I'm a boy who loves cats, I have a lot of friends but I also have a small group of cat loving boys. We all read Cat Fancy. But I found out about the warriors books. Screw Cat Fancy, the warrior books are awesome! The whole first series were full of action and drama! They weren't extremely violent (most of the time), but they were still gruesome. Then I got to the New Prophecy series, The first one was, eh. I loved the second one. I didn't really like all the drama of Dawn, but I liked the escape from the shelter. Dawn was my least favorite and was boring, Starlight was better, and I liked the fifth one. I mean Cinderpelt died! That was a surprise to me, I never thought that would happen. And the sixth one was awesome. I loved it! I'd been stuck on who the traitor might be. I had kinda guessed Ashfur, but I couldn't be sure. The first three of The power of three were ok but I loved Eclipse and Long Shadows. I mean the fight in Eclipse was awesome, and I really just loved Long Shadows. I mean, come on! Ashfur was the traitor! And Squirrelflight actually wasn't the parents to the three! That was a shocker. Now we don't know for sure that Leafpool is the mother and Crowfeather is the father, but that's what I think. Erin's left hints everywhere so I think that's the truth.

NORMAL Mary sue.

Stereotypical Mary sue.