Whistle the dog Updates

a comment was made to the poll: who is cuter when they're not flipped out? over a year ago by Edvine2
a poll was added: is Whistle better when he's flipped out or when he's normal? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a comment was made to the poll: would you want Whistle as a pet? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a poll was added: would you want Whistle as a pet? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a poll was added: what would Whistle's theme song be? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a poll was added: who looks stronger when they are flipped out? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a poll was added: who is cuter when they're not flipped out? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a pop quiz question was added: what is the first episode that Whistle's was in? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a pop quiz question was added: who was Whistle's first victim? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a poll was added: best Whistle pic? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a comment was made to the poll: should Whistle be Flippy's sidekick? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a poll was added: should Whistle be Flippy's sidekick? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a question was added: Why do you like Whistle? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
an article was added: Whistles kills over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a pop quiz question was added: what makes whistle flip out? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a photo was added: good whistle over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a poll was added: Don't you wish Whistle was in more episodes? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9
a poll was added: who would win in a fight? over a year ago by akatsuki_lover9