Old dogs, new tricks part 2
The hive lieutenant was very shocked at how fast the heroes killed the ogre, and now it was her turn to meet her fate. But she realized that she won't go down without a fight. So she deploys a small squad of Knights with their signature cleavers, and a shield made of durable shell-like material. Zach sees the squad and throws a fire bolt grenade behind the Knights and the grenade shoots multiple superheated bolts at the knights, stunning them but leaving them open to a devastating attack by the Golden warrior. He then leaps in the air, and uses his Arc energy to crash into the ground, which electrocuted his opponents. After the knights fall to the ground, Zach says to his buddies, "You guys should leave the warmind, I'll take care of her." Then Leafa yells, "Are you crazy?! You can't take them on at once!" Then Charlie says to Zach, "She's right brother, if you're taking this thing down, we're going to help you." Then Zach says, "I've done it before, I can do it again." Then Leafa runs to Zach and says, "You must not be thinking clearly. I know you typically fight alone back in your day but right now, we are a team, and we have to work as a team if we're to win." Then Zach realizes what Leafa said and he says to her, "You're right. Everyone on me!" Then Charlie smiles and says to himself, "Leafa you definitely still got it." Once the heroes heard Zach, they stood up and ready their weapons. Zach deploys another Polaris lance and says to the lieutenant, "You're going back to hell, in pieces." Then the lieutenant says to Zach, "Not if I rip out your heart first, lightbearer." Then Zach and the lieutenant started charging at each other and fought with everything they have. The lieutenant was slashing at the golden warrior with her claws, but Zach knocked every attack away with his Polaris lance. While she's focused on Zach, the lieutenant didn't realize about Carlos sneaking behind her and he jumped up with his bio blades activated and stabbed her in both shoulders. Feeling the sheer pain from the bio blades, the lieutenant shrieked in agony while Zach prepared to throw the Polaris lance at her. Unfortunately, the lieutenant used what's left of her strength and grabbed Carlos off her back. Then she threw Carlos at Zach, knocking both men to the ground. Afterwards, Zach stands up and says to Carlos, "Give Charlie some support, I got her." Then Carlos says, "But sir, the lance is losing power." Then Zach says, "Then I'll use what's left to finish her off, now go." Then Carlos nods and runs to help out Charlie and the rest of the heroes. While Carlos is fighting off the hive, Zach picks up the lance and prepares to throw it at the lieutenant. He throws the lance at the lieutenant and hits her in the chest. While the lieutenant was grounded, Zach deploys his sawed off shotguns and prepares to fire, but the lieutenant grabbed the lance, pulls it out of her chest, and throws it back at the golden warrior. Zach quickly rolls away and just before he fires, the lieutenant knocks both shotguns off his hands. Then Zach looks at the lieutenant and says, "Well that's not good." Then she throws Zach into a wall and grabs him with her powers. Then she raises her hand and charges up a blast of energy, which aims directly at Zach's head. The lieutenant says to Zach, "Time to die Lightbearer." Then Zach says, "I don't think so," and grabs his combat knife and cuts the lieutenant's wrist, forcing her to drop him and missing her target. Suddenly, Zach deploys his glaive and points the blade straight towards the lieutenant and says, "You don't know what a guardian is really capable of." Then the lieutenant says, "You're on," and fights the Golden warrior. She fires a barrage of energy at Zach, but he generates a shield in front of the glaive to protect him the incoming blasts. Then he leaps into the air and swipes at the lieutenant and chops off one of the lieutenant's arms. While the lieutenant was busy, Charlie and the rest of the heroes ran to Zach to assist him. Charlie yells, "Hey!," and aims his underbarrel M203 at the lieutenant. The lieutenant looks over to the heroes, and Charlie says, "Dodge this," and then he fires his grenade launcher. The lieutenant didn't react fast enough to escape and she got hit straight at her abdomen by the 40MM grenade and blows her away, while Zach steps up and prepares to finish her off once and for all. He points his glaive at her back and the lieutenant falls straight into Zach's blade. As her life was fading away, Zach says to the lieutenant, "Now you can rest, in hell." Then he places his foot on her back and pulls his glaive out of the lieutenant's body. Then she falls to the ground, and her body decays and crumbles. Then the pathfinders start celebrating and Charlie walks up to Zach and says, "This is why we work together." Then Zach says, "Absolutely, but obviously we're not out of the woods just yet." Then Leafa says to Zach, "What do you mean by that honey?" Then Zach looks at Leafa and says, "Rasputin has a decontamination protocol in each bunker. He will wipe out any organic matter that's inside this bunker, that includes us if we don't get out of here." Then Rasputin speaks and activates the decontamination process. Charlie looks at Zach and asks, "How much time do we have?" Then Zach says to Charlie, "We only have 8 minutes before the cleanser activates." Then Charlie yells, "Well then, LET'S GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!" "I agree!," yelled Zach. Once everyone is ready to escape, the door out of the core room opens up and the heroes try to escape the warmind bunker with brutal haste. Suddenly, the endless quantities of thrall came back and Zach says, "Out of our way you bloodthirsty parasites." Then he deploys his maul and slams it to the ground. While the attack was successful, it only took out a small portion of the invaders. Suddenly, Leafa says to Zach, "We can't outrun them on foot, but we can if we fly out of here." Then Zach looks at Leafa and says, "Our ships can't fit inside the bunker." "Don't be ridiculous babe," said Leafa, "I have wings." Then Zach says, "Yeah, well so do I." Then Zach deploys his arcwing and grabs his brother and takes off, while Leafa deploys her wings and says to Edward and the others, "Come close to me, I'll get you out of here." Then Carlos yells at Leafa, "How the hell are you going to do that?!" Then Leafa says, "It's easy." Then she uses her magic to turn Carlos into a colorful ball of energy and places the ball onto her hand. "Isn't there a better way to do this?," asked Edward. "Do we have any other options Edward?!," yelled Jerome. Then Edward has no choice but to commit to Leafa's plan. He himself turns into a ball of essence, and Leafa follows suit for the other heroes. Once she completed her magic, she placed all of the essence into her chest and flew off, trying to catch up to Zach. As they're flying to find the exit, Leafa says to Zach, "How much time do we have left?" Then Zach looks at the timer in his helmet and says, "4 minutes, we have 4 minutes left." Then Leafa said, "It would've been 5, if I planned on using my magic a little quicker." Then Zach says to Leafa, "I know, but stay close sweetie, we're almost there. Besides, where's the rest of the team?" Then Leafa says, "I'm transporting them the same way I transported you in Arcadia." Then Zach says, "Oh, Okay good to know." Suddenly, Charlie says to Zach, "How come you don't have that ability brother?" "Now is not the time Charlie," said Zach. With brutal haste, Zach and Leafa flew using all they've got to escape from the warmind. As they're flying, Zach notices the bunker doors closing. "We have to hurry!," yelled Zach. "I know!," yelled Leafa. Suddenly, Zach gets shot in the leg, forcing him to drop Charlie. Leafa noticed what happened and tries to help her love. Then Zach looks at Charlie, then looks back at Leafa and says, "Get out of here, I'll get him." Then Leafa shouted, "But you won't make it out." Then Zach says, "Trust me, I'll improvise my way out. Now go!" Leafa had no choice but to fly to Zach. As she's flying towards him, Zach yells, "What are you doing?!" Then Leafa says, "Getting both of you out of here." Afterwards, Leafa turns Zach and Charlie into essence and flies away. While the hive are shooting at her, Leafa tries everything she can to avoid the incoming gunfire while speeding up and away out of the warmind. Leafa did get shot a few times from a few Acolytes, but that wouldn't stop her from escaping. Suddenly, she sees that the bunker is almost closed, and she tries to fly as fast as she could. She screams, thinking that she might not make it, but thankfully however, she escaped the warmind just before the bunker closed completely. As she's recovering from her flight, Leafa hears a loud noise from inside the warmind. The cleanser activates and she hears the hive screaming in agony as they're being disintegrated by the cleanser. Then Leafa sighs in relief and releases her allies out of the essence. They all landed on the ground, and Edward looks around and sees that he's back in the commonwealth. Then he starts celebrating at a job well done. The rest of the heroes stand up and Jerome says to Leafa, "Thanks for getting us out of the warmind ma'am." Then Leafa smiles and says, "No problem Commander, but I am exhausted after that flight." Then Zach takes off his helmet, walks up to Leafa, and kisses her. Then he says, "And that's why we work together." "Yep, as a team," said Leafa. "Aw, aren't you guys such a sweet couple," said Charlie. Then Zach looks at Charlie and says, "Really?" Then Charlie starts laughing. Afterwards, Charlie walks towards Zach and hugs him for saving his life. "We should bring you and your faction to Sanctuary." Then Charlie looks at the commonwealth and says, "You know, as much as I like it here, I think Sanctuary would be a much better place for me and the Pathfinders." Then Zach says, "Good, you're going to like this place." While he calls for his ship to leave the commonwealth, Zach noticed Leafa shot up a couple of times. So he picks her up and carries her to his ship. "Don't worry honey," said Zach, "We'll patch you up very well." Then Leafa says, "Thanks babe." Afterwards, the heroes take off and head back to Sanctuary. Once they arrived, Zach orders a couple of medics to heal Leafa up and relax after a long, brutal mission. Once he arrived, Riley calls to Zach, "Can I see you for a second Zach?" "Sure thing General," said Zach. Then Zach runs to Riley and says, "What is it General?" Then Riley says in a calm but concerned voice, "I'm proud that you brought Charlie here in Sanctuary, but I need you to keep an eye on him. I'm very concerned about him." Then Zach says to Riley," Don't worry General, if he tries to do something, I'll do whatever I can." "Thank you Zach," said Riley, "now go get some chow at the mess hall, you've earned it." Then Zach salutes Riley and heads off to the mess hall with his allies to celebrate a successful mission.
The scene cuts back to Kuzo and the Prowlers inside the drop ship. A prowler says to Kuzo on the comms, "Commander, we're approaching the location." Then Kuzo says, "Copy that, everyone, check your weapons and Lock and load." As the prowlers are inspecting their weapons and armor, Kuzo walks to Kirito and says, "Kirito, I must ask you something, are you afraid of facing Zach?" Then Kirito says to Kuzo, "I don't understand why." Then Kuzo says, "The man you're about to face, Zach Huehn, he's not your friend. He is your foe." Then Kirito looks at Kuzo and says, "He's taken my sister and I want to find out why. But it baffles me because she's supposed to be dead." "She is in your world," said Kuzo, "but whatever she's doing here, she must be doing something with him." As they're talking, the pilot of the drop ship announces that a mercenary group called the gunners has controlled the outpost that they're approaching. "Remember Kirito," said Kuzo, "our orders are not to kill Zach, we need him alive." Then Kirito says as he's pulling out his sword, "I know, but I hope he understands what he's about to face." Afterwards, the door of the drop ship opens and the prowlers runs out of the ship, and prepares to fight the gunners and control the outpost.
End of episode 8.
The hive lieutenant was very shocked at how fast the heroes killed the ogre, and now it was her turn to meet her fate. But she realized that she won't go down without a fight. So she deploys a small squad of Knights with their signature cleavers, and a shield made of durable shell-like material. Zach sees the squad and throws a fire bolt grenade behind the Knights and the grenade shoots multiple superheated bolts at the knights, stunning them but leaving them open to a devastating attack by the Golden warrior. He then leaps in the air, and uses his Arc energy to crash into the ground, which electrocuted his opponents. After the knights fall to the ground, Zach says to his buddies, "You guys should leave the warmind, I'll take care of her." Then Leafa yells, "Are you crazy?! You can't take them on at once!" Then Charlie says to Zach, "She's right brother, if you're taking this thing down, we're going to help you." Then Zach says, "I've done it before, I can do it again." Then Leafa runs to Zach and says, "You must not be thinking clearly. I know you typically fight alone back in your day but right now, we are a team, and we have to work as a team if we're to win." Then Zach realizes what Leafa said and he says to her, "You're right. Everyone on me!" Then Charlie smiles and says to himself, "Leafa you definitely still got it." Once the heroes heard Zach, they stood up and ready their weapons. Zach deploys another Polaris lance and says to the lieutenant, "You're going back to hell, in pieces." Then the lieutenant says to Zach, "Not if I rip out your heart first, lightbearer." Then Zach and the lieutenant started charging at each other and fought with everything they have. The lieutenant was slashing at the golden warrior with her claws, but Zach knocked every attack away with his Polaris lance. While she's focused on Zach, the lieutenant didn't realize about Carlos sneaking behind her and he jumped up with his bio blades activated and stabbed her in both shoulders. Feeling the sheer pain from the bio blades, the lieutenant shrieked in agony while Zach prepared to throw the Polaris lance at her. Unfortunately, the lieutenant used what's left of her strength and grabbed Carlos off her back. Then she threw Carlos at Zach, knocking both men to the ground. Afterwards, Zach stands up and says to Carlos, "Give Charlie some support, I got her." Then Carlos says, "But sir, the lance is losing power." Then Zach says, "Then I'll use what's left to finish her off, now go." Then Carlos nods and runs to help out Charlie and the rest of the heroes. While Carlos is fighting off the hive, Zach picks up the lance and prepares to throw it at the lieutenant. He throws the lance at the lieutenant and hits her in the chest. While the lieutenant was grounded, Zach deploys his sawed off shotguns and prepares to fire, but the lieutenant grabbed the lance, pulls it out of her chest, and throws it back at the golden warrior. Zach quickly rolls away and just before he fires, the lieutenant knocks both shotguns off his hands. Then Zach looks at the lieutenant and says, "Well that's not good." Then she throws Zach into a wall and grabs him with her powers. Then she raises her hand and charges up a blast of energy, which aims directly at Zach's head. The lieutenant says to Zach, "Time to die Lightbearer." Then Zach says, "I don't think so," and grabs his combat knife and cuts the lieutenant's wrist, forcing her to drop him and missing her target. Suddenly, Zach deploys his glaive and points the blade straight towards the lieutenant and says, "You don't know what a guardian is really capable of." Then the lieutenant says, "You're on," and fights the Golden warrior. She fires a barrage of energy at Zach, but he generates a shield in front of the glaive to protect him the incoming blasts. Then he leaps into the air and swipes at the lieutenant and chops off one of the lieutenant's arms. While the lieutenant was busy, Charlie and the rest of the heroes ran to Zach to assist him. Charlie yells, "Hey!," and aims his underbarrel M203 at the lieutenant. The lieutenant looks over to the heroes, and Charlie says, "Dodge this," and then he fires his grenade launcher. The lieutenant didn't react fast enough to escape and she got hit straight at her abdomen by the 40MM grenade and blows her away, while Zach steps up and prepares to finish her off once and for all. He points his glaive at her back and the lieutenant falls straight into Zach's blade. As her life was fading away, Zach says to the lieutenant, "Now you can rest, in hell." Then he places his foot on her back and pulls his glaive out of the lieutenant's body. Then she falls to the ground, and her body decays and crumbles. Then the pathfinders start celebrating and Charlie walks up to Zach and says, "This is why we work together." Then Zach says, "Absolutely, but obviously we're not out of the woods just yet." Then Leafa says to Zach, "What do you mean by that honey?" Then Zach looks at Leafa and says, "Rasputin has a decontamination protocol in each bunker. He will wipe out any organic matter that's inside this bunker, that includes us if we don't get out of here." Then Rasputin speaks and activates the decontamination process. Charlie looks at Zach and asks, "How much time do we have?" Then Zach says to Charlie, "We only have 8 minutes before the cleanser activates." Then Charlie yells, "Well then, LET'S GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!" "I agree!," yelled Zach. Once everyone is ready to escape, the door out of the core room opens up and the heroes try to escape the warmind bunker with brutal haste. Suddenly, the endless quantities of thrall came back and Zach says, "Out of our way you bloodthirsty parasites." Then he deploys his maul and slams it to the ground. While the attack was successful, it only took out a small portion of the invaders. Suddenly, Leafa says to Zach, "We can't outrun them on foot, but we can if we fly out of here." Then Zach looks at Leafa and says, "Our ships can't fit inside the bunker." "Don't be ridiculous babe," said Leafa, "I have wings." Then Zach says, "Yeah, well so do I." Then Zach deploys his arcwing and grabs his brother and takes off, while Leafa deploys her wings and says to Edward and the others, "Come close to me, I'll get you out of here." Then Carlos yells at Leafa, "How the hell are you going to do that?!" Then Leafa says, "It's easy." Then she uses her magic to turn Carlos into a colorful ball of energy and places the ball onto her hand. "Isn't there a better way to do this?," asked Edward. "Do we have any other options Edward?!," yelled Jerome. Then Edward has no choice but to commit to Leafa's plan. He himself turns into a ball of essence, and Leafa follows suit for the other heroes. Once she completed her magic, she placed all of the essence into her chest and flew off, trying to catch up to Zach. As they're flying to find the exit, Leafa says to Zach, "How much time do we have left?" Then Zach looks at the timer in his helmet and says, "4 minutes, we have 4 minutes left." Then Leafa said, "It would've been 5, if I planned on using my magic a little quicker." Then Zach says to Leafa, "I know, but stay close sweetie, we're almost there. Besides, where's the rest of the team?" Then Leafa says, "I'm transporting them the same way I transported you in Arcadia." Then Zach says, "Oh, Okay good to know." Suddenly, Charlie says to Zach, "How come you don't have that ability brother?" "Now is not the time Charlie," said Zach. With brutal haste, Zach and Leafa flew using all they've got to escape from the warmind. As they're flying, Zach notices the bunker doors closing. "We have to hurry!," yelled Zach. "I know!," yelled Leafa. Suddenly, Zach gets shot in the leg, forcing him to drop Charlie. Leafa noticed what happened and tries to help her love. Then Zach looks at Charlie, then looks back at Leafa and says, "Get out of here, I'll get him." Then Leafa shouted, "But you won't make it out." Then Zach says, "Trust me, I'll improvise my way out. Now go!" Leafa had no choice but to fly to Zach. As she's flying towards him, Zach yells, "What are you doing?!" Then Leafa says, "Getting both of you out of here." Afterwards, Leafa turns Zach and Charlie into essence and flies away. While the hive are shooting at her, Leafa tries everything she can to avoid the incoming gunfire while speeding up and away out of the warmind. Leafa did get shot a few times from a few Acolytes, but that wouldn't stop her from escaping. Suddenly, she sees that the bunker is almost closed, and she tries to fly as fast as she could. She screams, thinking that she might not make it, but thankfully however, she escaped the warmind just before the bunker closed completely. As she's recovering from her flight, Leafa hears a loud noise from inside the warmind. The cleanser activates and she hears the hive screaming in agony as they're being disintegrated by the cleanser. Then Leafa sighs in relief and releases her allies out of the essence. They all landed on the ground, and Edward looks around and sees that he's back in the commonwealth. Then he starts celebrating at a job well done. The rest of the heroes stand up and Jerome says to Leafa, "Thanks for getting us out of the warmind ma'am." Then Leafa smiles and says, "No problem Commander, but I am exhausted after that flight." Then Zach takes off his helmet, walks up to Leafa, and kisses her. Then he says, "And that's why we work together." "Yep, as a team," said Leafa. "Aw, aren't you guys such a sweet couple," said Charlie. Then Zach looks at Charlie and says, "Really?" Then Charlie starts laughing. Afterwards, Charlie walks towards Zach and hugs him for saving his life. "We should bring you and your faction to Sanctuary." Then Charlie looks at the commonwealth and says, "You know, as much as I like it here, I think Sanctuary would be a much better place for me and the Pathfinders." Then Zach says, "Good, you're going to like this place." While he calls for his ship to leave the commonwealth, Zach noticed Leafa shot up a couple of times. So he picks her up and carries her to his ship. "Don't worry honey," said Zach, "We'll patch you up very well." Then Leafa says, "Thanks babe." Afterwards, the heroes take off and head back to Sanctuary. Once they arrived, Zach orders a couple of medics to heal Leafa up and relax after a long, brutal mission. Once he arrived, Riley calls to Zach, "Can I see you for a second Zach?" "Sure thing General," said Zach. Then Zach runs to Riley and says, "What is it General?" Then Riley says in a calm but concerned voice, "I'm proud that you brought Charlie here in Sanctuary, but I need you to keep an eye on him. I'm very concerned about him." Then Zach says to Riley," Don't worry General, if he tries to do something, I'll do whatever I can." "Thank you Zach," said Riley, "now go get some chow at the mess hall, you've earned it." Then Zach salutes Riley and heads off to the mess hall with his allies to celebrate a successful mission.
The scene cuts back to Kuzo and the Prowlers inside the drop ship. A prowler says to Kuzo on the comms, "Commander, we're approaching the location." Then Kuzo says, "Copy that, everyone, check your weapons and Lock and load." As the prowlers are inspecting their weapons and armor, Kuzo walks to Kirito and says, "Kirito, I must ask you something, are you afraid of facing Zach?" Then Kirito says to Kuzo, "I don't understand why." Then Kuzo says, "The man you're about to face, Zach Huehn, he's not your friend. He is your foe." Then Kirito looks at Kuzo and says, "He's taken my sister and I want to find out why. But it baffles me because she's supposed to be dead." "She is in your world," said Kuzo, "but whatever she's doing here, she must be doing something with him." As they're talking, the pilot of the drop ship announces that a mercenary group called the gunners has controlled the outpost that they're approaching. "Remember Kirito," said Kuzo, "our orders are not to kill Zach, we need him alive." Then Kirito says as he's pulling out his sword, "I know, but I hope he understands what he's about to face." Afterwards, the door of the drop ship opens and the prowlers runs out of the ship, and prepares to fight the gunners and control the outpost.
End of episode 8.
Hey everyone, Star Zach here, I finally got some great news to tell you boys and girls. You guys know how hard it's been to live with my brothers, well I'm here to tell you that I'm going to move to Siren, Wisconsin. I have been accepted to live in Lakewood apartments and I'll be trying to live on my own. It will take some time to get used to the quietness of the apartment, but it is just what I need after a rough last year. I will officially move on the 21st of April, and I am excited about it. All my coworkers at my job are really happy about my news, and it will be the start of a new chapter in my life. It's been a long process to get to this point, but I'm ready for a whole new life in Siren.