Amora(16)-Princes of peacx,fairy
Tanya(18)-Amoras love,witch
Rosa(20)-Amoras friend,going to become a nun(secretly in love with Amora)
Gabriela,Gaby(32)-Amoras older sister
Chapter 3-destiny
Amoras pov
A prince?Im not 10 anymore i dont need a prince on a white horse…i need love and noone can give me that in that sertain way except Tanya…but would my mom understand that if i just said it?She doesnt like her very much…
I lookd at the big fluffy heart at the end of my room and hold it tight so it started too play a love was so beautifull…
I turnd around and soe my older sister Gabriela come in with something in her hand.
»Oh,hay Gaby«i waved and put the heart down
»I know…«
»Know what?«i looked down triing too hold back tears »That im gona get married to a prince?I just found out about an houer ago too…«I lookd up and smiled as i could »Great,isnt it?Like a dream come true..«
Gabriela noded sadly »I was in the next room while you were in the kitchen with mom and your…friend..«She lookd derectly at my eys »I soe how you were looking at her and how she was looking at you,i soe bouth of yours reacions when mother told you the news,she didnt notice anything because shes blinded with fairytails- but i soe it and i belive it«
A tear droped down my chek.I raped my arms around my sister and she huged me back. »What am i going too do?«
»You need too tell mom how you really fell-she will acept it…in a while«she opend her hand and there was a golden memory necklace.I opend it and there was a picture of my grandmother and me.I really loved her…i never wanted her too leve…
»This will give you courage«she smiled and put it on my neck »Do you remember how much of a brave person nana was?«
»Yes,she was the best«I smiled and wiped my tears then hold on too the neckless »Thank you«
»No problem,we are family and family sticks together no matter what«Gabriela said and smiled back.
I was waiting for Tanya at some park we were going too meet.She was already 20minuts late.Where is she?What if something hapend?What if…?
»Hey..«She said with a really low voice,when she finaly arived.
»You sure are earely«i kissed her on the lip,i could smell pot and vodka-athlest now i know where she was.
»Sorry,i was…at…the bank…i had too…pay my sc-scholle bill from before«she kofed,and swolovd.Her throught was probably as dri as a deserd from smoking all that weed.
I wanted too throw something at her head at that time for lieing too me but instaid i just took a bottle of voter out of my bag and gived it to her
»Thanks«she drinkd it
»Sooo…«i started and hold her hand while we walked »i was thinking about telling my mother about us but i want you too be there too«
Why?!Is she serious?Doesnt she even care if im going too stay with her or if im going too get married too someone els?!
»Because…it would be nice…«i looked down »dont you want too come and be with me when i tell her?«
»Nahh,iv got be-better things too do but you me how it worked out,ok?«
She didnt look at me even once while she was speaking »I have too..go now«she droped my hand
»But you just got here?!«
Whats on her mind right now?Whats she thinking?Why is she acting like that?Whats wrong…? »
»I…have somewhere to be…bay«
she still didnt look at me whille simpely going away without even giving my a kiss goodbay or telling me where well meet next.
I didnt hear from Tanya in about 3 days when she finaly calld and told me too meet her-in about two houers from now- I didnt tell my mother abot us yet and im surtenly not going too do it alone-i want…no..i deserve an explenasion from Tanya first…
»Thinking about her again?«said my friend Rosa while drinking tea.
Athleast i could always count on her,she never lets me down and shes always been there for me.
I noted sadly »Yea…i just..dont know whats goten into her..«
»So she usualy wasnt late,drunk and high when meeting up with you?«
»No!Of course not…«i thought a little »Whell…sometimes but…she always calld the other day and promesed me it wont hapen again«
»But it did…didnt it?«
I was a bit angry at Rosa pointing it out like that but deep insaid i knew she was just trying too help.
I noded and took a sip of tea
»Amora i…«She looked at me with a worrid face »i know you love her but..think about your futur…shes bad for you,youll be miserable youll whole life if you dont just…let her go…maybe you should just marry the prince of Greendail-i heard hes a really nice and good-looking guy«
I couldent belive my ears…how can she even say that?!
I stand up and took my bag
»Amora…wait i didnt...«she was looking down
»Save it… it ok?«
I heard enough…i wasnt just gonna sit there and listen how Tanya isnt the right person for me and how better my life would be if i just marry some guy i dont even know.
I wallked too the bus stop where i was meeting Tanya and sat down.It was cold even thought it was spring,thise day was really clowdy and it semed like it was going too rain any second.
I lookd at my clock a couple of times while i waited
»19.33…shel probably come any second now«i wisperd too myself and just then i soe her coming behind the corner.
I run too her and huged her »Oh Tanya!I missed you so much…«
I tried too kiss her but she moved away with a cold expresion,didnt even look at me again.
It felt like someone put a knife true my heart
»Is…something wrong…?«
»Iv been thinking …«she was trying hard too awoid my eys »maybe its for the best..«
»Wh-whats for the best?What are you trying to say…?«
By then i knew it…just dont say it..pleze dont…
»Maybe its best if we go seperet ways«she said the sentanc quickly showing no emocions at all.
A part of me died when she seid that...i couldent say anything i couldent brave…i was standing there half dead
It started too rain
»Youll forget about me in some time«she continued »and be happy with the one who will treat you like a princess witch you are«She was looking straight,not even blinking
»But i…i…«
»Like i said-youll forget about me«
Tanyas turned away leving me on the rain..alone..broken…
i fell on my kneas and started crying,i didnt even care if someone sees me or not.I had too let it out right away it was too much too handle.
I was sobing for some time when i sudenly i realaised that it wasent raining on me anymore-i lookd up and soe Rosa holding an anbrella above me.I got up and hugd her as hard as i could while me tears were sliping away…
AN-Sooo what do you think?like it?hate it?pleze rewive :))))
Amora(16)-Princes of peacx,fairy
Tanya(18)-Amoras love,witch
Rosa(20)-Amoras friend,going to become a nun(secretly in love with Amora)
Gabriela,Gaby(32)-Amoras older sister
Chapter 3-destiny
Amoras pov
A prince?Im not 10 anymore i dont need a prince on a white horse…i need love and noone can give me that in that sertain way except Tanya…but would my mom understand that if i just said it?She doesnt like her very much…
I lookd at the big fluffy heart at the end of my room and hold it tight so it started too play a love was so beautifull…
I turnd around and soe my older sister Gabriela come in with something in her hand.
»Oh,hay Gaby«i waved and put the heart down
»I know…«
»Know what?«i looked down triing too hold back tears »That im gona get married to a prince?I just found out about an houer ago too…«I lookd up and smiled as i could »Great,isnt it?Like a dream come true..«
Gabriela noded sadly »I was in the next room while you were in the kitchen with mom and your…friend..«She lookd derectly at my eys »I soe how you were looking at her and how she was looking at you,i soe bouth of yours reacions when mother told you the news,she didnt notice anything because shes blinded with fairytails- but i soe it and i belive it«
A tear droped down my chek.I raped my arms around my sister and she huged me back. »What am i going too do?«
»You need too tell mom how you really fell-she will acept it…in a while«she opend her hand and there was a golden memory necklace.I opend it and there was a picture of my grandmother and me.I really loved her…i never wanted her too leve…
»This will give you courage«she smiled and put it on my neck »Do you remember how much of a brave person nana was?«
»Yes,she was the best«I smiled and wiped my tears then hold on too the neckless »Thank you«
»No problem,we are family and family sticks together no matter what«Gabriela said and smiled back.
I was waiting for Tanya at some park we were going too meet.She was already 20minuts late.Where is she?What if something hapend?What if…?
»Hey..«She said with a really low voice,when she finaly arived.
»You sure are earely«i kissed her on the lip,i could smell pot and vodka-athlest now i know where she was.
»Sorry,i was…at…the bank…i had too…pay my sc-scholle bill from before«she kofed,and swolovd.Her throught was probably as dri as a deserd from smoking all that weed.
I wanted too throw something at her head at that time for lieing too me but instaid i just took a bottle of voter out of my bag and gived it to her
»Thanks«she drinkd it
»Sooo…«i started and hold her hand while we walked »i was thinking about telling my mother about us but i want you too be there too«
Why?!Is she serious?Doesnt she even care if im going too stay with her or if im going too get married too someone els?!
»Because…it would be nice…«i looked down »dont you want too come and be with me when i tell her?«
»Nahh,iv got be-better things too do but you me how it worked out,ok?«
She didnt look at me even once while she was speaking »I have too..go now«she droped my hand
»But you just got here?!«
Whats on her mind right now?Whats she thinking?Why is she acting like that?Whats wrong…? »
»I…have somewhere to be…bay«
she still didnt look at me whille simpely going away without even giving my a kiss goodbay or telling me where well meet next.
I didnt hear from Tanya in about 3 days when she finaly calld and told me too meet her-in about two houers from now- I didnt tell my mother abot us yet and im surtenly not going too do it alone-i want…no..i deserve an explenasion from Tanya first…
»Thinking about her again?«said my friend Rosa while drinking tea.
Athleast i could always count on her,she never lets me down and shes always been there for me.
I noted sadly »Yea…i just..dont know whats goten into her..«
»So she usualy wasnt late,drunk and high when meeting up with you?«
»No!Of course not…«i thought a little »Whell…sometimes but…she always calld the other day and promesed me it wont hapen again«
»But it did…didnt it?«
I was a bit angry at Rosa pointing it out like that but deep insaid i knew she was just trying too help.
I noded and took a sip of tea
»Amora i…«She looked at me with a worrid face »i know you love her but..think about your futur…shes bad for you,youll be miserable youll whole life if you dont just…let her go…maybe you should just marry the prince of Greendail-i heard hes a really nice and good-looking guy«
I couldent belive my ears…how can she even say that?!
I stand up and took my bag
»Amora…wait i didnt...«she was looking down
»Save it… it ok?«
I heard enough…i wasnt just gonna sit there and listen how Tanya isnt the right person for me and how better my life would be if i just marry some guy i dont even know.
I wallked too the bus stop where i was meeting Tanya and sat down.It was cold even thought it was spring,thise day was really clowdy and it semed like it was going too rain any second.
I lookd at my clock a couple of times while i waited
»19.33…shel probably come any second now«i wisperd too myself and just then i soe her coming behind the corner.
I run too her and huged her »Oh Tanya!I missed you so much…«
I tried too kiss her but she moved away with a cold expresion,didnt even look at me again.
It felt like someone put a knife true my heart
»Is…something wrong…?«
»Iv been thinking …«she was trying hard too awoid my eys »maybe its for the best..«
»Wh-whats for the best?What are you trying to say…?«
By then i knew it…just dont say it..pleze dont…
»Maybe its best if we go seperet ways«she said the sentanc quickly showing no emocions at all.
A part of me died when she seid that...i couldent say anything i couldent brave…i was standing there half dead
It started too rain
»Youll forget about me in some time«she continued »and be happy with the one who will treat you like a princess witch you are«She was looking straight,not even blinking
»But i…i…«
»Like i said-youll forget about me«
Tanyas turned away leving me on the rain..alone..broken…
i fell on my kneas and started crying,i didnt even care if someone sees me or not.I had too let it out right away it was too much too handle.
I was sobing for some time when i sudenly i realaised that it wasent raining on me anymore-i lookd up and soe Rosa holding an anbrella above me.I got up and hugd her as hard as i could while me tears were sliping away…
AN-Sooo what do you think?like it?hate it?pleze rewive :))))
