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Train Heartnet Question

What would you do?

what would you do if you saw train walking in the shops????
 ziva posted over a year ago
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Train Heartnet Answers

Tsubasathira said:
My mouth would probably hit the floor in surprise... i think that i won't have enough strength to go talk to him, but i'll follow him all the same.. i may grow into a stalker!!!
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My mouth would probably hit the floor in surprise... i think that i won't have enough strength to go talk to him, but i'll follow him all the same.. i may grow into a stalker!!!
posted over a year ago 
Haha nice, thanks for the comment :D
ziva posted over a year ago
luverofcats said:
i'd rape him O.O
ahahaha just kidding XD probably just stare at him because i'd be waaaaaaayyyyyy too nervous to say hi
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posted over a year ago 
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