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Tim Burton Forum

Topics 1-27 of 27 Author Replies Views Last Post
Great Tim Burton Tribute Video  annabella1987 0 549 over a year ago
Freaky Styles a new Tim Burton soundtrack?  OliverMoon 0 610 over a year ago
Edward Scissorhands Window Found After 28 Years is up for Auction!  FullHouseLiq 3 6956 over a year ago
Tim Burton Exhibition Banner For Sale  RobstarElite 0 2018 over a year ago
Looking for a Tim Burton artist  Monrati 0 2018 over a year ago
Unknown symbol in Edward Scissorhands scene  Aqua7 1 4213 over a year ago
HELP! Jack Nickolson Joker Mold  daivader 0 5437 over a year ago
Best place to send TIm Burton a package? Please help!  sweenett101 0 2750 over a year ago
What's your favorite Burton movie?  missfoxykitty07 35 5769 over a year ago
1-10: How scary is Tim Burton?  corajd 1 2324 over a year ago
A new Alice in Wonderland  lanea30 1 1855 over a year ago
Need Tim Burton info for school project...URGENT PLEASE.......  brookemarie 0 2313 over a year ago
Which films should a Tim Burton Fangirl have seen?  HattersMadGirl 3 3505 over a year ago
What movies should tim burton do next?  rosetempest 6 4508 over a year ago
What do you think are Tim's five best films?  CWRickenbacker 3 2564 over a year ago
What's your Tim burton favorite movie  lion2699 2 1847 over a year ago
What do you think makes Tim Burton different to other directors?  big_fan_11 4 8190 over a year ago
Tim Burton's upbringing  stefagresti 3 3551 over a year ago
have Tim Burton and Danny Elfman become "disneyfied"?  darcy1792 5 3229 over a year ago
Cool music vid  skorpion404 0 1641 over a year ago
This guy had NEVER seen "Edward Scissorhands"...  spectrumashley 0 1817 over a year ago
Movie Based on Vincent  DanielRB 1 2232 over a year ago
Anyone up for the rpg?  PoisonRose 0 1451 over a year ago
Tim (A tribute to Tim Burton's "Vincent")  nowhereman 1 1619 over a year ago
Alice in Wonderland  siri_soul 5 1920 over a year ago
FAN READ  filthygeek 0 1534 over a year ago
a little documentary about Tim Burton  NatO 0 1838 over a year ago