunner was this middle-aged guy in a motorized wheelchair. He had thinning hair and a scruffy beard and a frayed tweed jacket, which always smelled like coffee. You wouldn't think he'd be cool, but he told stories and jokes and let us play games in class. He also had this awesome collection of Roman armor and weapons, so he was the only teacher whose class didn't put me to sleep.

Nico grinned. "Sounds like-" Nico caught himself before anyone else noticed.

I hoped the trip would be okay. At least, I hoped that for once I wouldn't get in trouble.

Nico muttered "Keep on saying that and you might believe it."

Reyna was about to say something, but then, someone knocked on the door.
When Nico went to open it, it was Mercury. He looked at a notebook, then he anounced to the room. "He-Juno wanted me to tell you...number one, do not kill Nico, and number two ... the mortal world is frozen in time, well, gotta go warn New York!" Then he dissapeared.

Reyna stood up shakely. "Wh-wh-what was that about?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
Sorry! that was short! i don't have tons of free time! might b able 2 squeeze a short chapter every day! no promises, but maybe later 2day.
over a year ago Nemisis said…
cool post when you can
over a year ago 18cookies said…
post soon please
over a year ago persius said…
big smile
Funny and very cool
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
i wonder what that was about? post soon so i can find out!
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Awesome!!! Um, are you sure you need help posting? You're doing a pretty great job....