Series finale....was the worst thing in the history of all tv shows. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Amy is selfish and this ending proves it. Unbelievably ridiculous. -__-
Posted over a year ago
i think that ben&ricky are very good together but he is obvisouly having a thing for clemintine girl and ricky obvsiouly still cares for her and same for her.. i think i may like ben and amy together more!! idkkkk
Posted over a year ago
I Cried Really Bad When Adrian Lost Her Baby And She And Amy Were Hugging! I Was So Sad I Couldn't Stop Crying For More Than An Hour! <3 Omg I Was Hysterical! Poor Adrian! Plus I Hate That Ben Left Her At Least He Came Bak! Then She Left Him After She Begged Him To Stay With Him! That Crazy! I Love This Show Because Of All The Life Lessons I've Learned! Plus All The Drama, Kissing Omg BEST SHOW EVA! <3
Posted over a year ago
Lesson learned from Secret Life: "It's okay to whore around in high school, because in the end, you will always end up with your baby's daddy and your family and friends will bend over backwards to help you through your "difficult" life." Thank you Secret Life for enriching me in such a non-realistic life lesson. I'm so glad I never took any of your advice when I was in high school. ;)
Posted over a year ago
Excuse me? It's the honest to God truth.......this show is utterly ridiculous. I watch it just for the laughs......stupid characters, stupid events, worst dialogue in the history of dialogue, and an unrealistic plot.over a year ago
yoolur right ben is so... annoying at the same time he dosent think that people should be in high school with bf and gf, i vote better for rickyover a year ago
I hate Ben too! It's annoying how he tells Amy he loves her when she's engaged and he has a girlfriend! I hope he goes to jail so he is off the show!over a year ago
I like this show wayyy to much! Im just about to finish the second season and I already love little John! He actually doesnt look like Rickey at all!
Posted over a year ago
Hi guys! Im new to the show. Just started watching the show! Not postive as what couple i like just yet, but im leaning toward Amy&Ricky!
Posted over a year ago
Saw the newest episode and can't believe how selfish, prissy, and annoying Amy is. She is by far the worst character. If I were in George and Anne's place, I would disown my screw-up for a daughter. She treats them terribly and it is always about her. Every time she was spewing something, I literally was yelling STFU at the tv. I feel so bad for Ricky that he is saddled with that loser for the rest of his life.....he should seriously rethink that proposal.
Posted over a year ago
It's not like he's stuck with her. He could "rethink that proposal" any time he wants... but hopefully Amy's attitude starts to change soon.over a year ago
LooL YEAH UR GUYS R RIGHT AMY IS BEING KINDA SELFISH IN THIS SECOND SEASON but i still think she makes a cute couple with ricky & at first Ricky was the selfish one but know is amy but she will change soon i have seen four episodes forwardover a year ago
I'm on the fifth season. It actually just ended. Besides the show being awful in general, Amy has gotten more selfish and just a little bitch. She hasn't changed.......she's gotten worse.over a year ago
I'm amazed....Ricky is the only voice of reason (which isn't saying much) and the rest of them are acting ridiculous. I seriously want to smack Amy upside the head.....she is pissing me off. Madison and Ben went up on my list for laying a good dig on Amy. ;)
Posted over a year ago
I still like Amy but I agree she has been very annoying these last two episodes :P And you are definitely right. Ricky went from a character I didn't even like and an irresponsible, jerk to a responsible, reasonable, caring, trustworthy, and honest character. He's the only sane one on the show right now!!over a year ago
Secret Life has explored every possible heterosexual pairing among the central six teens (Amy, Adrian, Grace, Ben, Ricky, Jack) other than Jack and Amy; this spring, Adrian and Grace will explore the possibility they have feelings for each other.
This was on I just read it and thought that you would like to know
Posted over a year ago
haha I wouldn't say I like the new season.....I just like the fact that Amy is going to fall from grace...AGAIN! I really can't stand Amy, and I'm so pumped to see the next episode where they bring up her 'mistake'. PRICELESS DIGS xDover a year ago
They're beating a dead horse with it. The original message was don't get pregnant in high will ruin your life. Now the message is, it's okay to sleep around because your baby daddy will marry you! And life is perfect! It's ridiculousover a year ago
"Secret Life has explored every possible heterosexual pairing among the central six teens (Amy, Adrian, Grace, Ben, Ricky, Jack) other than Jack and Amy; this spring, two of those teens who are members of the same sex will explore the possibility that they have feelings for each other."
Ummmmm...... any guesses?? I'm like at a loss of words because I couldn't see any of them being gay. My best guess would be Adrian/Grace or Jack/Ben. I really can't see Amy or Ricky being gay...
Posted over a year ago
This show is so amazing I cant wait until it comes back on I really want to see what Amy says when Ricky ask her to marry him and who Adren decides to be with next OMG
Posted over a year ago
is this show even coming back i want it to bc we still need to figure out stuff about adraine ahhh i hate it that ur making us wait this long
Posted over a year ago
It comes back March 23rd. And the new trailer for the second half of the season is already out... Look it up on youtube. (4x14) Looks like it's gonna be good :)over a year ago
dude they screwed this show up! -__- Really they turned Adrian is crazy cause they killed her baby, Amy is a total bitch, Grace is a slut , Ricky is over dramatic, and Ben is a doshe bag (I think thats how you spell it) Cheers to Jack ! the only one who has stayed normal for the past three years !
Posted over a year ago
Love Ricky & Amy! Although his speech was untraditional, this isn't real life highschool & he's not a very traditional person! I liked the fact that it was more about him growing up & getting to where he was as valedictorian than the future, because no one knows what the future brings. And sure maybe the proposal took away from the rest of the graduating class a bit, but hey... it was such a sweet gesture! The ending however... Adrian/Henry, etc kinda off.
Posted over a year ago
I'm sorry, but that season finale was rubbish. What kind of damn graduation speech and ceremony was that!? That is not at all what is allowed. Also, I'd like to add that proposing in the middle of a graduation takes away from everyone else. Terrible episode.....and why the bloody devil do these characters have to keep adding to their drama!? It's ridiculous......seriously....this show doesn't need another season.
Posted over a year ago
I love Amy and Ben in the first season they were so good together Ben was sooooo nice to her I was so sad when they broke up and i was mad when Ben cheated on her I wish that they could get back together. And I ams ure that when Ricky goes to college he is going to chat on Amy with Adrein
Posted over a year ago
Ricky and Amy are so cute. Ben needs to stay with Adrian, marrying each other for the wrong reasons. I want to hit him for that. I hope he has a bad time.
Posted over a year ago
I don't even watch it anymore and yes the characters are horrible and the storylines are even more terrible I mean seriously come on!!! I won't be surprised of it gets cancelled by the end of this season so they can put a new better show in it's spotover a year ago
I think it's a great show, at times it's certainly silly, or unrealistic, but i's not a reality tv show so you can only expect some things not to add up, or the characters to act a little ridiculous at times. It's still a great watch, and although I respect your opinions why continue to stay a fan of a spot if you no longer like the show.over a year ago
I think it used to be great, but the show has gotten to the point where it is all silly and unrealistic. And even if it isn't a reality tv show, it is supposed to make sense. I just feel this show is a whole bunch of nonsense thrown together and none of it is being resolved. This is how most ABC Family shows are and they continue to fail. And you make a good point, I am seriously thinking about not being a fan or even watching the show.over a year ago
show that are not reality are not supposed to be silly and unrealistic this show isnt reality tv and IS unrealistic and now is all screwed up. and no im not a fan of this show anymore. and dont watch it.over a year ago
Amy and Ricky are the most nauseating couple! And they are so annoying! And I really don't want Ben to back out of the marriage. I'm just looking forward to Ricky crawling back to can kind of tell that's where they are going with the show. It creates drama and that's basically all they can do for it.
Posted over a year ago
I disagree that Amy and Ricky are nauseating... I adore them as a couple. I do however agree that I don't want Ben backing out of the marriage. At least not yet. I'm hoping they'll give it a good guy before divorcing.over a year ago
i think i would like amy and ricky more if they moved away and their relationship still worked. i feel like amy ricky ben and adrian definitely have a foursome going on. their relationships feed off one anotherover a year ago
I think I find them nauseating because I can't stand Amy. And I think Ben is going to back out of the marriage and then all the couples are going to break up and then reform with new pairings. And I don't get why both relationships need to feed off of one another. They should just do their own thing and mind their own damn business!over a year ago
I just read an interview the other day that said Ricky & Amy are solid, though other's may not be. I don't think the couples will reform... although I do think Ben may back out of the marriage (although I really really hope not).over a year ago
I was watching this so I can see the beginning of Switched at Birth, and I must say: Poor Adrian and Ben! Poor everyone! It must of hurt people to hear about the baby's death.....
Posted over a year ago
Whoever owns this spot should really change the icon and banner so it's relevant to the show. These ones are from the very beginning....boring.
Posted over a year ago
I like Amy for her she's been through alot, to all of them they've been through alot,they dont know what it was like for everyone else, but Ashley annoys me all she needs some confidence so she can stop bring her sister down!
I think Ricky's been through the most and he's so hot, I love him!
Posted over a year ago
Just saw the new Secret Life. So.....Amy is really bugging me. Everything has to be about her. It is getting old. And Ricky is being just as bad. I find Ben standing up for Adrian truly fantastic! <3 And Grace is not a true friend.
Posted over a year ago
did u just figure that out? EVERYTHING on this show HAS to be about amy! YES it's annoying this season has went down but omg last season....i was ready to screamover a year ago
^^ No I didn't just figure that out....I'm just stating that I'm sick of it too. Amy was impregnated by Ricky and Adrian is pregnant with Ben's baby.over a year ago
Doesn`t it bug you how Adrian and Amy never like think of baby names and have one planned out! Thats what most teen moms do right after they find out what their having
Posted over a year ago
I just think her character is going down the drain. She is being stupid and she is treating everyone badly. Not to mention, she is acting like a royal BI and way too sex hungry. Seriously!? She never was like that! Now she has just pissed me off, and I truly despise her in the show.over a year ago
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