Warriors! its that time of Year Again, its time for the Olympics, Pick your favorite country for your OC to be in, and hope they win in the following weeks.
Posted over a year ago
i am 25 years old and still read them i remember i was in grade school when into the wild came out firepaw aka firestar always be #1
Posted over a year ago
I'm making a clan called willowclan always excepting new members! Just go to willowblazes homepage and ask me in the questions. Put your name gender rank lower than leader and a pic if u don't have a pic just tell me your features. Willowclan strong and calming. Just like the willows towering above us
Posted over a year ago
Posted over a year ago
Attention! My friend is currently in the process of making a Warriors ME/AP and is in need of artists and/or animators to help make it amazing! If you are interested or would like more information, please let her know on her Deviantart page!
Oh, hi. Sorry I wasn't on... I'm using my school's internet, cuz we have our own computers, and i wasnt on for 3 days because of labor day...over a year ago
A story by AmberPelt~
AmberPelt was walking in the forest, she was strong enough to tackle a fox now. She secretly was teached by Darkforest, and she knew it. She was half-evil, she was told to kill the leader of her clan (ThunderClan), ShadowedStar.. AND her deputy, Larkheart, on the same night. Then she did it. Grieve shadowed over her back, and she ran off, her tail swaying, she took her leader's last life.
Posted over a year ago
Dove wing. Raven mist. Sorry the words will be apart but whatever. Night berry. Jay foot. Dust jaw. Snow pool. Ruby heart. Star Claw. Tiny foot. Lost heart. That one was kinda odd I know. I've made more I'm just not putting them up right nowover a year ago
Hey everyone! I love warriors and I've read about 3/4s of the warriors series. Isn't it awesome? I can always make a poll or something, so just ask!
Posted over a year ago
Please join my spot, Warriors of HoneyClan (Honeytail/star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted over a year ago
omg i just had my kits! Jayfeather your a amazing med cat! as im saying this Gingerkit (my beautiful kitten and she is ginger ) is pushing her soft tiny paws into my bellie and suckling with feels weird (lol) but i dont get one thing... i cant sleep :( !! after she stops i`ll get Jayfeather to give me more borage and and some poppy seed well im gonna be quiet now and get some borage
Posted over a year ago
What about these
Posted over a year ago
Hi everyone can anyone think of some names for my character in my fanfic she's a white tortoiseshell with brilliant green eyes pls say them cause I can't think of any
Posted over a year ago
Ebonydrop, Patchdrop, Snowdrop, Maplemoon, Mallowfeather, Sloefur, Splashbramble, Sagepatch, Whitefur, Berrydrops, Silvershadow, Robindrop, and Swallowfeather. There are some more.over a year ago
Oops, here are some more, Sugarpelt, Sugarleaf, Sugarmist, Sugarfur, Sugarpatch. SORRY IF I PUT TO MANY NAMES I JUST love WARRIORS!!!!!!over a year ago
Whitedapple, Bramblesplash, Leafspots OW! (Gingerkit wacked me with her paw) :( umm Dapplespots, Moonpelt, and thats all i got but its ok to LUV WARRIORSover a year ago
The Blurb of Tallstar's Revenge
A desperate quest for revenge.
Tallpaw is a loyal WindClan apprentice who is eager to protect his Clan. But before Tallpaw can complete his apprentice training, a tragic incident leaves his father dead—and Tallpaw consumed by a burning desire for vengeance. Even as he earns his warrior name, Talltail, he cannot see past the anger in his heart.
Posted over a year ago
Though it goes against everything he has been taught, Talltail puts his loyalty to WindClan aside and travels far from home in search of justice for his father. But Talltail's new life outside the laws of the warrior code is filled with danger... and he is forced to decide how much he is willing to sacrifice for revenge.over a year ago
Will someone join my new clan WaterClan~ the rulers of the ocean? I'm Shimmerbreeze and we need a leader. Anyone? All you gotta do is read fellow warriors in articles, and then go to the forum to see what you can be. We welcome everyone.
Posted over a year ago
I know that this has nothing to do with Warriors, but can someone please join my club?! PLEASE?!
You can go to the arcticle I wrote to find out about the charcters. :)
Posted over a year ago
Cloudstar was the leader of SkyClan. He led SkyClan to find a new home when the twolegs took over their territory. But, sadly, the clan got broken up. Spottedleaf was thunderclan's med. cat when Firestar first arrived to the clan. She was killed by Tigerstar's rouge allies, I think it was clawface who killed her? She's a tourtoiseshell with amber eyes. Oakheart was Crookedstar's brother. He was also Bluestar's mate. He and Bluestar had three kits, Stonefur, Mistyfoot, and Mosskit. He was killed in a rock fall, mainly caused by Tigerstar.over a year ago
Please join my club 'Shadowclan's Allies'! It is for cats who are loyal to Shadowclan through and through. It is Shadowclan. Be a warrior or apprentice or medicine cat or even deputy! I'm the leader, Rainstar. (Don't ask for a place, just start rping as that cat. Please don't fight over roles.)
Posted over a year ago
would anyone read a Warriors/My little pony: friendship is magic/Happy tree friends fanfic? or at least a warriors/one of those things fanfic? I'm almost done with my MLP/ HTF and i need something else to write, i figured Warriors would be best. if you have any ideas or something, please comment.
Posted over a year ago
I like Firestar, too! Hopefully, we get to see him in Starclan! Hey, has anyone read Yellowfang's Secret yet? It's awesome and sad.
Posted over a year ago
i cried :'( when he died. then just when i finished crying, i looked over at firestar's quest and it says on the front cover: 'The greatest adventure ever for ThunderClan's hero'. So i started bawling againover a year ago
Hi! If anyone would like to join a clan, please join Moonclan! The clan of intelligence and stealth :) It needs members! Thanks to all who join!
Posted over a year ago
Did you know... well a lot of people know this but a lot don't... Scourge and Firestar are half brothers... were have we seen that before. Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost
Posted over a year ago
Bramble claw is THE BEST and you know it. Hollyleaf is weird when it comes to rules and she becomes PHYCOTIC!!!! Jayfeather is FREAKIN' AWESOME and lets leav it at that.over a year ago
These are the roles that are open to roleplay: Leader, Warriors, Medicine cat, Medicine cat apprentice, Queens, kits, apprentices, elders.over a year ago