Dr. Phil van Neuter was tired of his ham and cheese sandwiches always getting taken by Mulch and today was no different. Mulch managed to take his boss's sandwich from his hands and run around the room with it until Dr. Phil van Neuter got it back. To solve my problem so both of us can have a ham and cheese sandwich of our own, I've got a duplicating machine that will make two for both of us. said Dr. Phil van Neuter After duplicating the sandwich, Mulch now had his own to eat as well. After that, Dr. Phil van Neuter decided to go work in his office and enjoy his sandwich. He took the keys with him to lock the door to his office. After entering, he put his keys in the front drawer of his desk so he would remember them. Outside his office, Mulch found the Tales from The Vet '93 Christmas party tape and put it in the VCR cassette to watch it. Dr. Phil van Neuter heard the noise outside his office. Mulch! Mulch! Put that back where it belongs! I have my video tapes numerically ordered for a reason! said Dr. Phil van Neuter I'm sorry. grumbled Mulch in gibberish.