The Smurfs Club
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Smurfs: The Lost Village is a awesome film that has plenty of enjoyable characters. This list is about the characters that I like the most.

5. Azrael

Azrael is Gargamel's cat. There are 2 reasons why Azarel is on my list. The first is because he's a cat which is my favorite animal. The second reason is because his sound effects were done by Frank Welker who's 1 of the best voice actors of all time.

4. Papa Smurf

Papa Smurf is the leader of the smurfs. He's the responsible guardian of Smurfette and the male smurfs. He's a likeable and cool character. He was voiced by Mandy Patinkin who did a...
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posted by Windrises
This is my review of a animated show named The Smurfs. It's a popular and classic Hanna-Barbera show.

The Plot:

The smurfs are a large group of blue skinned characters. The leader is Papa Smurf. Smurfette is the only female smurf. There's around 100 smurfs. They're very kind and sweet characters who often learn valuable lessons. Gargamel is a human wizard who wants to capture the smurfs. It's up to smurfs to defeat Gargamel and his cat, Azrael.

The plot of the show is really good for a children's show. It may seem repetitive, but it's charming, cute, and fun enough to avoid getting boring....
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Round One: Characters. On the care bears side we have tons of care bears and care bear cousins, but mainy in the series we focused on Grams, Hugs and Tugs, a sort of staple for the younger kids. We also had the "adult" like ones, Tender Heart and Brave Heart, there were others like Lotsa Heart and Grumpy, but they were mostly down played. Then we had the four we foucused on the most, the sort of teenagery bears. Champ, Bright Heart, Cheer Bear and Treat Heart. On the smurfs side is a similure story. You had alot of Smurfs but the show mostly focused on only a few. The main smurs seemed to be,...
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#20- Jokey , voiced by June Foray
"AKA asswhole Smurf"-WhoopieGoldberg
"AKA asswhole Smurf"-WhoopieGoldberg
Poor Jokey is the least favorate Smurf on the countdown. People tend to find him annoying, even on "Robot Chicken" they say he has a "complete disragrard for smurf safety".
#19- Sassette, voiced by Julie Dees-McWhirter
"Sasette is Awesome"-xgirl101
"Sasette is Awesome"-xgirl101
I guess not that many people like Sassette, allot of people think that she is dull and an excuse to have another female in the village.

#18-Tracker, voiced by Kip King
"Kind of boring"-founten
"Kind of boring"-founten
People seem to find him pretty boring and useless....
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posted by Windrises
This list is about the five smurfs that I like the most. This list is only about the smurfs so Azrael and the human characters are not on the list.

5. Brainy Smurf

Brainy Smurf is a overly smart smurf who gets on the other smurfs' nerves quite frequently. He has more personality and is more memorable and funny than most of the other smurfs.

4. Lazy Smurf

Lazy Smurf is a smurf who likes to sleep. He lives up to his name well. He is a 1 joke character, but at least his 1 joke is often funny and amusing.

3. Papa Smurf

Papa Smurf is the guardian of Smurfette and the male smurfs. He is a responsible...
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posted by Smurfgirl
So do all remember the Smurfs episode where Vanity breaks his toe and then he gets an operation the all the other smurfs give him attention then jokey gets jealous and pretends he fractured his funny bone then Brainy becomes a doctor and all the other Smurfs are nurses and they don't give him the same treatments as they did with Vanity.
I wonder why Brainy would wanna operate on a person I mean he's a know it all but he's not a professional surgeon.
If any of you saw this episode tell me what you think
posted by Windrises
Note: This review is dedicated to Peyo (the creator of The Smurfs) and to Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera (the creators The Smurfs animated show).

Smurfs The Lost Village is a animated film that's based on Peyo's Smurfs comics.

The Plot:

Smurfette feels like she's not a real smurf, because she doesn't seem to have a main personality trait and was made by Gargamel. She finds out about a place that has other smurfs. She, Hefty, Clumsy, and Brainy go check out the other smurfs, but Gargamel wants to steal the smurfs. It's up to Smurfette to discover who she is so she can defeat Gargamel.

The plot of...
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posted by crispyclicks
Feathers are the highest achievement and greatest miracle of nature. Creative feather art not so common but its so inspiring art, I personally like it and want to share with you. Most skillful artist Chris Maynard belongs from Washington is a fanatic of feathers. Natural patterns, colors and shapes feathers artist turns into a fantastic track. Artist’s studio is filled with a variety of feathers, which he collected during walks, bird watchers buys and receives a gift from friends or fans of his work. Each of the compositions of Chris is the only one of its kind. In development of this art Chris uses keen eyesight, tweezers and scalpel. Check them out guys his remarkable work and you’ll definitely admire him.
posted by smurfie-fan
One song you've never heard before is "Smurf the World".That's because there's one special fan out there who she and her friend have sung since we learnt about the Michael Jackson song "Heal the World". I took on from it with Harmony Smurf and this is how it goes (The chorus).
Smurf the World, make it a smurfier place. For you and for me and the entire Smurf race. There are, smurfs dying, if you care enough for the live ones. Make a smurfier place for smurfs and for me.

Harmony Smurf and I hope you like the song.

Smurfie-Fan and Harmony Smurf