The Secret Life of the American Teenager Club
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I starred down at the skinny "liar" in my hands.I couldn't be pregnant.Pregnancy test could be wrong right?At that moment I didn't know whether i should scream or pass out."What happened to perfect little Annie?" I thought to myself."The one who had gotten into a ivy league school and would be attending in the fall?Well she was gone now,along with her virginity."
In case you hadn't figured it out already,I'm Annie,Annie Green and I'm PREGNANT!Shivers went down my spine as the words echoed in my head.This was my fault;and Emett's of course.Emett is the "thing's" father."That's even if I have...
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Opening Scene- Amy, is in the room still asleep and baby John is still in Ricky's arms. John, begins to cry hysterically and Ricky tries to quiet him, too late Amy wakes up.
-Opening Credits-
(Comercial break)
John- Waaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa
Ricky- Shh shh little guy your going to wake mommy up.
Amy stretches and freaks out when she notices Ricky. Ricky rocks little John to sleep again.

Amy- Get Out!!! You can't just walk in my room like that and expect me to let you stay. Sure I understand you want to see your son but, go to school be something, do something else.
Ricky puts John in...
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posted by maxy19678
amy pregnant teen
amy pregnant teen
on stay this is what i found... When it comes to teens snd sex teens get tons of advice from adults, but they aren't often asked to offer their we asked teens from all over the country what they thought about sex,relationships,and pregnancy below are their top ten opinions and answers...

*Thinking"It won't happen to me,"is stupid;if you don't protect yourself it probably will.Sex Is Serious Make A Plan.
*Just because you think"Everyone's doimg it,"doesn't mean they are.some are some aren't-and some are lying.
*There are alot of good reasons to say"No not yet."Protecting your...
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posted by maxy19678
this is what amy was whispering about her secret
this is what amy was whispering about her secret
we saw him. who? who?mark malena. the new counseler the new single dilicious counseler. oh. oh?u have something more exciting than mark malena? she's kinda cute who is that? no u didn't. with who? u couldn't have. how was it? imposible. back to who. i just...i can't believe u didn't tell us. telling u now. yeah well why are u telling us now? no. oh amy ur not. that's the 2nd bell i have to go. we can't just go to class now. well i have to. i have to too i mean i think i'm already in anough trouble as it is with out skipping class. i have to go see ya guys. hi i was watching u and... . hey.

JULY 1 2008
Season 4, Episode 12
Airing: August 29, 2011

Just Click Here - link

Jack tries to reconnect with Grace while working on a project for school. Elsewhere, George notices that Anne and Nora have been bonding.

Genre: Teen, Drama, Family, abc-family
ABC Family Just about every teenager at one time or another feels like an outsider, as if nobody in the world understands them, especially their parents. This series focuses on the complex relationships between teenagers and their families. The series goes an additional layer deep by dealing with the issue of teen pregnancy and the fallout among the teens and their friends.
posted by maxy19678
abortion is wrong and if u agree with what i am about to say u will leave a comment...abortion is a crime and so is murrder but murrder can get u sent to jail but i believe that abortion should also because the only difference is that with murrder u r killing something that has had time to live but with abortion u r killing someone who has NOT had a chance to live. now i believe that abortion is wrong but...DO YOU? so now at the bottom dicide if amy should keep and raise her baby or have an abortion.tell me in a comment or go to picks
posted by bRiNnAyCuLlEn
Okay, so, I am seriously considering killing my TV. I have three TV shows I watch: 90210, House, and Secret Life of the American teenager.
In Secret Life, Amy is like "Oh my god, I can't handle this, I can't handle this!!!" Grow UP!!! When you decided to have sex, you decided to risk having a baby. That simple. Oh yeah, and of course RICKY'S DAD!!! *SELLING* the child??? NO!!! And calling Ricky a liar when he's NOT. That' horrible.
In 90210, Ethan is possibly dead, at the VERY least badly injured, and we don't get to find out for TWO WEEKS!!! Dixon dumped Silver, and though I can't say I blame...
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1.Condoms Ok 1st do u think tht schools should give away condoms in sciene class?I think that if you give away condoms tht thats like telling people tht its ok to have sex and its not!I mean I might and thats a big might encorage them to have condoms in the front office because sometimes its hard 4 ppl to go to stores and buy a condom its embaresing so ppl tht need condoms should be able to get them without being to embaressed but again i dnt think they should pass them out please leave a coment on wat u thik speak your mind no need toagree with me

2.Sex I dnt think its ok to hve sex randomly...
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posted by ilovedaren
Most people dont know it but when you have unpretected sex it could affect you deeply. You could be like amy and get pregnat or you could get a disease. There is a girl i know that is pregnat and she knows that she made a mistake. Im helping her through it by being there for her and if your smart and dont want to be changeing diapers for ever thanb you wont make the same mistake. MOst people fell like they should have sex in high school because they are being peer presured of fell tempted. The truth is that kyou have to stay away from those temptations. whe n and if you have sex use a condom! condoms are there for a reason and so is birth control. They are there so you dont have ot push out a baby nine months later. Leave a comment and talk about this important issue.:)
posted by aneedham99
ok so i went to and guess what SECRET LIFE IS COMING BACK JUNE 7 !!!!! ok so here is what the abcfamily article said ......................

Yes, after months of wondering, we finally have an answer. Amy Juergens, Ricky Underwood, and everyone else from "The Secret Life of The American Teenager" will be back on ABC Family at 8/7c on Monday, June 7.

Stay tuned here at, where we'll be getting you back up to speed with a countdown well before the show returns. And you can start your own countdown right now, since all the episodes are available in our free episode player. Have a look!

JUNE 7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

can't wait can u ?????

I <3 secret life

DON'T FORGET JUNE 7TH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amy juergens wheres it in an episode of the secret liife of an american teenager but i cannot find it anywhere! Here's a picture if you can find it email me at
Please help i jhave been searching everywhere, somebody out there has to have it! please please please help me find it! much thanks! I found similiar ones at delias but they are not the same the one has a open pocket and the buttons are all black....THANKS! More pictures at ------------------------------------------------------------------->link
001. Because he loved her from first sight.
002. Because he offered to marry her at 15.
003. Because he loved her, even though she is having someone else's baby.
004. Because he treats her well.
005.Because we all want a boyfriend like Ben!
006. Because she's his whore.
007. Because he doesn't want her to shut him out.
008. Because he'll never change his mind.
009. Because he's not sorry about their date to the fair
010. Because he called her cell, her house phone, left a note in her locker, and sent her a text.
011. Because he admits he can be an idiot.
012. Because she's the one he tells...
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posted by KateSmiley
In one day a life can change
and only you can decide if it is for the better
and although sometimes it might seem strange
you relize its up to you to make it better

When you hold that little bundle of joy
you must Forget that rotten boy
that left You when You needed him most
to suck the Heart out of his next host

SO take this wonderful gift you recieved
and teach her not to be decieved
for you love her no matter what
so Shut Shut Shut
the door to her heart must go until your ready
to let her go

THis time may be hard for family and friends
but the wounds in your heart will surely mend
and while your time being young seemed so brief
dont lengthen time now with all the grief

She says goodbye and so do You
and both of you
know that you share a love thats true
posted by Summer-Park
Omg guys secret life is coming back!
I am so excited!!!
Its on much and im so pissed i can't remember what day
But all i know is ricky and amy get back together!!!
Cant wait im going to like kill my couch when i watch it!
So dont forget to watch
the damn show!!!
Life can change when you make a bad mistake but
it all turns out okay so dont worry if you were someone like amy have faith
omg that sounds so lame!
This is going to be the best can't wait
dont forget to watch pretty little liars and gossip girl
Best shows ever!!!!
posted by cleobiggestfan
hey i am phoebe senon reporting to you
teenage pregnancy.

well today we have got example 2 girl s
1 called amy and another called Juno
1 got pregnant at 15 other 16 what
happend well amy.

amy got pregnant at 15 she hade a baby with
rikki and hade a boy named John so know we
see did she do the right thing i dont think
so u guys mum would kill and that s for amy
unless like parents will support me now juno

got pregnant at 16 by a boy and i dont know
much at this story
posted by Pearland16
Ok, so everyone keeps saying, "oh, Amy and Ricky are so cute together! They should totally be dating! Lalala!" Guess what?! The only reason that they are involved in each others' lives is because Ricky took advantage of her one night at band camp. She was an innocent, vulnerable little virgin, and being the player that he is, he knew that. He manipulated her and pressured her, not because he liked her, but to prove that he could. It might not be his fault, because his dad abused him and all, but it is his problem. Plus, they are not each others' type. Ricky does like to have sex with anyone who he can get his hands on, but Amy isn't like that. Adrienne is, though. Face the facts, Adrienne is in love with him, and he definitely has feelings for her.