Total Drama Island Links
If Geoff can air Chris and Blaineley's dirty laundry, I can see him do the same to Don (TDRR Host).
New Total Drama project Collab Applications!
Just wanted to vent my final thoughts on "Total Drama" before moving on. The moral of the story is that Don from "The Ridonculous Race" prefers to learn from his mistakes than make new ones or repeat old ones.
The internet troll who is constantly harassing me over my opinions on Don from TDRR. Come on, Don was nice and Chris (TDROTI-TDPI) was not.
who loves the sweet and weird relationship of Courtney and Duncan well don to exited. total drama action is fatal to these two love birds.
Ever wondered the difference between Chris and Don? You do now!
A club for anyone who likes the new show Total Dramarama.
Please respect my opinion. Also, if you want me to fix your pictures, Send me those puppies!
I will turn them into moosterpeices!!
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