whatsupbugs Article Suggestions

whatsupbugs posted on Jun 18, 2023 at 10:17PM
If there's a certain type of article that you want me to make, you can suggest it. Feel free to post multiple things if you have multiple ideas. If the article idea pertains to something that I don't know very well or don't have much to say about, I might not be able to take the suggestion.
last edited on Jun 18, 2023 at 10:19PM

whatsupbugs 4 replies

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over a year ago NectariaKiritsi said…
Well, I haven't made a forum post before, but this is going to be my first one. I would like you to make more articles about your collection from various other franchises that you love and possibly more interesting articles about facts that you know about your favorite franchises like what you did with Batman, Frozen, Code Geass, Blue's Clues and Masters of the Universe for example which I would love to learn more things from you based on your knowledge that you have about those franchises. :)
whatsupbugs commented…
I appreciate your suggestion. It is helpful to get some feedback. over a year ago
over a year ago OakTown_Queen said…
Do you believe in Astrology? Why?
whatsupbugs commented…
I'm sorry but that's not a topic that I know much about. over a year ago
over a year ago yorkshire_rose said…
I think that your articles come from within, your heart ❤️your passions, it's so nice to share those passions with others. I feel like you should go where your heart takes you, I bet you have a lot more to share. If there was one thing that I would like you to write about, it would be an article dedicated to Adam West. He his close to your heart and mine also. If you decide to go with that, then I will so look forward to reading it. I wish you well with all your future writings ❤️

last edited over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
I have a future article planned that brings up my feelings for Adam West. over a year ago
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
You could do an article with your top 5 favorite movies and your bottom 5 least favorite movies, or whatever topic you like!
whatsupbugs commented…
Thank you for the idea. over a year ago