Chap.5: Tecna’s Plan. It was evening that Timmy had finished fixing the ship. He and Brandon went back to the camp that the others made. ‘TIMMY, BRANDON, WE HAVE GOT A PLAN.’ SAID BLOOM when they reached the camp. ‘WHAT IS IT?’ SAID TIMMY AND BRANDON TOGETHER. ‘WELL, WE’LL HAVE TO MAKE A SNEAK ATTACK AND A GROUP WORK. I’LL TELL EVERYTHING IN THE MORNING. NOW JUST GO TO SLEEP. WE ALL NEED REST’ SAID TECNA. Everyone went to sleep. Though Helia stayed up all night thinking how Flora might be. It was morning, and everyone had the same thought “How is Flora? Will Tecna’s plan work?” except for Tecna herself. Tecna seemed to be very determined with her plan. ‘AHEM,’ TECNA CLEARED HER THROAT as everyone came towards her. ‘WE WILL HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER TO SAVE FLORA. WE ALL HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER. FIRST, LAYLA WILL COME AND ATTACK THE WITCHES AND THEN TIMMY AND NABU WILL ATTACK ADDINTIONLY. THEN IN ADVANCE I, BLOOM, MUSA, STELLA, SKY, AND HELIA, BRANDON, RIVEN WILL ATTACK TOGETHER. AND THE WITCHES WILL HAVE TO ESCAPE.’ SAID TECNA. ‘AND WHAT ABOUT DARCY’S DARK CREATURES?’ ASKED TIMMY. ‘TIMMY, YOU KNOW I DON’T MAKE A PLAN WITHOUT THINKING. I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR THEM.’TECNA TOLD SMARTLY. In the ship no one talked. They were all tired and exhausted though they overslept. Then they finally arrived at the witches’ castle. It was dark there. They walked up the steps towards the castle. The winx transformed and was ready. Every Specialist was ready. And then suddenly 5 giant and huge birds came towards them. “LASER CAGE.” TECNA YELLED. And the five birds were trapped inside Tecna powerful electrical cage. Then they went inside the castle. ‘WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU, WINX.’ SAID A VOICE. The Winx turned and saw the witches standing with a cage in their hand. They saw in the cage there was Flora unconscious. ‘FLORA! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER! ’ YELLED HELIA. ‘NOW, ATTACK!’ YELLED TECNA. And Layla went first. She made such a whirlpool that it trapped all the dark creatures inside that was Darcy’s. Timmy and Nabu made such a hard blow on stormy that she hit the ground. Tecna made a very powerful ultra sonic electrical laser cage in which it would be like impossible to get out of it. Tecna’s laser cage hit Stormy as she was getting up from the Ground and it trapped her. Bloom made a fiery dragon that melted Icy’s ice and Icy was trapped in the Fiery Dragon. Musa made a mega sonic boom that it almost blew Icy. Stella made a strong sunlight that it blinded Icy, Darcy and Stormy. Then Sky attacked icy with his sword that Icy hit the ground, Helia and Riven attacked Darcy so she hit the ground like Icy. Brandon blew a hard blow on Stormy that she hit the ground for the 2nd time. Then the witches again flew up. Darcy made a dark laser but Stella again shoot a sunlight laser that destroyed the dark laser. Icy made a strong ice power and shoot towards the winx but Bloom melted it again with her fire power. And Stormy blew a strong hurricane which was soon destroyed by Tecna’s electricity. ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU CAN’T DESTROY US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE LAST OF US! MUHAHA!’ SAID ICY as she and the others escaped and flew up the window. The witches were gone as well as the Dark Creatures. Helia and the others ran back to Flora. Then Musa, Layla, Bloom, Stella and Tecna healed Flora with their fairy dust. ‘FLORA, PLEASE WAKE UP, PLEASE WAKE UP.’ SAID HELIA. Flora slowly woke up, and she hugged Helia so much that she later realized what she was doing. Bloom and Musa together got Flora up and to the ship. Stella explained everything to Flora. ‘THANKS FOR SAVING ME, GUYS.’ FLORA THANKED EVERYONE. ‘WELL ALL THANKS TO TECNA. SHE TAUGHT US HOW US HOW TEAM WORK IS IMPORTANT.’ SAID STELLA. (Tecna blushed slightly.) ‘IT’S BECAUSE ALL OF OUR HARD WORK THAT WE SAVED FLORA.’ TECNA SUDDENLY STOOD UP AND SAID.