Leader: Fox Star (Tom) Red Tabby
Deputy: White Path (Tom) Black cat with white paws
Warriors introduced in story!
Chapter 1
Sun kit squealed when he saw his sister, mist kit was biting his tail. His head raised from his toes and he bit her ear. “Ow! Hey!” Hissed mist kit. “Your biting my tail and it hurts more than a ripped off ear!” He snarled. The older kit got up and flung mist kit onto the high stump. “YOWWW!” Screamed mist kit. She stumbled to get up. She darted to the nursery with tears drooping from her eyes. Sun kit began to worry about the consequences. He was becoming a paw today, but he can be held back for another moon! Sun kit then saw his mother, Lost leg, approach him. There was a flash of anger in her eyes. Sun kit took a step back as his ears flattened. He yowled at his mother screaming, “please! Don’t hold me back from being an apprentice! Mist kit can’t be a paw before me! She’s much younger! Plus I-“ he was interrupted by lost leg “only if you PROMISE not to hurt her.” She meowed. Sun kit knew it wasn’t fair having her harm him but he couldn’t do the same. Just when he saw fox star on the night stump, he knew it was time for his ceremony. “All cats old enough to Claw the crows, gather for a clan meeting!” Chapter 2
Deputy: White Path (Tom) Black cat with white paws
Warriors introduced in story!
Chapter 1
Sun kit squealed when he saw his sister, mist kit was biting his tail. His head raised from his toes and he bit her ear. “Ow! Hey!” Hissed mist kit. “Your biting my tail and it hurts more than a ripped off ear!” He snarled. The older kit got up and flung mist kit onto the high stump. “YOWWW!” Screamed mist kit. She stumbled to get up. She darted to the nursery with tears drooping from her eyes. Sun kit began to worry about the consequences. He was becoming a paw today, but he can be held back for another moon! Sun kit then saw his mother, Lost leg, approach him. There was a flash of anger in her eyes. Sun kit took a step back as his ears flattened. He yowled at his mother screaming, “please! Don’t hold me back from being an apprentice! Mist kit can’t be a paw before me! She’s much younger! Plus I-“ he was interrupted by lost leg “only if you PROMISE not to hurt her.” She meowed. Sun kit knew it wasn’t fair having her harm him but he couldn’t do the same. Just when he saw fox star on the night stump, he knew it was time for his ceremony. “All cats old enough to Claw the crows, gather for a clan meeting!” Chapter 2

NORMAL Mary sue.

Stereotypical Mary sue.