yes I've wondered about this 4 a long time aswell, and now I'm positive its true. Long shadows didn't give as many hints as other books but I'll list them any way. There are only like 2 more. Oh and all the 3 are her kits. I think it would have been cool if it was only Jaypaw, Jayfeather.
1. Jaykit remembers a dream of him walking through snow and Leafpool says it was true. Leafpool could have snuck away to have her kits during leafbare and had to walk them back to camp in the snow and sneak him into the nursery with Squirrleflight.
2. When Jaypaw tells Leafpool he can walk in other cats dreams Leafpool says he might be destined 2 be a medicen cat. She is very happy at this, probly because she is proud that her 1 and only son is a medicene cat just like her.
3. Squirrleflight didnt have a lot of milk, so she probly only had some to feed Hollykit and Lionkit.
4. Jaypaw has a dark, almost black pelt. Just like Crowfeather. And I dont see that dark color is Squirrleflight or Brambleclaw.
5. When Yellowfang had kits, her punishment was that only Brokenstar would live and he destroyed Shadowclan. What if Leafpools punishment was that Jaypaw was to be blind and grow up with another mother, even worse.... her sister! At least shed always be close I gess.
6. In the short story After sunset we need to talk, Leafpool was probly gonna tell Crowfeather that she had kits but didnt because he told her about Nightcloud and Breezekit.
7. When Jaypaw went on a walk and went near the Windclan border he liked the feal of the wind and all the open space where he couldnt trip over stuff. Sounds like a Windclan cat 2 me eh?
8. Starclan told Leafpool that she has a destiny like no other medicene cat be4 her. Maybe that destiny is to train her blind son Jaypaw how to be 1 of the most powerfull cats ever.
9. In Eclipse when Squirrleflight is badly hurt Jaypaw is sitting next to her saying please dont die mother, please dont die. Leafpool is upset when this happens. Some say ist because her sister is dying, but I say SCREW THAT! She might be sad because she will never get that kind of love from Jaypaw (or any1 4 that matter) and that she has 2 watch him love some1 else like that.
10. When Squrrileflight is in the medicene cat den she tells Jaypaw to get lots of rest and Leafpool gets mad and says, I know how to take care of MY own aprentice. Shes probly telling Squirrleflight she can handle her own SON.
11. In the middle of Long Shadows Jaypaw says hes going to try and find some more cat mint for the cats. Leafpool says be carefull and Jaypaw thinks that she should stop mothering him, and that he has Squirrleflight for that.
12. At one point Spiderleg is in the medicen cats den because hes sick. Daisy comes in and gives this whole speech about how hes a bad father. Leafpool steps in and is all like kits are a precious gift,you should take every chance to be a good father. Spiderlegs like how doyou know and Leafpool goes on saying your kits still have a mother and a father even if him and Daisy arent all that close. And that Hes punishing the kits by not spending time with them. Lastly she says if your not carefull you will lose touch with your kits and thats the worst punishment of all. Shes probly telling him to be a good father because she can never be a good mother.
13. When Jaypaw finds a huge store os cat mint thats saves the clan, he goes to the Moon Pool with all the other medicen cats. When they get there Leafpool says its time for Jawpaw to get his full name. As she starts the cerimony Jawypaw, soon to be Jayfeather, says he could feel a lot of love and compassion coming from Leafpool, and he wonders if he really means that much to her. Of corse he does! Leafpool is so proud that her son is following in her paw prints.
Thats all my points that I can think of. But heres another question. If Leafpool really is his mother, does any1 but Squirrleflight, Brambleclaw, maybe even Firestar know? The answer is no. Theres a part in Long Shadows (SPOILER! READ AT YER OWN RISK!) where theres a fire in the camp. The 3 are stuck and theres no way out. Squirrleflight is still wounded from the big battle and trys to move a long stick towards them so they can climb out. Ashfur appears and stops her and gives this whole speech about how much she hurt him, how Brambleclaws not here to save them, how he tryed to kill Firestar to make her feel his pain, and lastly how hes gonna kill her kits so she could feel his pain. Squirrleflight is all like kill them then, it wont hurt me. They aren't my kits. And how she fooled everyone even Brambleclaw. So no one else knew.
I totaly knew it! So Ashfur runs off, the 3 get out and are all mad at Squirrflight because she lied to them for so long. Squirrleflight says she cant tell them who their real mother is and they get all worried about the prophecy. They sneek out later to talk about it and are all like were not Firestars kin if Squirrleflight isnt our mother and Firestar doesn't have any other kin. Except Cloudtail but there positive its not him. Well HELLOOOOOOO! They are forgetting about Leafpool. Shes Firestars daughter to. Ashfur thretens to tell the whole gathering Squirrleflights seceret. This leave only one possible solution, and its the worst of all. As they gather to leave Fireheart says where Ashfur and Squirrleflight? Squirrleflight comes running back drenched in mud and is all like I fell. They keep walking near the Windclan border when they see Ashfur, dead in the river. Later they find some claw marks on his neck and decide he was murdered. Squirrleflight probly killed him and tossed him in the river to get her scent off him, and she jumped in mud to get his scent off him. At first I thought it was Sol but then I knew it was Squiirleflight. So there ya have it, Leafpool is all the threes mother.
14. firs this is twilightriver and every body ho read long shadow nos what the reactun of leafpool did when she fond the fang marks in ashfur neck? maybe she told squirrleflight to kill ashfur to potekt HER secret and squirrleflights ps the person aso forgot aboght jayFEATHER and crowFEATHER leafpool did that becuse crowFEATHER is the father and she wants her son to be namend after his father also squirrleflight was a never in the nersery most of the time so how do you explane that! still she went to her warrior duty erliy ( i forgot if the guy said it are not) but if you reamber brightheart.? she wated some to recover when she gave birth to whitewing. but ther is 1 q i have, how did she give birth to the 1,2 are 3 kits she had to have some sort of herbs and more help she most of had more help beside squirrlflight and dont fergit that crowFEATHER dosnt now
twilightriver here i have 2 questons that need to be anserd. 1 how did leafpool give birth if only squirrleflight was there. she must of had more help, and remimber crowfether dosnt now. 2. is lionblaze squirrleflights son are did he just git his looks from firestar and sandstorm?
1. Jaykit remembers a dream of him walking through snow and Leafpool says it was true. Leafpool could have snuck away to have her kits during leafbare and had to walk them back to camp in the snow and sneak him into the nursery with Squirrleflight.
2. When Jaypaw tells Leafpool he can walk in other cats dreams Leafpool says he might be destined 2 be a medicen cat. She is very happy at this, probly because she is proud that her 1 and only son is a medicene cat just like her.
3. Squirrleflight didnt have a lot of milk, so she probly only had some to feed Hollykit and Lionkit.
4. Jaypaw has a dark, almost black pelt. Just like Crowfeather. And I dont see that dark color is Squirrleflight or Brambleclaw.
5. When Yellowfang had kits, her punishment was that only Brokenstar would live and he destroyed Shadowclan. What if Leafpools punishment was that Jaypaw was to be blind and grow up with another mother, even worse.... her sister! At least shed always be close I gess.
6. In the short story After sunset we need to talk, Leafpool was probly gonna tell Crowfeather that she had kits but didnt because he told her about Nightcloud and Breezekit.
7. When Jaypaw went on a walk and went near the Windclan border he liked the feal of the wind and all the open space where he couldnt trip over stuff. Sounds like a Windclan cat 2 me eh?
8. Starclan told Leafpool that she has a destiny like no other medicene cat be4 her. Maybe that destiny is to train her blind son Jaypaw how to be 1 of the most powerfull cats ever.
9. In Eclipse when Squirrleflight is badly hurt Jaypaw is sitting next to her saying please dont die mother, please dont die. Leafpool is upset when this happens. Some say ist because her sister is dying, but I say SCREW THAT! She might be sad because she will never get that kind of love from Jaypaw (or any1 4 that matter) and that she has 2 watch him love some1 else like that.
10. When Squrrileflight is in the medicene cat den she tells Jaypaw to get lots of rest and Leafpool gets mad and says, I know how to take care of MY own aprentice. Shes probly telling Squirrleflight she can handle her own SON.
11. In the middle of Long Shadows Jaypaw says hes going to try and find some more cat mint for the cats. Leafpool says be carefull and Jaypaw thinks that she should stop mothering him, and that he has Squirrleflight for that.
12. At one point Spiderleg is in the medicen cats den because hes sick. Daisy comes in and gives this whole speech about how hes a bad father. Leafpool steps in and is all like kits are a precious gift,you should take every chance to be a good father. Spiderlegs like how doyou know and Leafpool goes on saying your kits still have a mother and a father even if him and Daisy arent all that close. And that Hes punishing the kits by not spending time with them. Lastly she says if your not carefull you will lose touch with your kits and thats the worst punishment of all. Shes probly telling him to be a good father because she can never be a good mother.
13. When Jaypaw finds a huge store os cat mint thats saves the clan, he goes to the Moon Pool with all the other medicen cats. When they get there Leafpool says its time for Jawpaw to get his full name. As she starts the cerimony Jawypaw, soon to be Jayfeather, says he could feel a lot of love and compassion coming from Leafpool, and he wonders if he really means that much to her. Of corse he does! Leafpool is so proud that her son is following in her paw prints.
Thats all my points that I can think of. But heres another question. If Leafpool really is his mother, does any1 but Squirrleflight, Brambleclaw, maybe even Firestar know? The answer is no. Theres a part in Long Shadows (SPOILER! READ AT YER OWN RISK!) where theres a fire in the camp. The 3 are stuck and theres no way out. Squirrleflight is still wounded from the big battle and trys to move a long stick towards them so they can climb out. Ashfur appears and stops her and gives this whole speech about how much she hurt him, how Brambleclaws not here to save them, how he tryed to kill Firestar to make her feel his pain, and lastly how hes gonna kill her kits so she could feel his pain. Squirrleflight is all like kill them then, it wont hurt me. They aren't my kits. And how she fooled everyone even Brambleclaw. So no one else knew.
I totaly knew it! So Ashfur runs off, the 3 get out and are all mad at Squirrflight because she lied to them for so long. Squirrleflight says she cant tell them who their real mother is and they get all worried about the prophecy. They sneek out later to talk about it and are all like were not Firestars kin if Squirrleflight isnt our mother and Firestar doesn't have any other kin. Except Cloudtail but there positive its not him. Well HELLOOOOOOO! They are forgetting about Leafpool. Shes Firestars daughter to. Ashfur thretens to tell the whole gathering Squirrleflights seceret. This leave only one possible solution, and its the worst of all. As they gather to leave Fireheart says where Ashfur and Squirrleflight? Squirrleflight comes running back drenched in mud and is all like I fell. They keep walking near the Windclan border when they see Ashfur, dead in the river. Later they find some claw marks on his neck and decide he was murdered. Squirrleflight probly killed him and tossed him in the river to get her scent off him, and she jumped in mud to get his scent off him. At first I thought it was Sol but then I knew it was Squiirleflight. So there ya have it, Leafpool is all the threes mother.
14. firs this is twilightriver and every body ho read long shadow nos what the reactun of leafpool did when she fond the fang marks in ashfur neck? maybe she told squirrleflight to kill ashfur to potekt HER secret and squirrleflights ps the person aso forgot aboght jayFEATHER and crowFEATHER leafpool did that becuse crowFEATHER is the father and she wants her son to be namend after his father also squirrleflight was a never in the nersery most of the time so how do you explane that! still she went to her warrior duty erliy ( i forgot if the guy said it are not) but if you reamber brightheart.? she wated some to recover when she gave birth to whitewing. but ther is 1 q i have, how did she give birth to the 1,2 are 3 kits she had to have some sort of herbs and more help she most of had more help beside squirrlflight and dont fergit that crowFEATHER dosnt now
twilightriver here i have 2 questons that need to be anserd. 1 how did leafpool give birth if only squirrleflight was there. she must of had more help, and remimber crowfether dosnt now. 2. is lionblaze squirrleflights son are did he just git his looks from firestar and sandstorm?