The story follows Benedict, a young aged man who is sent to Purgatory, which looks like a simple 1960’s town, but with dead souls who resemble the deaths they faced. Benedict is soon met with Death, a simple entrepreneur who is unable to find out anything about Benedict, and can not find out if he is meant to go to Heaven or Hell. However, Death asks Benedict to try and do some good in Purgatory. However, the downside is, unlike earth, Purgatory is not at all safe, as people could be plucked out of it immediately by either an angel or a demon, and that it is also home to the Seven Deadly Sinners, a dangerous gang based off the Seven Deadly Sins. Benedict now needs to try and prove himself in order to make it to Heaven. However, there is a catch. If Benedict is killed in Purgatory, his soul will belong to the Devil
A young man, who is possibly in his late twenties, who was killed in a car accident. Benedict never did anything good in his life, though he never did anything bad either. He just existed. This is what caused him to be sent to Purgatory, where he now has to do good, by helping residents of Purgatory. However, he see’s that to be much harder than he thought, as he is always being targeted by the Seven Deadly Sinners, as he is trying to reach Heaven, which the Seven Deadly Sinners would not want. Now, Benedict is forced to avoid the Seven Deadly Sinners as best as he can, while helping others as best as he can
A young girl, possibly in her mid-twenties, who killed herself. After being treated badly due to cyberbullying, Mary hung herself to escape it all. By doing this, she was unable to make it to Heaven, but she had done far too much good to be sent to Hell, so she was sent to Purgatory. Unlike everyone else in Purgatory, she was sent to live there permanently, with no chance of leaving. Mary, however, believes that she may be able to leave Purgatory one day, and so, with the help of Benedict, she tries her hardest to try and help others in Purgatory
One of the members of the Seven Deadly Sinners. She resembles the sin of lust, as she takes great pleasure in killing people. She is very flirtatious and attractive, always trying to seduce men. However, besides her face, her body is covered with scars she received from whips. Once she seduces men, she kills them slowly and painfully, enjoying every second of it, and takes sexual pleasure in it. Though she is is able to scare most of the other members of the Seven Deadly Sinners, she is not the leader. She is the only female member of the Seven Deadly Sinners.
One of the members of the Seven Deadly Sinners. He resembles the sin of wrath, as he is always angry. When he is not angry, he is easily able to be angered by about anything, giving him a very short temper. His entire body is burnt to a crisp, making every bit of movement painful for him. He uses a canister of gasoline and a match to kill people by setting them on fire, so they can feel how he feels before they die. His own looks are enough to scare anyone, but his methods of killing people are what make him one of the worst of the Seven Deadly Sinners
One of the members of the Seven Deadly Sinners. He resembles the sin of sloth, as he is rarely seen awake, and is mostly sleeping. No one knows how Baron really behaves or what he looks like, making him very mysterious. His long black hair and beard make it hard to see his appearance. However, once he is woken up, he will go into a bloodlust rage, murdering whoever is near. This could mean that he is crazy, as this is the only emotion he shows.
One of the members of the Seven Deadly Sinners. He resembles the sin of greed, as he is known to steal from victims before killing them. Very selfish and arrogant, he enjoys nothing more than stealing from others. He has only one eye, ear, nostril, arm, and leg, only adding to his greediness. Whenever he is killing someone, he steals from them first before killing them, including money, jewelry, and even clothes. Not one of his victims are left unrobbed.
One of the members of the Seven Deadly Sinners. He resembles the sin of gluttony, as he is always eating. Rarely does Duke talk, as he is always eating constantly. Duke is very obese, to the point where he is unable to move quickly, so he has no choice other than to roll his way around places. Whenever he meets a victim, he will try to cut them up with a meat cleaver, or even try to bite them with his incredibly sharp teeth, and may even eat whatever he tears off from the victim.
One of the members of the Seven Deadly Sinners. He resembles the sin of envy, as he is jealous of everyone around him. He is the most disfigured out of the group, as he was never fully developed when born, and resembles an undeveloped deformed fetus, with short arms and legs. He lacks the ability to walk and speak and can only move in a wheel chair. However, he has the ability to murder people by using his mind. With his telekinetic powers, he destroys the brain from the inside, killing anyone he see’s. His own allies are even cautious of him, as they are worried he could kill them. Though, secretly, he is very loyal to his group.
The leader of the Seven Deadly Sinners. He resembles the sin of pride, seeing himself as being perfect. Judas is the most sadistic of the group, torturing people psychologically before he kills them. Judas is the least disfigured of the group, only having one eye that is permanently rolled into his head, but he hides it with a fake eye. Unlike the other Seven Deadly Sinners, Judas observes his targets carefully, trying to see what makes them miserable. Once he does meet them, he jokes about how awful their lives are and how his is wonderful. Once they are completely broken, he will then kill them, or even allow them to kill themselves, making him the most evil of the Seven Deadly Sinners.
The story follows Benedict, a young aged man who is sent to Purgatory, which looks like a simple 1960’s town, but with dead souls who resemble the deaths they faced. Benedict is soon met with Death, a simple entrepreneur who is unable to find out anything about Benedict, and can not find out if he is meant to go to Heaven or Hell. However, Death asks Benedict to try and do some good in Purgatory. However, the downside is, unlike earth, Purgatory is not at all safe, as people could be plucked out of it immediately by either an angel or a demon, and that it is also home to the Seven Deadly Sinners, a dangerous gang based off the Seven Deadly Sins. Benedict now needs to try and prove himself in order to make it to Heaven. However, there is a catch. If Benedict is killed in Purgatory, his soul will belong to the Devil
A young man, who is possibly in his late twenties, who was killed in a car accident. Benedict never did anything good in his life, though he never did anything bad either. He just existed. This is what caused him to be sent to Purgatory, where he now has to do good, by helping residents of Purgatory. However, he see’s that to be much harder than he thought, as he is always being targeted by the Seven Deadly Sinners, as he is trying to reach Heaven, which the Seven Deadly Sinners would not want. Now, Benedict is forced to avoid the Seven Deadly Sinners as best as he can, while helping others as best as he can
A young girl, possibly in her mid-twenties, who killed herself. After being treated badly due to cyberbullying, Mary hung herself to escape it all. By doing this, she was unable to make it to Heaven, but she had done far too much good to be sent to Hell, so she was sent to Purgatory. Unlike everyone else in Purgatory, she was sent to live there permanently, with no chance of leaving. Mary, however, believes that she may be able to leave Purgatory one day, and so, with the help of Benedict, she tries her hardest to try and help others in Purgatory
One of the members of the Seven Deadly Sinners. She resembles the sin of lust, as she takes great pleasure in killing people. She is very flirtatious and attractive, always trying to seduce men. However, besides her face, her body is covered with scars she received from whips. Once she seduces men, she kills them slowly and painfully, enjoying every second of it, and takes sexual pleasure in it. Though she is is able to scare most of the other members of the Seven Deadly Sinners, she is not the leader. She is the only female member of the Seven Deadly Sinners.
One of the members of the Seven Deadly Sinners. He resembles the sin of wrath, as he is always angry. When he is not angry, he is easily able to be angered by about anything, giving him a very short temper. His entire body is burnt to a crisp, making every bit of movement painful for him. He uses a canister of gasoline and a match to kill people by setting them on fire, so they can feel how he feels before they die. His own looks are enough to scare anyone, but his methods of killing people are what make him one of the worst of the Seven Deadly Sinners
One of the members of the Seven Deadly Sinners. He resembles the sin of sloth, as he is rarely seen awake, and is mostly sleeping. No one knows how Baron really behaves or what he looks like, making him very mysterious. His long black hair and beard make it hard to see his appearance. However, once he is woken up, he will go into a bloodlust rage, murdering whoever is near. This could mean that he is crazy, as this is the only emotion he shows.
One of the members of the Seven Deadly Sinners. He resembles the sin of greed, as he is known to steal from victims before killing them. Very selfish and arrogant, he enjoys nothing more than stealing from others. He has only one eye, ear, nostril, arm, and leg, only adding to his greediness. Whenever he is killing someone, he steals from them first before killing them, including money, jewelry, and even clothes. Not one of his victims are left unrobbed.
One of the members of the Seven Deadly Sinners. He resembles the sin of gluttony, as he is always eating. Rarely does Duke talk, as he is always eating constantly. Duke is very obese, to the point where he is unable to move quickly, so he has no choice other than to roll his way around places. Whenever he meets a victim, he will try to cut them up with a meat cleaver, or even try to bite them with his incredibly sharp teeth, and may even eat whatever he tears off from the victim.
One of the members of the Seven Deadly Sinners. He resembles the sin of envy, as he is jealous of everyone around him. He is the most disfigured out of the group, as he was never fully developed when born, and resembles an undeveloped deformed fetus, with short arms and legs. He lacks the ability to walk and speak and can only move in a wheel chair. However, he has the ability to murder people by using his mind. With his telekinetic powers, he destroys the brain from the inside, killing anyone he see’s. His own allies are even cautious of him, as they are worried he could kill them. Though, secretly, he is very loyal to his group.
The leader of the Seven Deadly Sinners. He resembles the sin of pride, seeing himself as being perfect. Judas is the most sadistic of the group, torturing people psychologically before he kills them. Judas is the least disfigured of the group, only having one eye that is permanently rolled into his head, but he hides it with a fake eye. Unlike the other Seven Deadly Sinners, Judas observes his targets carefully, trying to see what makes them miserable. Once he does meet them, he jokes about how awful their lives are and how his is wonderful. Once they are completely broken, he will then kill them, or even allow them to kill themselves, making him the most evil of the Seven Deadly Sinners.
In the slaughterhouse, Rick quietly cuts his handcuffs (fashioned out of rope) with a wooden stick that he hid in his sock.
Man 1: You smell the smoke? You hear the shots? He could be dead.
Man 2: The hell we doing here? The whole place could be going up.
Man 1: You went on one roundup and you blew protocol. We don't deal with security. That ain't our job. This is... Hey, look at me.
Rick: (appears out of nowhere) FOR GLORY! (stabs the knife into his knife, killing him instantly).
Man 2: Oh man.. Thank god that wasn't m- (
Rick: (stabs him in the neck, and than in the stomach, brutally killing him).
Man 2: (dying) Tell my friends I died kissing a girl!
Rick: No! (keeps stabbing him).
Rick: (taking out his AK47 as he prepares to fight his way out) Stop.. Let them turn... Cross any of these people, you kill them. Don't hesitate.. They won't.
Bob: I- Is Rick being INTELLIGENT?
Glenn: Yeah... Kinda creepy, isn't it?
In the slaughterhouse, Rick quietly cuts his handcuffs (fashioned out of rope) with a wooden stick that he hid in his sock.
Man 1: You smell the smoke? You hear the shots? He could be dead.
Man 2: The hell we doing here? The whole place could be going up.
Man 1: You went on one roundup and you blew protocol. We don't deal with security. That ain't our job. This is... Hey, look at me.
Rick: (appears out of nowhere) FOR GLORY! (stabs the knife into his knife, killing him instantly).
Man 2: Oh man.. Thank god that wasn't m- (
Rick: (stabs him in the neck, and than in the stomach, brutally killing him).
Man 2: (dying) Tell my friends I died kissing a girl!
Rick: No! (keeps stabbing him).
Rick: (taking out his AK47 as he prepares to fight his way out) Stop.. Let them turn... Cross any of these people, you kill them. Don't hesitate.. They won't.
Bob: I- Is Rick being INTELLIGENT?
Glenn: Yeah... Kinda creepy, isn't it?