Thomas Anders Was ist euer lieblingssong von Thomas anders???

tafan posted on Dec 30, 2009 at 02:30PM
Meiner ist Soldier und King of Love aber eingendlich finde ich alle songs so toll...

Thomas Anders 2 replies

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over a year ago lilyZ said…
As far as I understand German your fave Thomas Anders' songs are Soldier and King of Love, I think they're great, but I prefer Independent Girl (from This Time) & Why Do You Cry (from the new album Strong)
As far as I understand German your fave Thomas Anders' songs are Soldier and King of Love, I think th
over a year ago tafan said…
jes Warum weinst du ist ein sehr guter Song, I love it and Stay with me
jes Warum weinst du ist ein sehr guter Song, I love it and Stay with me