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Chris: In the wild, you are the hunter or you are the prey. The predators must hunt to survive while prey must avoid capture to live another day. Eleven teams of two are about to compete in a primal game of capture. Each team will consist of one of our favorite Total Drama characters from later seasons, and a totally new character. This intense competition is truly survival of the fittest. In the end, one team will win and walk away with $250,000. This is Total Drama Capture. Previously on Total Drama Capture, The Black team was accused of being the devil after Mariam from the Grey team found some Orange peals in EC's bed. When the Red Team was crowned the hunt team, Grey, Black, and Gold became the main targets. An intense storm sent chaos into the hunting grounds, making Mike get sent to the hospital. As a sabotage, the Lime team had to stay out into the forest during this storm.
Darren: *From last episode* This sucks-
Chris: The Red team got their wish and captured the Gold Team. In the village, the Lime and Violet team were missing. Suspicions to whom was sabotaged spread throughout the village, and with her sneaky ways, Minka told the other teams who it was without actually telling them that she sabotaged them. When the Orange team took the Red's team meal, Elodie was pissed and sent up the Pink team. In the second day hunt, the Lime team got an "get out of a sabotage" pass with some pizza while Minka got captured. In the elimination ceremony, it was Annie and Geoff from Gold who was sent packing.
Geoff: I think we should tell you all that we know who the devil is... the devil wasn't in the main part of the village last night.
Chris: The teams are now one step closer the finding out who the devil is. Is it Lime, Violet, Red, or Pink? Or is the Gold team lying to protect the true devils? And how will Minka survive yet another hunt without Mike? Find out right now on Total Drama Capture!

*Opening Sequence*

Chris: *Intercom* Get ready teams, the hunt will begin in 30 minutes.
*The Village is silent*

*Black's Confessional*
EC: The Village has been so quiet ever since the Gold Team gave us the hint who the devil was. Based on what they said, it's either Lime, Pink, Violet, or Red. It's really hard to trust any of them.

Mariam: EC, can we talk?
EC: Um, sure.
*Mariam and EC go by the Grey team's bed*
Mariam: I want to say I'm sorry for the last two days.
EC: It's okay.
Mariam: No it's not. I didn't believe you and I should have.
EC: It's fine.
Mariam: Are you sure?
EC: Yes.
Mariam: Okay.
*EC and Mariam hug*
Elodie: *To Scott* Who do you think the devil is/
Scott: Definitely not Pink.

*Red's Confessional*
Elodie: Ever since Gold's speech, everyone thinks that we are the devils. How could we be if we were there with Turquoise when we saw that the sandwiches were already in the water.
Scott: We think that it's Violet.
Elodie: They were the only team that marked a bin that wasn't in the main part of the village.
Scott: It's either them or Lime.
Elodie: But it's definitely Violet.

Minka: Oh *beep*.
Rochelle: What's wrong?
Minka: Someone squirted my tooth paste everywhere.

*Orange's Confessional*
Rochelle: And the devil strikes yet again... Shocker.

*Starting point*
Chris: First, let me congratulate everyone for making it this far. If you survive tomorrow night's elimination ceremony, you would have made it to the half way point.
*Everyone cheers*
Chris: Now, today I am introducing a new element into the game. Right after the prey teams are released, I will reveal the location of a mystery box. The first team to get to this mystery box will have a game changing advantage. I worn you, no one is safe from the power of what's inside the mystery box. No one. The hunt team will not know the location of this mystery box, but if they find it, they will be aloud to open it and have it's power. You will not know what power is inside this mystery box, or if you were the first to get it, until tonight after the hunt. Now, about the hunt team, let's see who it is. As before, the hunt team will be selected at random. Let's see who it is.
*A Orange talon comes up in the middle of the table next to Chris*
Chris: The hunt team's color is Orange.
Rochelle and Zoey: YAY!!!!
*Rochelle and Zoey run up to the stage*
Chris: Wow, you girls are pretty happy.
Rochelle: We have been wanting to be the hunt team since the first day. We are so happy that we don't have to worry about getting capture. Now we can have some fun.
Zoey: And we get to have the hunter's din and the hunter's food.

*Red's Confessional*
Elodie: News Flash, Zoey: You already got the hunter's meal the other day!

*Starting point*
Chris: Well let's get this thing started. Prey Teams, to give you a fighting chance, you will, as always, get a head start. You may now face the hunting grounds.
*All prey teams face the hunting grounds.*
Chris: Your count down begins... now! 5... 4... 3... 2... 1! GO!
*All prey teams start running*
Chris: *On all prey team's tracking devices* You now will know the location of the mystery box on your tracking devices.

*With Lime*
Trent: What direction is it?
Darren: North... west?
Trent: Let me see. *Looks at Darren's tracking device* It's north east. Let's go!
Darren: Okay.

*With Black*
EC: Should we go to the mystery box?
Duncan: Game changing advantage? Hell yeah we are!
EC: Okay then.

*With Pink*
Jordan: I don't think we should go to the mystery box.
Dakota: Why not?
Jordan: Every team will be going over there, the hunt team will be following.
Dakota: Good point.
Jordan: Let's go the opposite direction.
Dakota: And where is that?
Jordan: Um.... that's way.

*Starting point*
Chris: Are you ready?
Rochelle: Yeah.
Chris: Do you have any teams you want to go after?
Zoey: Red mainly... maybe Grey or Black.
Chris: Very well. Now, remember. If you capture two teams, you will be safe. If you only capture one team, you will be up for elimination. If you fail to capture any teams, you will be automatically eliminated. Understand?
Rochelle: Crystal clear.
Chris: Good. *On intercom* Attention all prey teams, the hunt team will be released in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1!
*Orange starts running*
Chris: *Intercom* The hunt team has been released.

*With Minka*
Minka: Is this East... no... West. Okay.

*Minka's Confessional*
Minka: With Mike in the hospital, I'm out in these woods alone. Mike was always good at direction and where to hide. I'm more nervous than ever during this hunt.

*With Grey*
Dawn: I think we're almost there!
Mariam: Look!
*Mariam points to the mystery box*
Dawn: Yes!
*Mariam sprints to the mystery box and opens it*
Dawn: Were we the first there?
Mariam: I don't know. How do you tell?
Chris: *On Grey's tracking device* Congratulations. You opened the mystery box. But what's inside? And were you the first team to open it? Find out tonight after today's hunt.
Mariam: Okay then.
Dawn: We'll find out tonight.
Mariam: Let's go.
Dawn: Okay.

*With Orange*
Rochelle: Sh. Do you hear that?
*Sounds of foot steps are heard.*
Zoey: Where is it?
Rochelle: Over there it think.
*Zoey and Rochelle walk over to a bush a peak through. They see Violet walking*
Rochelle: It's Violet.
Amethyst: Do you think the mystery box is already opened?
Izzy: Most likely. Let's head north.
Amethyst: Okay.
Rochelle: 1... 2... 3!
*Rochelle and Zoey jump out of the bush and activate their talons and start chasing Izzy and Amethyst. The Violet Team starts running instantly.*
Rochelle: Let's get them!
*The Violet Team turns the corner and Orange does as well, but when Orange turns the corner, Violet is gone.*
Rochelle: Where the *beep* are they?
Zoey: I don't know.

*Orange's confessional*
Rochelle: So we turn the corner and they're just gone.
Zoey: They evaporated or something.

*With Orange*
Zoey: Let's just keep going.
Rochelle: Yeah.
*Orange walks away and the camera turns up above and shows Amethyst and Izzy in the trees*
Amethyst: Wow... that was easy.
Izzy: Yeah.

*With Red*
Elodie: Sh. Do you hear that?
Scott: Yeah- I see someone.
Elodie: Is it the hunt team?
Scott: No it's... Pink.

*Red's Confessional*
Elodie: We see the Pink Team walking in the forest and we thought we'd just walk with them. I mean, if we get chased by the hunt team, we can out run them easy.

*With Red and Pink*
Scott: Jordan. Dakota.
Dakota: Hey guys.
Elodie: Mind if we walk with you guys for a little bit?
Jordan: Nah. We don't mind.
Elodie: Good.

*With Orange*
Rochelle: The hunt's going to be over soon.
Zoey: What do you think is inside the mystery box?
Rochelle: Who kn- do you hear that?
*Zoey and Rochelle turn around and sees Black walk in the forest through the trees*
Rochelle: It's Black.

*Orange's Confessional*
Rochelle: So because we lost Violet mysteriously late time, we thought we'd go after the Black team a different way.
Zoey: Black was coming right towards us... so instead of getting them by behind-
Rochelle: We'd get them from in front.

*With Orange and Black- 24 MINUTES AND 23 SECONDS LEFT*
*Rochelle and Zoey sneak through the trees toward's Black.*
EC: The hunt should be over soon.
Duncan: I doubt that Orange will catch anyone.
EC: Yeah.
*Rochelle and Zoey knell down, ready to attack. They are just a few meters from Black Team when they jump out in front of them and start chasing them*
EC: Oh *beep*.
*EC and Duncan quickly turn around, but then Rochelle puts the talon on Duncan's back*
Rochelle: YES!
Zoey: We did it.

*Black's Confessional*
EC: The Orange team just comes out right in front of us.
Duncan: How didn't we see or hear them?
EC: I'm still confused.

*With Red and Pink*
Chris: *On all prey team's tracking devices* Attention all prey teams, the hunt team has captured prey. Please return to the village and see who got captured, who got the mystery box first, and what's inside it.
Elodie: We're all safe.
Jordan: Let's get going.

*Orange puts Black into the jail*
Rochelle: Sorry you guys.
EC: Yeah. Yeah. We understand.
*Grey enters the village*
Dawn: Who is it?
Mariam: EC!!!
*Mariam runs over to the jail*
Dawn: I'm guessing it's Black.
Mariam: EC, what happened?
Duncan: Oh I'm okay. I mean, I was only tackled by Rochelle.
Mariam: EC?
EC: They just came out of no where.

*Grey's confessional*
Mariam: We I walked in there and saw EC in that jail, I was so shocked. I didn't think Orange was that strong to have captured him.

*Village- LATER*
Rochelle: Where's our food?
Zoey: I don't know. It should be here by now.
Chris: *Intercom* Attention all teams. Are you ready to find out what's inside the mystery box and who got there first?
Chris: *Intercom* Very well. The team that got to the mystery box first was.... the Grey team.
Mariam and Dawn: YES!
Chris: *Intercom* And the Grey team's game changing power is... they get to over throw the hunt team.
Rochelle: Huh?
Chris: *Intercom* This means, the Grey team gets to choose a new hunt team.
Mariam: What? Awesome.
Chris: *Intercom* The team you pick can be any team, including you or the captured team. You can choose not to use this advantage if you don't feel like it.
Dawn: Oh we're using it.
Chris: *Intercom* Okay.
Zoey: We still get to have our hunter's meal right?
Chris: *Intercom* You won't. But since Grey got to the mystery box first, they get to eat it.
Rochelle: what?!
Elodie: ha.

*Red's Confessional*
Elodie: Rochelle, you already got your hunter's meal... taken from us! Sure, I would rather it be us who got it from them, and yeah even though I hate Grey, I'm still glad they took it from them.

*Grey goes to the hunter's din and starts eating*
Chris: *Intercom* Tomorrow, before the hunt begins, Grey, you will tell us who you have chosen to be the hunt team. For now, good night everyone.

Chris: *Intercom* Good morning teams, you have one hour to prepare for today's hunt. Grey team, you have one hour to decide who you want the hunt team to be.
Elodie: Scott, follow me.

*Red's Confessional*
Elodie: As much as we hate the Grey Team, we really want to be the hunt team again so we can capture Orange.

*Hunter's din*
Elodie: Hey, Mariam, Dawn. Can we talk?
Mariam: Ummm... sure.

*Grey's Confessional*
Dawn: We already knew what she was going to say. She wanted to be the hunt team.
Mariam: Yeah, you're the last team we're picking as hunt team.

*Duncan and EC are sleeping when Minka walks up*

*Minka's Confessional*
Minka: I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Grey will pick me as the hunt team. One, it's only mean and two, I'm sort of weak, I won't be able to catch anyone.

Minka: EC. Duncan... EC... Duncan. EC? Duncan?

*Minka's Confessional*
Minka: Either they were really sound asleep, can't hear me, or he's ignoring me.

Minka: EC!! DUNCAN!!!
*EC and Duncan wake up and Duncan falls out of the bed*
Duncan: Ow.
EC: What's wrong, Minka?
Minka: I need you guys to try to prevent Grey from making me the hunt team.
EC: Okay.
*Mariam and Dawn walk up*
EC: Here they come now.
*Minka walks off*
Mariam: Hey, EC, can we talk?
EC: Sure.

*EC's Confessional*
EC: I definitely need to do what Minka says. We're going to be up for elimination tonight, and I need as many people on my side as possible.

Mariam: How would you guys like to be the hunt team?
EC: You can pick us?
Dawn: Chris did say it can be anyone, including us and the captured team.
EC: Sweet. We want to be the hunt team.
Mariam: Good.
Chris: *Intercom* Attention all teams, please proceed to the starting gates.

*Starting point*
Chris: Before Grey tells us who they picked as the hunt team, let me go over the advantage point AND the supply station. Today's advantage point is yet again a sabotage. The team that is sabotaged will have to be handcuffed together for the remainder of the hunt.

*Red's Confessional*
Scott: We have got to get to this advantage point or we're going to be sabotaged. What team will fight more if their handcuffed together?
Elodie: Us or Black. And since Black is captured...
Scott: It's us.

*Starting point*
Chris: And for the supply station, there will be spaghetti and meatballs.
Rochelle: Yum.

*Orange's Confessional*
Zoey: We didn't get our hunter's meal, so we want to get that supply station.

*Starting point*
Chris: There will only be 1 supply bin. I will tell you now what is inside that... pillows.

*Pink's Confessional*
Jordan: We want that bin. As lame as it sounds, that is an amazing supply that we don't have. Our necks are killing us.
Dakota: So much pain.
Jordan: We N.E.E.D NEED to get those pillows.

*Starting point*
Chris: Now, Grey team, have you decided who you want the hunt team to be?
Mariam: Yup.
Chris: Who is it then?
Mariam: We have chosen...... The Black Team.
Chris: Okay then. Go over to the jail and release them.
*Mariam and Dawn go to the jail*

*Red's Confessional*
Elodie: All that convincing to Grey didn't work. But hey, I'm not complaining. At least they picked a semi-strong team that could catch Orange.

*Starting Point*
*Black goes up onto the stage*
Chris: Now, prey teams, you may now face the hunting grounds.
*All prey teams face the hunting grounds*
Chris: Your count down begins... now. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1! GO!
*All prey teams starting running into the hunt grounds*

*With Violet Team*
Amethyst: Where should we go?
Izzy: U-
Amethyst: Nope.
Izzy: Dow-
Amethyst: nah-nah.
Izzy: Where then?
Amethyst: Somewhere far away from Black.

*Violet's Confessional*
Amethyst: The last time Black was the hunt team, they caught us. And since we're one of the 4 teams that everyone thinks is the devil. They will send us home just to make sure we're not.

*Starting point*
Chris: Are you ready?
EC and Duncan: Yes.
Chris: Now, no matter what, you will be up for elimination tonight, but the only way to save you from being automatically eliminated you must capture a team. Understand?
EC: Yes.
Chris: Good. Let's get you guys out there. *Intercom* Attention all teams, the hunt team will be released in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1!
*Black starts running into the hunting grounds*
Chris: *Intercom* The hunt team has been released.

*With Pink*
Jordan: Which direction is the supply station?
Dakota: Ummm... north?
Jordan: I see that, but where's north?
Dakota: I think that way?
Jordan: Are you sure? I think it's that way.
Dakota: No, I'm pretty sure it's that way.
Jordan: I don't think so.

*Jordan's Confessional*
Jordan: Dakota and I seem to never agree. I like her, but I know where I'm going.

*With Pink*
Jordan: Fine. I'm going my way, you can go your way if you like.
*Jordan goes off to the north*
Dakota: Fine.

*Minka walks up*
Minka: Yes! I'm here first. Now I just need to wait for the supply station to open up.
Chris: *Intercom* Attention all teams, the supply station is now open for one hour.
Minka: Wow, what luck.
*Minka runs into the supply station and opens the supply bin*
Minka: YES! Pillows!
*Minka marks the bin*

*With Lime*
Darren: Where's the supply station?
Trent: I think we're almost there.
Darren: I want those pillows... and the spaghetti.
Chris: *All prey team's tracking devices* Attention all prey teams, the location of the advantage point has been relieved on your tracking devices.
Trent: Where's the advantage point?
Darren: Ummm... Not too far.
Trent: Should we go?
Darren: Nah. We got the get out of a sabotage card. We're safe even if whoever gets there first gets sabotaged. Let's just get to the supply station.
Trent: Okay.

*With Orange*
Rochelle: How far are we?
Zoey: Not far at all. It's in the same zone as us. We're only like a quarter or a mile.
Rochelle: Let's go!

*With Red*
Elodie: Where is it?
Scott: I'm looking. I'm looking.
Elodie: Well look faster.
Scott: I can only look as fast as I can look!
Elodie: Maybe you could look faster if you weren't talking!
Scott: I'm talking because your talking.
Elodie: Agh! Just say where it is.
Scott: On the other side of the map. Happy?
Elodie: No. We're going to get sabotaged.
Scott: I wonder why.
Elodie: Shut the *beep* up.
Scott: Fine. I will.
Elodie: Good.
Scott: Good.

Rochelle: We made it!
*Rochelle touches the advantage point*
Zoey: Yes!
Chris: *On Orange Team's tracking device* Congratulations. You have made it to the advantage point. Choose a team to sabotage.
*A list of all prey teams comes up on Orange's tracking device*
Zoey: Who should we pick?
Rochelle: Red or Grey.
Zoey: I kind of want Grey to get sabotaged.
Rochelle: Yeah, but Red is strong and might fight more with the handcuffs.
Zoey: True.
Rochelle: So we agree on Red?
Zoey: Yeah.
Rochelle: Okay.
*Rochelle picks Red*
Chris: *On Orange Team's tracking device* You have chosen to sabotage the Red team.

*With Red*
Chris: *On Red Team's tracking device* You have been sabotage. Go to the location shown on your tracking device to get your handcuffs.
Elodie: See, I told you!
Scott: I never said you were wrong.
Elodie: Let's just go get them.
Scott: Okay!

*Minka is eating some spaghetti when Lime enters*
Darren: Aw man!

*Lime's Confessional*
Darren: We go into the supply station and we see Minka there, which means she has already gotten the pillows.

*Supply station*
Trent: So you've already gotten the pillows?
Minka: Yeah, sorry guys.
Trent: Nah, it's okay.

*With Red*
*Red takes out a box from the ground*

*Red's Confessional*
Elodie: The handcuffs were in a box inside a hole underneath in ground.

*With Red*
*Scott puts the handcuffs on him and Elodie*
Elodie: Well let's go.
*Scott and Elodie go opposite directions*
Elodie and Scott: OW!

*With Black*
EC: Sh. I hear someone.
Duncan: Where?
EC: Over there.
*EC and Duncan bend down behind a bush and see Rochelle and Zoey walking near*
EC: *whispers* Awesome.
Zoey: Rochelle, wait. I need to tie my shoes.
Rochelle: Okay, hurry up.
*Zoey ties her shoes as Duncan and EC come out the bush. Zoey looks up for a quick second and then looks down. She does a double take and sees EC and Duncan and begins to run*
Zoey: Rochelle! RUN!
*Rochelle turns around and then starts running. Black follows*
Zoey: RUN! RUN! RUN!
Rochelle: I am!
EC: Duncan! Run faster!
Duncan: I am!
*Zoey trips over her shoelace and falls down*
Rochelle: Zoey get up!
Zoey: I am!
*Zoey gets up but before she takes a step, Duncan puts a talon on her back and Zoey falls back down to the ground*
Duncan: YES!
*Duncan and EC high 5s*
EC: We did it!
Chris: *intercom* Attention all teams, the hunt team has captured prey, please return to the village to prepare for tonight's elimination ceremony.

*Black and Orange go into the jail*
EC: Don't worry guys, we're joining you in here as well.
Rochelle: *sarcasm* Awesome.
*Pink walking into the village followed by Minka*

*Pink's Confessional*
Jordan: When we saw Orange in the jail we were like, wow. This was truly a reversal of fortune.

*Minka's Confessional*
Minka: When I saw Rochelle and Zoey in the jail cell, I was shocked. I'm in an alliance with both of them. I have to decide who will take me the farthest in the game.

*Red's Confessional*
Elodie: I was happy when Orange was in there. But now we need to decide who we hate the most. Orange or Black. This will be tough.

Okay, all teams, but the two Captured teams (Black Team and the Orange Team) must vote one of the vote captured team (Black or Orange) to leave. Please inbox me or comment below the team you want to see go home and your reason for voting them.
added by DandC4evacute
added by twitdrama
Source: Me eue
added by princess2109
added by ninjacupcake88
added by Elkhat-Law
Source: a turtles anus
posted by RawrMonster123
The whole day went by slowly. Probably because I had no plans and all I was waiting for was the basketball game. I hated how basketball games were near night.

When it was an hour before the basketball game I bolted into my room. LaToya stuck her head out her bedroom door, thinking that my stomping was a mini earthquake. I threw my bed clothes off and put on my clothes I left out yesterday. The rushing messed up my hair, so I had to take back off my beanie and comb my hair back down.

I had 30 minutes left until the basketball game. Why did I have to be so excited? Being excited makes me do stuff...
continue reading...
Tiffany: Hello! Welcome to Total...Drama..Summer! I'm your host Tiffany, and this summer will be full of amazing episodes. You won't be seeing much of me, which probably makes some of you very pissed off-

Camera Girl: I'm sure they're very disappointed... [sarcastically]

Tiffany: Shut up and just do your job! Anyways, let me explain the show, before we do anything else. This show isn't your usual season of Total Drama. There will not be a winner or even real challenges...sort of. This season will be more like...lets use Jersey Shore for an example. Right now that's all you need to know so lets...
continue reading...
posted by princess2109
Name: Layla Marie Evergreen
Nicknames: Lay Lay
Birth Date: 11/ 21/ 98
Place of Birth: Zanesville,Ohio
Height: 5'2
Weight: 98 pounds
Clothing Styles: anything light and comfy, mostly white,grey and/or black things
Hair Color: Black with blonde tips
Hair Length: short, about shoulder
Eye Color: blue
Jewelry: sometimes a bubble necklace
Tattoos: none
General Appearance: short dress, messy curly hair, shy looking
Relationship with Family: Lets them do mostly everything for her.
Relationship with Friends: Trys to not make friends...
Key Friends: Anya (if she could count as her friend owo)
Key Enemies: Doesn't...
continue reading...
( ) You love to dance
() you have crush on a dude while another guy crushes on you
() You think your family is kinda weird
() You sometimes like to act like a girl from the streets
() One of your siblings had cancer
() You hate the Justin Bieber
() You suck at drawing
() You always go outside for a walk
() Your imagination is big
() Animals love you
() You date a boy that one girl loves
() You hate people that act that they're "smart"
() You scribble anything that is around you
() You hate when people flirt with you
() Your cold with people at first
() When you fall in love you...
continue reading...
Jinny: Welcome to part 2 now we are gonna see what are the contestants doing!! It can be anything!!

(Room 1)
Veto:*lying upside down* Really where did you get that?
Sayu:*laughs* Yay! And heh, people can never know where I get my video games from .3.
Jade:"Sayu you get most of them from me cause i have connections to promoters ">->
Sayu: Jadey! Nobody was supposed to knooow >.< but if they ask you for a video game you reject them! Cause I wanna be the first person to beat aaaaaallllllllll those games :3
Valencia: That was interesting I have a secret but nobody tell Jinny
continue reading...
If I don't upload this now I'll keep changing it until its completely different ...I'm just weird that way... XD I've had this written for like a week now...
Yeah... so its one big part :P
And theres probably a few grammer/spelling errors cause I belong on YGS XD

Daniel: Last time on Total Drama International,
The campers had to design clothing in Japan with certain themes. Things got a little fiesty when I added Johnny the intern in with Team Flashlight. Johnny messed up Cassies outfit which gave him the boot.
Lets hope an actual camper goes on this episode of

continue reading...
Boxxy: Welcome back viewers! Last time on TDTM, people sang songs to their sweeties! x3

Liam: And things got heated up between the spicy love triangle of Bradley, Cassie, and Lila!

Kristyn: And in the end, Lila got the boot.

Boxxy: So what will happen next on....Total....Drama.....THE MOVIES!

(Theme Song)

*Boxxy's Trailer*

Boxxy: *digging through stuff* Where's my eye liner? I lost it? NOOOOOOO!!!!

*Mess Hall*

Cassie: *feeding*

Veto: *kissing Valencia*

Max: *whispering something to Paige*

Lana: *riding on Eddie's back* GO EDWARD!! XD

Edward: Man....look at all these couples....
continue reading...
posted by Elkhat-Law
Instructions: pick as many characters as you desire and have them answer the meme. (You can answer as well, if you like.) Enjoy!

1. What do you look for in a partner?
Eddie: Epicness, more epicness. Well, He/she would have to be funny, awesome, hyper to live up to my hyperitity--
Jake: c:
Luke: ... A brian? Brain you retard... but i'm with Veto minus the ovaries

Me: ahh shit I suck at spelling

2. If you could go anywhere, regardless if it’s real or not, where would you go?

Veto: Hogwarts
Eddie: ...yo mamas house
Jake: ... anywhere...
continue reading...
posted by colecutegirl
This'll be from riley's pov
Name: Riley Evernite
Meaning of name: Well it means courageous so it suits me *laughs*
Nickname:Riri, Riot, rainbows( sayu only -.- don't even ask), rileys,
Meaning of nickname: Riri is a shortening of riley, riot is like Riley Riot, a nickname given to me by pixie. Rainbows...I'll explain later *laughs*
Stereotype: The happy artistic girl
Age: 16
Race: I'm British, mixed with Japanese.
Hometown: Yorkshire, England
Birthday: 12th March.
Species: Human, but how cool would it be to be like a neko or a vampire!
Gender: Female,
Religion: Catholic but I don't...
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posted by BridgexJordan
Name: Joss Michele Sullivan.
Meaning of name: a member of the Germanic tribe, the Gauts
Nickname: N/A
Meaning of nickname: N/A
Stereotype: The shy boy
Age: 15
Race: White
Hometown: Adrian, MI
Birthday: April 14th
Species: Human.
Gender: Male
Religion: Catholic
Allergies: Nuts.
Sexual preference: Female.
Occupation: Library.
Way of speaking:Doesn't talk much but when he does he is very quiet.
Theme Song(s): "This is me" by Demi Lovato.


Hair color: Brown.
Hair style and length: Curly.
Eye color: Green
Eyesight: eh. It could be worse.
Height: 4'11''
Weight: 85LBs
Clothing style: Red hoody with...
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posted by Thedrawer11
Name: Stevie Zacerowski
Nickname: Zack
Sexuality: straight
Grade: Freshman
Age: 14 and 1 half years old
Description: Blonde pigtails Navy blue tunic pick leggings and brown uggs.
SKin tone: light
Eye color: Blue
Interesting fact: she carries a lucky brush around.... if you touch it hell will rise
Friends: Luna winarsky, Riley, and Morgan cooper! They my buddies
enemies: only rude people
Personality: Nice pleases everyone except mean people!
Strengths: Sit ups, ummm soccer softball and makeup
School: Red bank Nj she goes for art
Bio: Stevie grew up with one little brother and a twin sister Caroline. Also...
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posted by colecutegirl
Name:Jayden frasca
Meaning of name: It means precious stone
Nickname: kitty, cute, hot, sexy...many others
Meaning of nickname: Do they need explanations?
Stereotype:The flirty fun girl
Age: 17
Race: Part lithuanian Part Italian
Birthday: 12th february
Species: human
Gender: female
Religion: none
Allergies: none
Sexual preference: bisexual
Occupation: Drummer in a band but sings too.
Way of speaking: flirty with a slight italian accent.
Theme Song(s): Botdf-bewitched
Personal Quote: 'don't have one

Hair color: originally brown but...
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posted by poophead4837ext
Ryan: Welcome back. You all know the drill.

*everyone on team blue recieves a photo of themselves but Avory* Sorry Avory...

Avory: O-ok..Bye guys... :/ *leaves the landed plane*

*Team Red goes to the good room, and Team Blue goes to the bad room, the cameras follow Team Red*

Meredith: *to Sayu* Since there's five people shouldn't it be the merge?

Sayu: I guess so. But who knows what Ryan has planned.

*in intercom thinger-kabobber*

Ryan: Well..hi guys... we have two new contestants who will join soon. Just wanted to clarify that.

Sayu: Question answered. There's TWO people joining. Maybe next episode?...
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posted by imtheninja
my friends on this website I will no longer be on here anymore on the count of people cyberbullying me I know you'll miss me but goodbye my friends im going to miss you we've all had our good times but there are so many cyber-bullies please remeber me for my kindness my friends goodbye forever xoxo

I also shall throw a cookie party/pizza party with my friends before I leave now we shall celwbrate my friends the people who I call out are imvited
And many more
People not invited
posted by imtheninja
Anna on left vannessa on right
Anna on left vannessa on right
Name: anna
Middle name: lily
Last name: fader
Age: 16
Dob: may 5,1996
Personality: nice,shy,hothead,flirty,protective,funny
Friends everyone
Enemies: gwen,staci,alejandro,lightning

Hair color: brown
Length of hair: long
Eye color: blue
Height: 5"2
Weight: 120

Dad: adam fader big shot billionare for faders and sons ferrari's
Mother: donna fader nicki minaj's costume designer ( I got creative)
Brother: richie fader he's the brattiest boy even though he's 8
Youngest brother: max fader he's the center of attention blah blah blah
Oldest sister: jillian fader she's in harvard coming home...
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